Background Blitz: Nightclub (winner announced)

Started by Anian, Wed 02/10/2013 19:26:05

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As the title says, this time the topic of the BB is NIGHTCLUB. Doesn't matter if it's outside, inside, or in the back alley, dirty or high class, pole or can-can dancers, make it neon bright or low lit as you want, your pick (there's a "that's what she said" joke in there somewhere).
Please try to follow AGS resoultion sizes restricions though.

Work submission lasts from October 2nd, 2013 till October 13th, 2013. If you need a day or so extention, please notify me day or two before the deadline.

I don't want the world, I just want your half


Found some interesting photos on the web. The club I'm trying to model is down in Rio:


Very interesting approach used by the club for the lighting.

Modeled in sPatch. Rendered in Bryce 4 (mad at my copy of Bryce 7 at the moment). I'll be adding more to this, if time allows. Taking a while to render this out in Bryce 4, so for now, I skipped the antialiasing pass.


Added some stuff. I have a scale issue here, and I may try to fix it. Detail of the bar:

I also felt a contractual obligation to provide a "light show:"

Edit 2:

@Selmiak - I didn't like the textures there, either, for different reasons. I played with them, a little. Also toyed with a few other things:

Edit 3:

Added some patrons:


These are DAZ Studio LowRez figures. Rest was mostly modeled in sPatch. I did use Hexagon to make the "little black dress" for the gal, but the guy is wearing clothing that he comes with. I haven't figured out "morphing," so my little black dress won't conform to animations. Rendered in Bryce 7. DAZ Studio used to pose the patrons, and the flower stencil was from a ClipArt collection. At this point, I've found enough errors to warrant starting over, but I probably won't do it. This, then, becomes my Blitz entry.


Here's mine

I'm trying to do 16 color backgrounds at the moment. Here is a small rock club, the kind that you might have played at if you were in a little unknown indie band or something.

It could probably do with a couple more things in the scene. Posters, bottles graffiti? or something. WIP.

Ok I felt like I really needed to do some detail work, so here's an update.  Added some details based on feedback.


I like your render, but the texture on ground and ceiling look like a websitebackground from 1995. Maybe you should go for a more simple texture, like huge shiny black floortiles or so.

Nice, I'd go there every night! The only thing that bugs me atm is that the speakers are flat and not 3D.


Good job so far. Will we see any more entries?
I don't want the world, I just want your half


I'm working on something but I have no idea whether I'll be able to finish it in time. I have not one, but two deadlines on Monday. Boo to them, boring work intruding in what's really important. And fun. :)

I've debated with myself over posting a preview, but I'd rather not yet, as I still have hope to come up with something better or, at least, more polished.
I think, therefore I am, I think.


Quote from: Anian on Thu 10/10/2013 20:49:57
Good job so far. Will we see any more entries?

I hope so! I'd like to see some more entries.


So here it is, rushed and all, but hopefully in time. I'd have liked to add a few more objects for atmosphere and because I like busy backgrounds, but maybe I will have time to revise it later. Maybe.

It's supposed to be a rather sleazy and cheap nightclub, just after closing time.

Now, a rather longwinded rant about technique and my personal gripes with this drawing.

I started out wanting to try a new technique, namely rendering mock-up of the scene, to establish perspective lines and lighting, then draw on top of it by hand. A nod to Anian, our graceful host, from whom I got the idea.
Then I got carried away with the rendering, ending up with something pretty similar to what you see. And then, suddenly, I didn't have time anymore so I set it aside, to finish "later". But no more free time came my way, so I quickly just added a few more objects, re-rendered, rendered the outlines separately, brought them together, tweaked the light and color a bit, and voila. What you see is what you get.
What I don't like about it: it's stiff and lifeless. It's supposed to be a club after closing hours, before the cleaning team starts working on it. Not a museum. Blah. I'd have liked to do something about the shape of the booth on the left, work a bit on the foreground objects, as they tend to blend with lines in the scene and add more life to it. What I do like, though, is the light and the composition. 

Below, a lighter version, in case on your monitor the one above is too dark.

I think, therefore I am, I think.


Wow, all 3 entries are really great!  Tex Murphy style, RON style and Runaway style backgrounds. 8-)


Ok, very nice entries here, shame there weren't more, but I blame myself I guess. :tongue: Gave it a day longer and had some trouble finding voting'm gonna stick to bare minimum ones:

Atmosphere - is it hip and groovy
Composition - lighting, colors ecetera
Functionality - how useful is it as an actual game background

Voting ends on 19th. Good luck.
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Here's my vote:

Atmosphere - Jwalt, since it is hip&groovy. Though I would rather go to Joshua's club, which is great, and not supposed to be hip&groovy. My kinda' place... ;)
Composition - Jwalt. I like the lighting columns that change colors and the depth and the mirror effects..
Functionality - Joshua. I've thought long and hard about it, this background would work better for me, for my kind of game.

Cheers guys, great entries.
I think, therefore I am, I think.


Atmosphere - Unlady 
Composition - JWalt
Functionality - JoshuaSmyth


OK, so here are my votes.

Atmosphere - jwalt
Composition - Unlady
Functionality - JoshuaSmyth

Wonderful work, everyone!  I really liked all of the entries in this contest.  It was a great theme, I wish we had seen more!  I would enjoy my time in any of these clubs, I'm sure, even though they all seem to represent different aspects of nightclub culture.  Great job!


Both Unlady and JoshuaSmyth had wonderful entries, so it was tough to decide.

Atmosphere - Unlady
Composition - Unlady
Functionality - JoshuaSmyth

I liked the second, "hidden" version of Unlady's club better than the first. It looked much better on my screen.


Atmosphere - JoshuaSmyth (yay for tagged walls!)
Composition - Unlady (with jwalt a really close second, btw, unlady, the lightbeams are floating ;))
Functionality - JoshuaSmyth


Well JoshuaSmyth seems to be the winner. Congratulations. Your turn to Background blitz.
And, once more, really nice entries everybody.
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Quote from: Anian on Sun 20/10/2013 23:02:35
Well JoshuaSmyth seems to be the winner. Congratulations. Your turn to Background blitz.
And, once more, really nice entries everybody.

Cool Thanks guys! - How does this work?
Do I just make a new post with theme? Can I enter my own theme?


Yeah, just open a new topic. Normally, except MAGS, hosts cannot enter their own competitions.

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