help for my new game

Started by amit14, Tue 18/07/2017 10:50:10

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So, let's start out. i thought to design a game which will consist of some forest location and the player will be a man working with some people to sort out a mystery and the enemies are some clones of animals who are upgraded to have some dangerous powers and are controlled by the main villain. So, firstly, is such a game possible using AGS?


First of all yes it probably is.
Second that is some bad title for help post.
Third it is not a real technical question.


Quote from: horusr on Tue 18/07/2017 10:54:06
First of all yes it probably is.
Second that is some bad title for help post.
Third it is not a technical question.
but its written "for help starting off scripting your AGS game."


Well also in read me first thread it says "The idea of this board is to allow those of you that are new to AGS to ask simple questions when you get stuck"

Well don't mind me, i am just bored. Shoot questions


Quote from: horusr on Tue 18/07/2017 11:12:41
Well also in read me first thread it says "The idea of this board is to allow those of you that are new to AGS to ask simple questions when you get stuck"
didn't I did that


Let's see...
New to AGS check
Simple question check
Stuck? I dont know.

Really, just ask questions,  dont mind me.
But if you want some feedback on your idea ask to Critics' Lounge.


So I want to ask if its possible to create a static background for suppose, the whole forest area. I mean all the levels in the forest, can they have a constant non moving background? Like if i want to create a moon in the background, a scrolling background will make the moon go away as the player moves forward!!!


I don't know is it possible to make that in AGS but this module makes it possible: scrolling module


Some tips for making a better help thread:

Have you read the manual? It should give you a good idea of whether your game idea is possible in AGS. And have you searched the forum for other threads that might already answer your question? You can also look through the games database to see if there are any games like what you want to make. (If not, that might be an indication that AGS is not well suited to the job.)

In the title of the thread, put a description of the concrete problem you're trying to solve.

When you describe your idea, the most relevant part (when it comes to scripting) is how the mechanics are going to work, not the story around it. If you were asking about making Monopoly in AGS, it doesn't matter whether you wanted to make Star Wars Monopoly or ABBA Monopoly (it exists!) â€" it's the same game either way. The important thing is explaining how you want it to play (multiple players, a bank, you throw 2 dice, move around the board in a loop, can buy the spaces you land on if not already owned, otherwise have to pay money to the person who owns it, etc.).

So for example, you talk about "enemies": it doesn't really matter whether the enemies are animals, zombies, robots, ninjas or aliens. What does matter is whether you're going to fight them, and how that is supposed to work. Is it an adventure game where defeating the enemies is a puzzle? Or are you thinking of a turn-based fighting game? A real-time arcade game? Side scroller? Top-down dungeon crawler? A strategy game? Can you give some examples of games that play the way you want your game to play?


Quote from: Snarky on Tue 18/07/2017 11:45:19
Some tips for making a better help thread:

Have you read the manual? It should give you a good idea of whether your game idea is possible in AGS. And have you searched the forum for other threads that might already answer your question? You can also look through the games database to see if there are any games like what you want to make. (If not, that might be an indication that AGS is not well suited to the job.)

In the title of the thread, put a description of the concrete problem you're trying to solve.

When you describe your idea, the most relevant part (when it comes to scripting) is how the mechanics are going to work, not the story around it. If you were asking about making Monopoly in AGS, it doesn't matter whether you wanted to make Star Wars Monopoly or ABBA Monopoly (it exists!) â€" it's the same game either way. The important thing is explaining how you want it to play (multiple players, a bank, you throw 2 dice, move around the board in a loop, can buy the spaces you land on if not already owned, otherwise have to pay money to the person who owns it, etc.).

So for example, you talk about "enemies": it doesn't really matter whether the enemies are animals, zombies, robots, ninjas or aliens. What does matter is whether you're going to fight them, and how that is supposed to work. Is it an adventure game where defeating the enemies is a puzzle? Or are you thinking of a turn-based fighting game? A real-time arcade game? Side scroller? Top-down dungeon crawler? A strategy game? Can you give some examples of games that play the way you want your game to play?
an example of it is "diver jimmy"


So a side-scrolling platformer.

Yeah, it's doable in AGS (check out Until I Have You and The Art of Dying, for example), but it requires relatively advanced scripting. If you're not an experienced coder, you're better off with a dedicated platforming engine (google "platformer engine").


so can you suggest some other free softwares that would allow me to create such games i mentioned above


Quote from: amit14 on Tue 18/07/2017 16:34:37
so can you suggest some other free softwares that would allow me to create such games i mentioned above

Hi, I find a bit... hmm weird you ask on an AGS forum regarding other software, but yeah there is a software that can do everything you want, its called Game Maker Studio, and well there are a lot more just use the power of Google, :)

Kitty Trouble

I sure you can make whatever type of game you want using AGS, but AGS is designed for adventure games so for other types of games you'll be coding a lot of what you want manually.


I saw someone makes wolfenstein 3D kind of 3D game.


    oops Mistake


Code: ags

PlayVideo ("ELEVATOR.ogv",eVideoSkipNotAllowed, 0)


Edit: omg I just saw the rest of the thread above slasher's question :-[

Edit 2: HEY! You can't just delete your text and make me look stupid like this >:( :~(


Sorry mate (laugh)

But yes, I forgot the quotes :-[


alright, may be i have to postpone this idea of game making. i saw the 'GAME MAKER STUDIO' but firstly its not free and secondly it needs high specs pc. saw some others too but same. Well, thanks for all your help.


Try Godot then. Free and works on low specs pc too.
And maybe you should try starting from some simple ideas to make.

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