Sprite Jam 12 Jan - 19 Jan - Winner Announced

Started by Mordalles, Thu 12/01/2006 19:28:48

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big brother

I hope this has the attitude you're looking for.

12 colors for sprites, 2 distinct colors for background
2x zoom

reference: http://www.dougntess.com/Images/ks750.jpg
Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)


"Power is not a means - it is an end."


lol! That's brilliant! I love the colour usage.


I couldn't care loss about that.



Quote from: Haddas on Mon 16/01/2006 00:39:57

*Akumayo spews tea all over computer monitor  ;D ;D ;D
"Power is not a means - it is an end."


Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


My entry a medieval soldier.


Quote from: Arcangel on Mon 16/01/2006 13:51:26
My entry a medieval soldier.

No it aint! Thats Obi-wan...  ;D
Only kidding. Great sprites everyone. Big brother, is someone payng ya to draw such sprites? Couse it shoud.


Now that you mention it Yes, looked like Obi Wan  ;D


Sektor 13

Why bother with the sprite competition, as we all know that the Big Brother will won it :)

Well, Arcangel got it good too .


Sektor 13: Because it's fun!

Watch out, Pamela Anderson!

Beach Army


My soldier:

about 27 colours
made in ArtGem

Pretty crap, but it was good practice.


Now that's a Universal Soldier.

aka Nur-ab-sal

"Fixed is not unbroken."


Oh, no! Pixalated boobies! How can one top that?  ;D

So, even if defeat is certain, here's my entry:


It's a soldier of the Quert army posing for a picture with his attack... thing.
They're from Asnojdsisinjsjin, a planet that can only be seen by past due daily products.
Trying to make my first AGS game.


Wow, that's really good!  You would get my vote... If we did vote.

Sektor 13

Here is an alien soldier

-> 13 colors

zoom - 2x


It's the 19th here, and it doesnt seem there are more entries, so ill announce the winner.

some really excellent entries.

but, the winner according to my criteria, and due to awesomeness . . .

Big Brother!

although, i had one problem with the sprite. the hair of the girl should have been in a ponytail or something.Ã,  ;D

its the best sprite ive seen in a long time, and ive been to places like pixeljoint. really, just awesome. congrats bb. you earned it.

now host a new one. which wll be cool, since youre not allowed to enter that one. giving the rest of us a chance.

creator of Duty and Beyond


Congrats!!! that really is one of the best sprites I've seen in terms of detail for a while.


that is one DAMN cool bike :o what IS it , were can i GET one. DAMn cool.
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