Need help with scripting error

Started by veryrelevant, Sat 07/04/2007 20:55:59

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I am new to this, and am currently working through the tutorial, but on part 8
I keep getting an error that says:

"There was an error compiling the script for dialog topic 1.  The error was: Dialog (line 4): Invalid label marker.  Must be 1 .. NumOptions."

I followed the tutorial script exactly, so what am I doing wrong?


Could you post your dialog, and what you did precisely?


// dialog script file
@S  // dialog startup entry point
@1  // option 1
MERCHANT: "A nice leather jacket, what all the cool dudes are wearing, for you, just $200!"
EGO: "Yo dawg, that's kinda expensive, isn't it?"
MERCHANT: "Not for this windbreaker Sir, A guy in China made it special just for you."
EGO: "Hey man, that's aright."
@2  // option 2
MERCHANT: "A perfect item for a good joke.  The eyeball will only cost you $3.99."
@3  //option 3
MERCHANT: "OK, fine."
goto-dialog 0

I found my error-I forgot to enter in the option names for one, two and three, it works fine now.  Thanks for the help

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