Adventure Game Studio

AGS Support => Beginners' Technical Questions => Topic started by: on Wed 10/12/2003 12:07:06

Title: Graphics and Video - Before I begin
Post by: on Wed 10/12/2003 12:07:06
I decided to try my hand at using AGS as I wanted to incorporate my cartooning into a game but what I am wanting to know is these few points:

1) I draw all my artwork, scan and colour in photoshop. Am I able to achieve a high level of graphic illustration if I import into this program?

2) Is there anything I should know before colouring and shading my work? I do not want to do a lot of drawings and realise I cannot achieve the results I want.

3) I was going to do an introduction in flash and import it via compatible video format but will I have the same problem with this also?

I would like to be able to see my drawings in a game but I really want to know if it is worth the effort and if the finished results will resemble what I drew?
Title: Re:Graphics and Video - Before I begin
Post by: jetxl on Wed 10/12/2003 12:44:31
1) AGS now suppots 32 bit color. should be no problem to begin with since you don't see any difrence between 16bit and 32bit drawings.

2)hmm. do some tests with sprites. make sure there is the is a big color difrence between the background color (that will become invisible) and the object.

3) I don't think so...(avi does make flash movies lesser in quality)

Just try it out. load in a picture you already made and see.
Title: Re:Graphics and Video - Before I begin
Post by: BOYD1981 on Wed 10/12/2003 15:26:20
gradients tend to look better in 32bit colour
Title: Re:Graphics and Video - Before I begin
Post by: on Wed 10/12/2003 22:34:08
Sorry I am new to this whole system so I am not 100% sure how to make these changes. I know how to change the resolution of screen size but how do you make these changes to colour? Is it in the pallette option? I have played around with it but being new to this it can get a bit daunting.
Title: Re:Graphics and Video - Before I begin
Post by: on Thu 11/12/2003 12:49:30
Go to pallete and press the hi-res color button.

Title: Re:Graphics and Video - Before I begin
Post by: Scummbuddy on Thu 11/12/2003 15:23:32
This is one of the first steps in the tutorial.  You really should go ahead and give this a good read.

as well as the other sticky threads in this forum.

Welcome to the community.