min and max for speed in gui slider

Started by dikla, Tue 27/07/2004 19:41:59

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i made a gui slider and set the min to 0 and max to 10. when i test it, it does not change the speed. can someone tell me if the problem is the my min and max or should i do some script or what?
txs dikla

Hollister Man

I think you need some script to even make it work.  There's plenty of other places to get the information you need, but the Demo Quest 3 demo has an example.  If you'd like to check it out, go to www.demoquest.us/dq3demo.zip

You should be able to get the script and slider information from there, if nowhere else.
That's like looking through a microscope at a bacterial culture and seeing a THOUSAND DANCING HAMSTERS!

Your whole planet is gonna blow up!  Your whole DAMN planet...


Also, what speed is this GUI for? Text speed, game speed, what? You didn't specify. It would help if you did.

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