Comic Contest! A winner is...

Started by SpacePirateCaine, Thu 16/06/2005 07:25:13

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What's this about:

  • Participants will draw a comicstrip following the given theme and rules.
  • You are allowed to use any technique in your drawing. But if you use computer you are not allowed to copy and paste ready pictures.
  • Each competition will last 15 days.
  • The starter of each competition will decide the winner.
  • The winner will decide the theme for the next competition.

Unsung sports

I've read a whole lot of comic books about sports, but it seems to me that 99% of the time, it's something like baseball or basketball - all of the sports comics today seem to be latching on to the more popular sports, and the greats, like sumo or whitefish jigging, seem to fall through the cracks of the proverbial comic world's massive floor. So your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to draw me up a comic themed around a less popular sport. What sport it is I'll leave to you, you can even make up a sport, - just avoid the big, highly televised sports that have been turned into a zillion comics already.

Now draw, pardner!
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.


How about thumb wrestling, wife carrying or pocket billiards?  ;D


Sounds valid to me - the sport is up to you. I suppose, ultimately, that this opens it up to rather broad interpretation, but I'm leaving it up to you (That's the broad, all of you you). If you think of it as a sport, and can express it in comic form, go for it.
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.


I guess this is that sport where you jump off a cliff with no parachute onto a hard surface...



My Stuffs:


HAHA so far all the entries are funny and great.

But it's it just me or people just love to connect the participation of these sports with miserable deaths? ;)


Quote from: Gilbot V7000a on Mon 27/06/2005 11:08:04
HAHA so far all the entries are funny and great.

But it's it just me or people just love to connect the participation of these sports with miserable deaths? ;)

Well, in mine he was sorta happy before he died under the impression he had won, so not exactly miserable worthy  ;)
My Stuffs:

Vince Twelve


If they put Spelling Bees on ESPN, why not Staring Contests?


Well, ladies and gentlemen, the deadline has come and passed, and to that effect, it is time for judgement.

It would appear that the sports represented in our contest this fortnight were Thumb wrestling on waterskiis while apparently intoxicated as done by Sumo, Leaping to one's death/Ground-diving, Geriatric Bachi-ball/Death, Chess and Staring. And as our esteemed Gilbot pointed out, we also got the benefit of witnessing miserable deaths in four out of five. Not a bad turnout - took a while for the ball to get rolling, but that seems to be something of a trend.

I shall now commence giving my vague, uncollected thoughts before declaring a victor.

Bluke 4x4:
First entry into the competition - I liked it, it was quirky, and seems to have set the bar for the 'entrants dying' trend in this Comic Contest. It was huge, though - especially on my poor old 800x600 screen. I had to scroll within single frames - if you'd resized it, it would've been a lot easier to navigate. Nonetheless, good stuff.

Leaping to one's death, or base jumping, sans parachute is going to be all the rage in extreme sports one day, I'm sure. It took me a while to work out that the sad dude in the last frame was carrying a helmet, for a while I thought it was a bloody stump of some limb - you can imagine my relief when I worked it out. Great comic, and I enjoy a good 'silent' comic.

Chess - A real man's sport. Requiring patience, focus and determination. Something tells me they should've been playing with a turn clock, or Skeleton-guy should've gone and made a sandwich while his partner made a move. Alas, it's a somewhat paranoid sport, isn't it? And it lead to the least violent death in the competition. Marvelous.

Bachi ball or lawn bowling? We may never know, because our poor, geriatric competitor never finished the game. Regardless, he's still a winner... at death. Nice work Krazy - quirky, and as your name suggests, 'krazy.' Kind of reminds me of this one add for milk they were playing a while ago back in California...

Vince Twelve:
And our final entrant, with 'staring competitions'. The time out was a nice touch, though I figure that it would lead to very long games, unless this was one of those 'you can't laugh' staring competitions... I wonder. I, by the way (though nobody actually cares), kick ass at staring competitions. I even managed to beat the Gatekeeper in 'Nightmare'.

But I digress.

It is time for me to pass arbitrary judgement! The entries, as usual were all entertaining, but there can be only one highlander. As far as proper comic format and ease of readability goes, and the one that caused me to laugh out loud, likely weirding out my neighbor, was the chess entry - its simplicity was more than enough for me. The moral of it being: When you play chess, take breaks. Therefore:

Congratulation, InCreator!

...Now go forth, and start the next competition!
Check out MonstroCity! | Level 0 NPCs on YouTube! | Life's far too short to be pessimistic.

Vince Twelve

Even though I hate you for declaring me a loser (or "non-winner" as I prefer), I'd just like to say that your Nightmare reference excited me.  That game freaked me out as a kid.  Until I had played it like forty times and knew exactly when that damn gatekeeper was going to appear and curse someone.

never could beat him in the staring contest...  I swear they just paused the video...  bastards...

P.S. congrats InCreator.  loved the comic.  sorry you had to win the way you did. (what with the promising of sexual favors and all...)

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