Background Blitz - Alien City - Winner Announced :D

Started by ThreeOhFour, Sun 11/10/2009 00:36:09

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For this fortnight's Background Blitz, I'd like to see you draw an:

Alien City!

Strangely shaped buildings, possibly even an odd coloured sky... let your creativity run wild! Note that by definition 'alien' means unusual, not something out of a science fiction film, so you needn't create a science fiction inspired design if you don't wish - it merely has to be strange.

The background must be AGS compatible.

Voting will begin on the 25th of October - I hope to see some cool entries!  :D


You have to admit, you didn't see this coming :)

I've been wanting to create a nice retro 2D background for a while now, and I kinda felt this theme fitted that idea. It was nice to play around with a vector based style that is reminiscent to the likes of PaTaPon and Super Mario...


Whoooa :o Beautiful Misj' :D
I want that game :)

May edit with entry (may as in if I get bored today).

..I got bored and decided to enter :), I need to practice drawing backgrounds anyway:

I know the colours are dull, but I wanted them to be dull to get that 'wasteland'-feeling that I'm going for.

As this is practice for me I would much appreciate if someone were to PM me some criticism. I may start a thread in CL later.. time will tell.


Alright! Two funky alien cityscapes! Thanks Misj' and Bulbapuck, these are both very nice and unusual, and I really like the way you have very different colour schemes :D

In other news, time is up folks, so do a bit of voting (hard when there are only two, I know) and we'll declare a winner :).


IDEA: Misj


Idea: Misj
Atmosphere: Bulbapuck
Composition: Bulbapuck
Functionality: Misj

By a twist of fate my breakdown is exactly the same... but it helps make up numbers. Good luck!

Midian Design

Idea: Misj
Atmosphere: Misj
Composition: Misj
Functionality: Misj


nos es posterus
*we are the future*


If you're voting, please make sure you use the categories :).

If you're just giving out nice comments, then that's fine, but your comment won't count towards the final tally ;).


IDEA: Misj'

On the last one, although the idea of a mario/adventure game sounds good, I like the filler/atmospheric room Bulbapuck has created, it gives me a nice feel. Anyway, there is already an IDEA category...
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


Idea: Misj'
                     Admittedly, I did not see it coming :P
Atmosphere: Bulbapuck
                     The three-tone shading makes the light seem very harsh, which helps to create the 'barren wasteland' feel.
Composition: Misj'
                     What lost it for Bulb here was that there seems to be a very definite divide down the centre of the screen,                           which seems as though there is no reason to move over to the left.
Functionality: Misj'
                     There appears to me more places to go and more thins to do in this piece.


p.s. ... How does one pronounce "Misj'"? I'd be interested to know. :)


I sorta say My-ess(S)jay(J) in my head... :P
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"



Well I've been saying Miss-Jay.
It's only when I had to write it that I realised that it's probably not that...
Gee if only there were someone here on this forum who could clear this up once and for all.. :P


Wait, am I the only one who's been pronouncing it "Misscchhhhhh"?

Anyway, if I'm allowed to vote, all my votes go to Misscchhhhhh, 'cause I still want that game :)

EDIT: Holy crap, people are actually giving some votes to me?! :o Thank you so much :D


Quote from: Scarab on Mon 26/10/2009 12:24:49p.s. ... How does one pronounce "Misj'"? I'd be interested to know. :)

Quote from: wonkyth on Mon 26/10/2009 12:56:19I sorta say My-ess(S)jay(J) in my head... :P
Quote from: NsMn on Mon 26/10/2009 13:37:10I always say Missyi.
Quote from: Bulbapuck on Mon 26/10/2009 17:11:25Wait, am I the only one who's been pronouncing it "Misscchhhhhh"?
Quote from: Scarab on Mon 26/10/2009 13:48:41Well I've been saying Miss-Jay.

Hmmm <he says with deep masculine voice> Miss-Jay? - Please tell me you're not referencing that - ehm - person from America's Next Top Model.

The correct pronunciation is as followed: Mi is pronounced as 'me', en sj als 'sh' (like in sh'ovel, sh'aft, sh'ire, etc), and the apostrophe is silent, but if you wish you may give it an 'It's Mine! - It's Mine! - It's All Mine!'-ring. It should be pronounced as a single sound with the stress slightly on the sh. For those who speak Dutch: you pronounce it exactly as written ;)

So please, never ever call me Miss-Jay again...unless you provide me with the pretty girls whom I have to teach how to become top models of course. Then - and only then - may you call me Miss-Jay (or Miss anything for that matter) :P

Ps. Sorry the voting was hijacked...


Hmmm <he says with deep masculine voice> Miss-Jay? - Please tell me you're not referencing that - ehm - person from America's Next Top Model.

Never heard of it... must be some cheap foreign knock-off of Australia's Next Top Model. :P

So, no, not a reference to any model/runway coach of any description, and anyway, the way I was emphasising it was heavy on the 'Mis' and almost a silent 'j", so you're in the clear for now.

p.s. none of this really matters though anyway, because this pronunciation only ever existed in my head : P



I clicked the link and got confronted by google in a different language... I was trying to flip through pictures of Miss Jay... uh Drag Queen Designer? (nothing wrong with that...)
And I go down to next and it's... Volgende...

I was like yeah yeah, next... I had to do a double take O_o



Alright folks, we seem to have gotten all the votes we're going to get - so I've counted them up and hereby announce that you have chosen:


As the winner.

Congratulations, Misj', and thanks to both you and Bulbapuck for your lovely entries  :D.

Over to you Misj' for the next round!

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