The AGS chain story MACH 3! Signup now!

Started by Vince Twelve, Thu 06/08/2009 20:17:21

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Ultra Magnus

What the hell. I could do with the practice.

I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.

I'm tired of pretending I'm not bitchin', a total frickin' rock star from Mars.

Vince Twelve

That was fast!  Anyone else who signs up will be an alternate, sorry!  But it's highly possible that an alternate will be needed, so please sign up here.  I'll make a thread soon with the rules and then we'll get started in a couple days.

Vince Twelve

We are in need of a replacement!  Anybody else interested in jumping into this fun activity?  We've got some fun stories going and need you to join the chain!

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