Change Game Resolution from old game for new version AGS

Started by Ghostlady, Wed 22/05/2024 00:47:05

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I have imported an old game into the latest AGS 3.6.0 software. The games images (rooms) were created at 640 x 480 and the game resolution was created with 640 x 480.  I would like to enhance the images and give a bigger resolution.  Can I change the game resolution for example to 1280 x 1024 to match the enhanced images without breaking the game?
My Games:

Hauntings Of Mystery Manor
Intrigue At Oakhaven Plantation
Haunting at Cliffhouse

Crimson Wizard


If all of your backgrounds scale in size, then all the masks (hotspots, walkable areas, etc) must equally scale in size as well to match them.

Furthermore, if you have coordinates somewhere in script, you would have to multiply these coordinates to keep the script refer to same positions relative to the room bg.

Another potential issue is character walking speeds, these might have to be adjusted for the bigger rooms.
Actually, any speeds have to be scaled, since they are in pixels or pixels per game tick. For example, if you move an object step by step in script, this will have to be adjusted.


My Games:

Hauntings Of Mystery Manor
Intrigue At Oakhaven Plantation
Haunting at Cliffhouse

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