My fireflies freeze when other characters talk

Started by FocusHillGames, Tue 14/05/2024 14:12:52

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I've got fireflies in my game (they are not meant to be interacted with, they're just decorative), and I've created them as characters, and they are on their own walkable area.

I have this code in Repeatedly Execute -

Code: ags
function room_RepExec()
if (cFly3.Room == player.Room) {
   if (cFly3.Moving == false) {
     cFly3.WalkStraight(Random(Room.Width), Random(Room.Height));

This works great, except when the player talks to another character, as the fireflies then stop moving.

It's not a massive problem, but ideally I'd like to fix it.


Leave this function blank and put this code in the
Code: ags
void repeatedly_execute_always()
  // Your code


Is it better to use "void" or "function" before it, in this scenario?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: FocusHillGames on Tue 14/05/2024 15:13:04Is it better to use "void" or "function" before it, in this scenario?

This is mostly irrelevant.
"function" is a traditional type of functions in AGS.
"void" is a way to explicitly tell that the function returns no result.

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