Problem with sound after load a savegame [Solved]

Started by rmonic79, Sat 08/11/2014 17:16:59

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Hi guys i have a big problem. After i load a savegame the sound with eRepeat style doesn't restart and music and sound effect stop playing until i re-enter in room. please give me an hand

EDIT: it seems that the problem is with wav i've tried with mp3 and ogg file and eRepeat works.

Crimson Wizard

This is a known bug in AGS. Was fixed in 3.4.0 alpha, IIRC.

For a workaround you may catch "eEventRestoreGame" event in on_event function and restart the music:
Code: ags

function on_event(EventType event, int data)
    if (event == eEventRestoreGame)
        // restart your music here

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