Background Blitz: Middle Ages - RESULTS

Started by lorenzo, Wed 09/10/2019 16:59:45

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Bernardo Bellotto, Piazza della Signoria a Firenze; Giuseppe Zocchi, Il Bargello.

Your job is to create a background set during medieval times. The subject doesn't matter, as long as it's recognizable as medieval. It could be a house, a castle, the town hall, an alley, or something else!

Deadline: 24th of October 2019


Concept: your background should tell us something about the place you have depicted.
Playability: does it have clearly defined walkable areas, things to interact with, etc?
Artistic Execution: does the image convey the wanted atmosphere? What's the feeling of the place?

Good luck!




Alan v.Drake







  • 1st place: Alan v.Drake
  • 2nd place: Flugeldufel and Kastchey
  • 3rd place: Mandle and WHAM


Only eight days left!

Is anyone working on an entry? Or everybody here dislikes the Middle Ages? ;)
I hope I haven't chosen a bad theme! (laugh)


Quote from: lorenzo on Wed 16/10/2019 20:14:27
Or everybody here dislikes the Middle Ages? ;)
I somewhat do. I think it's because of that overused and boring medieval fantasy setting.


I had an idea but forgot about this. Hopefully will have time to make it.


I like the theme and I have an idea, now I'm just trying to find time to whip something up.


Cat: sorry you didn't like the theme! It's understandable, though. I'm not a fan of fantasy literature and films myself.
But in my opinion, the "real" Middle Ages have little to do with the fantasy representation of them. It's mostly superficial similarities (castles, swords, and dresses?).

Jack and Kastchey: if you need more time, let me know and I'll extend the deadline!


I love the middle ages!
Only problem is I currently have no time for this.  :-\
Hope someone has the time and submits something.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I haven't done pixel art backgrounds in ages, and this intrigues me as an idea, so I might try to craft something small tonight.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


The theme is fine to me. But my creative energy has been low this month. What little I have had has gone into working on MAGS. I will see if I can come up with anything, though.


Cassiebsg: that's a shame! I would've loved to see one of your renderings, or a pixellated background (the mountain one was quite good!).

WHAM: great! Happy drawing!  :-D

VampireWombat: don't worry, finishing a game in a month is hard enough. Best of luck with MAGS!


I some times join MAGS or a game I'm working on, and do a BG for it (if I can make it fit the theme, of course  ;) ).
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Now, this challenge does seem quite intriguing, but there is something that I would like to ask.

Does the picture need to be 'real' and historically sound, or would a fairy-tale picture suffice?


fairy-tale is fine :)
just as long as it fits the theme "a background that could be found in the middle ages"... not likely you'll be able to make a cyberpunk or a modern city with skyscrapers and cars... unless you are an awesome storyteller that could fit all that in the middle ages...  ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


My attempt at a Seussian medieval background...



Nice perspective Mandle. That's some hairy clouds  :-D

Like VampireWombat, I keep my spare time for a MAGS project but I like the theme.


Quote from: Reiter on Sat 19/10/2019 09:16:59
Does the picture need to be 'real' and historically sound, or would a fairy-tale picture suffice?

Hi, Reiter! Feel free to interpret the theme as you like! Don't worry too much. As long as the background is recognizable as set during the Middle Ages, you can do whatever you want, and draw whatever subject you prefer.
Basically, what Cassiebsg said. ;)

Quote from: Mandle on Sat 19/10/2019 17:31:48
My attempt at a Seussian medieval background...
Mandle: that's a lovely background! Nice, clean lines and I just love those curly clouds! I think the style would work really well for an adventure game.


An attempt was made! A shady fortress monastery in the dark of night.
I began to feel like I could keep adding detail and polish for days on end, but if I went on with that I'd just end up burning myself out and probably run well past the deadline, so I'll call it done here.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Great background, WHAM! I like the angle you've chosen and the nocturnal colours. It's very atmospheric!

Quote from: WHAM on Sun 20/10/2019 14:55:42
I began to feel like I could keep adding detail and polish for days on end, but if I went on with that I'd just end up burning myself out and probably run well past the deadline, so I'll call it done here.
I can certainly relate!


I can totally see an "Alone In The Dark" 3D character wandering around that background, Wham!

Alan v.Drake

Will you manage to steal the middle-aged merchant's gold?

I'm glad to see that the background blitzes are still alive.

- Alan

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