Adventure Game Studio

AGS Support => Beginners' Technical Questions => Topic started by: SLaMgRInDeR on Thu 19/06/2003 17:46:26

Title: 3 more questions about animations
Post by: SLaMgRInDeR on Thu 19/06/2003 17:46:26
ok, i have a flic thats working, and  iv got it to play when i do something, but...
1)the backgroud is white, and i want it to be seethrough. i was hoping ags would tunr it tranceparent like with sprites, but it dosen't, so how do i make it tranceparent? (and dont just say "in photoshop", how?)
2)the animation plays, then the character moves to where i want him when it plays after its played, even though it says "MoveCharacter(DGO,88,221);
so what have i done wrong?
3) how do i get it so the animation plays when DGO is at 185, and then when it finnishes he is somewhere else, without seeing him move?
(   (   ( <( -_-)> )   )   )
Title: Re:3 more questions about animations
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 20/06/2003 03:32:03
1) You mean the flic's background should be transparent? No, it's not possible.


character[CHARID].x = desired-x-position
character[CHARID].y = desired-y-position

Note that the character[CHARID].x and character[CHARID].y should only be modified when the character had stopped moving, see the manual for more details.
Title: Re:3 more questions about animations
Post by: SLaMgRInDeR on Fri 20/06/2003 17:17:12
thanx, it almost works now, but it says "pars error in expr near "216"" (the x co-ordinate i typed in)
is this still to do with the "character[DGO].x and character[DGO].y should only be modified when the character had stopped moving"? as i already solved one problem about it.
(   (   ( <( -_-)> )   )   )
Title: Re:3 more questions about animations
Post by: Scorpiorus on Sat 21/06/2003 16:02:13
it should be:

character[DGO].x = 216;
