Adventure Game Studio

AGS Support => Beginners' Technical Questions => Topic started by: on Tue 09/03/2004 18:52:39

Title: I can´t unzip it!
Post by: on Tue 09/03/2004 18:52:39
 :-[ Hello everbody! i have downlod it but can't unzip it (install) it comes a text: cannot find "ac2game" or something! how i do to install it????? and i are very grateful for ansver!

Psss....iám swedish so i can have problem with my english!
Title: Re:I can´t unzip it!
Post by: Scummbuddy on Tue 09/03/2004 21:20:55
what site did you download it from? i would suggest getting it from a new mirror.
Title: Re:I can´t unzip it!
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 10/03/2004 01:59:15
If you mean an AGS distribution, that's because you didn't make a game yet, what you REALLY need to run is agsedit.exe, not acwin.exe or acdos.exe.
Title: Re:I can´t unzip it!
Post by: Ishmael on Wed 10/03/2004 06:19:59
You unzipped it and ran setup.exe, right?

Well... there is a note on the main AGS Download site...

NOTE: the archive contains a file called SETUP.EXE. This is not an installation program for AGS - simply unzip the archive and run AGSEDIT.EXE to launch AGS.