Background Blitz - Big or Small (Winners Announced)

Started by Dropped Monocle Games, Tue 15/09/2015 08:31:17

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Dropped Monocle Games

Create a background that has the theme 'BIG or SMALL' maybe your character has been shrunken to the size of an ant or maybe been made huge, towering over buildings.
maybe your character is stuck inside a big whale! have fun and get creative with this one!
Voting will start on the 5th October

...what are you waiting for, get arting!!


Grok - The Giants Hut
Mouth for war - Monster Shark
selmiak - Big World Tree
Voting will end on the Sunday 11th


One wrong move. Wasn't Simon eaten by the frog? :-D I do remember a long tongue.

Dropped Monocle Games




Yes, it looks nice. When you continue on the planet, you do remember that the Earth and the moon are always lit from the same angle, right?


I'll try to align it to sun as a lightsource.

btw, is there an easy way to embed your big imgur uploaded images as thumbnails after the imgur userinterface revamp?


I think imgur is currently broken. The layout is all fucked up, and I don't see any comments at all.


My first-ever attempt using GIMP. Boy, felt like I started over and over a hundred times. At least I got a template so far.


screw imgur, fiddeing around with bbcode tags and stuff... click images for full size.

a view into space

blocking in some brown color with basic lighting

getting somewhere?!


Does it come easy to you, @selmiak? I feel like it will take me forever. :-[


been playing around with leaves. No idea how to shade them!

what does take you forever sketchess? Drawing?
Well, yes the ratio of time spent on the painting to the time the average person spents looking at it is in no relation, but it's great fun creating stuff...


Quote from: selmiak on Tue 29/09/2015 15:59:19
I'll try to align it to sun as a lightsource.

The moon is aligned, but the shading of the earth really isn't (it implies a sun in the top-right corner-ish, and since the sun is way off in the distance, far more of the planet should be in shadow, which should also be darker, just like with the moon). Also, if we're at all concerned with astronomical accuracy, the axis of the earth looks tilted way off (though that might have something to do with the huge tree growing out of it), particularly when you remember that the earth, sun and moon are all more or less in the same plane (the ecliptic, which is why you regularly get eclipses like on Monday morning). Basically, if you just rotate the earth so that the shading lines up with the position of the sun, it would be more or less accurate.


Drawing? I'm not even near to that. I figured out how to handle these sassy brushes a bit. There must be a trick to it, I just can't see it yet. The manuell is not very helpful. Well learning by doing, I'm on some first rough outlines.

Don't wait for me guys, I'm just not ready yet. (roll)


I didn't like the scribbled leaves, so I made a leaf brush. If you ever make a leaf brush DON'T add a stem. It's just annoying, trust me!

some shading with the leaf brush and layers

pulled my best bob ross in space!

Some more lighting in this weird perspective with interesting lightsources...

turning that planet earth placed the treetrunk somewhere in the mediterranean...
I'm wondering in what whacky directions gravity would flow up there...

Mouth for war

Here we go then. A monster shark :D

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer

Mouth for war

Btw i really like your idea there selmiak. It looks really cool :-)
mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


turned on some more lights

More highlights and some more darkness

and some more details

thanks, I likeyour shark attack too. Especially now that you added some more ... taste (for the shark) to it.

Dropped Monocle Games

one day to go, if anyone needs an extension let me know!

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