Background Blitz: Bar Restaurant (Deadline for the votes: 13th October 2022)

Started by Creamy, Wed 07/09/2022 20:01:09

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B A R    R E S T A U R A N T

Public places to eat, drink and socialize, bars and restaurants can be a mine of information for the visiting adventurer.

Your background this month must include a bar and/or a restaurant in the broad sense of the words. Think inn, sushi bar, pizzeria, high-altitude restaurant or any joint where people gather to chill out.

Usual voting criteria:
Concept: What is the background about? What sort of mood does it spark? What is, as it were, the big idea?
Playability: What is its opportunity for gameplay like? Walkable areas, hot-spots, and so forth?
Artistic Execution: How well does the picture convey an atmosphere? How well is it executed?

Feel free to include the patrons and bartender or not.

Deadline for the submissions: 6th October 2022.



Great theme… will have to think of something creative to enter. Nice one Creamy!


Can't wait to go hang out at your place.

QuoteThis background is good to use in a platform game.

It's from Ghost Tricks, a clever adventure game on Nintendo DS.
I started a collage of bars and restaurants from different adventure games - a piece of cake considering there are so many.
Then I stumbled upon that beautiful background that showcases both a bar and a restaurant and got lazy.




Well, Background Blitzes are always good for a little experimentation.  Usually I don't do isometric because I think it looks a little weird and instead I prefer to just sort of wing something and fudge it since perspective is always a little dicey for adventure game backgrounds.  But I thought I would give it a shot.  It was fun and I'm glad I did it but I don't think I'm going to do it again lol.


Quote from: newwaveburritos on Wed 28/09/2022 06:08:00Well, Background Blitzes are always good for a little experimentation.  Usually I don't do isometric because I think it looks a little weird and instead I prefer to just sort of wing something and fudge it since perspective is always a little dicey for adventure game backgrounds.  But I thought I would give it a shot.  It was fun and I'm glad I did it but I don't think I'm going to do it again lol.

I reckon this turned out really cool newwaveburritos! Nice experiment. Can Imagine a lot of interesting folks in the chairs for conversations and objects on the table to interact with.


Felt like a trip to the canals in Venice would be a fun location for a game. Imagine people at the cafe, a gondola driver on the canoe to travel around Venice quickly, and plenty of items on tables or on the ground for your inventory.


Oh that looks great!  It's always nice when you can think of elegant ways to cut the walkable area down.  I'd eat there!


Really hoping we get some more entries for this one. Come on peeps, great theme!


QuoteWell, Background Blitzes are always good for a little experimentation.  Usually I don't do isometric because I think it looks a little weird and instead I prefer to just sort of wing something and fudge it since perspective is always a little dicey for adventure game backgrounds.  But I thought I would give it a shot.  It was fun and I'm glad I did it but I don't think I'm going to do it again lol.

Nice. You crammed a lot of objects in you fast-food restaurant thanks to this perspective. Plus, you can move the characters vertically without area scaling – which causes a pixel marmalade at this resolution.
I never got why isometric perspective rarely coexists with other types of perspectives in the same game.

QuoteFelt like a trip to the canals in Venice would be a fun location for a game. Imagine people at the cafe, a gondola driver on the canoe to travel around Venice quickly, and plenty of items on tables or on the ground for your inventory.

Lovely in a different style. It reminds me of my childhood readings.


Time's out.

The mood in the Blue Cup Café is more like Hooper than Véronèse these days. Still we have 2 worthy contenders:



Please choose one entry for each category:
- Concept.
- Playability.
- Artistic Execution.

End of the votes:  October 13th.


Concept: Hannah_Banana - Reminds me of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (and how long I was stuck on this stupid bottle puzzle as a kid). I really like this scene. It feels really idyllic, and still like a lot could happen at any moment.

Playability: newwaveburritos - Both entries are perfectly fine as playable backgrounds, but I think there might be slightly more possibilities for puzzles limited to this one screen in newwave's entry, whereas Hannah's seems a bit more like a transitional screen (the tiniest bit).

Artistic Execution: Hannah_Banana - Just lovely. Where can I book my vacation?


Haha thanks Sinitrena!  Loved the Indiana Jones games growing up, def a bit of inspiration from there along with monkey island and the broken sword series.

Agree, lots of opportunity for puzzles in Newwaveburritos design.


Concept: Hannah_Banana - This was a 50/50 one for me. I favored Hannah_Banana's, because there's a bit more storytelling going on. I can see myself adventuring in this Venetian cafe :).

Playability: newwaveburritos - Just functionally speaking, newwaveburritos' entry feels more playable. I can clearly see where I would be able to walk, what to interact with, etc.

Artistic Execution: Hannah_Banana - While I love newwaveburritos' use of color and texture, I'm wooed by Hannah_Banana's similarity to the graphic adventures I grew up with, especially Broken Sword. It reminds me a lot of Project Joe (on Wintermute engine), if anyone else remembers that one :).

Let's hope for more votes :-D!


Too bad only 2 people voted. Well, a vote's a vote: Congrats Hannah!

Feel free to host the next round.


Well, I was gonna vote for Hannah as well so it's definitively settled.  Congrats!  Looking forward to the next one.


I'm a bit slow, but thanks everyone. Loved your background too newwaveburritos, tricky doing isometric and agree with everyone on the playability point.

Will post a new challenge for backgrounds soon!

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