Continue my idle view

Started by Lennart, Tue 21/05/2024 10:07:09

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Hi all,

When my character starts being idle, I made a view for that.
however, after that animation it stops being idle for one frame and then continues being idle again.
How can I create a idle view without this short break?


Crimson Wizard

Idle view works like this: it waits for IdleDelay seconds before starting, plays once, then waits for IdleDelay duration  before starting again. If you want a continuous animation, then you need to set IdleDelay to 0, but that also starts idle animation immediately when your character does not move.

If that is not what you want, you may need to script your own idle animation.


the idle animation is set up so your char will get bored, then scratch their butt for 2 seconds, then go back to their normal stance. It doesn't really want to do something like your char falling asleep on their feet and just standing there like that til the player clicks.

I had a similar issue with the think view where I wanted it to do a setup and then repeat just the 2nd part and it won't do it. It'd be trivial if we could modify the core think or idle functions but we can't.

Options would be:
make your own idle function and call that from execute always using a global int-tracked timer that is reset whenever the player clicks.

or just make the idle animation loop really long so that players will almost always move on and stop being idle before the animation can end.
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