Started by Grundislav, Tue 16/05/2017 15:31:39

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No Place Like Home

Every adventure game hero needs a place they call home to go back and rest between quests. For this competition, draw the home or place of rest suitable for an adventure game protagonist!

Deadline is May 30th, 2017!

Concept: Your background should tell us something about the person who lives there.
Playability: Give your protagonist something to do at home, make the background useful!
Artistic Execution: The cozier it feels, the better!

Good luck!



Nice, I will come up with something.


D'oh! I missed the deadline by one day  :-\
Anyway, the first one is drawn freehand with a 2x2 pixel brush and uses an EGA palette, but with too many different colours.

The second one shall be isometric, but it is very hard to draw non-square objects correctly.


Oh how I wish I could take part in this and other competitions, but since I might be getting a new job soon, I might need to bow out of this and others for a while.


I'm going to be entering this, once I stop watching Alien Covenant and Blade Runner trailers. :)



Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

Heya folks, nice idea for a contest, so I thought I would try step outside my comfort zone and try a traditional side on / perspective drawing. My idea was to have a sci-fi style cabin either set on a spaceship or in a bladerunner type city. I will probably go with a cityscape for the window in the end, it would be nice to have that nice dusky orange light stream in volumetrically to the room from the window. Just like scene from Dekard's Apartment.  Anyway I just started it so here is my progress on it. Assuming I complete it I will post it again when its fully done.

Great starter entries I see there from silverspook and grok.  You really have nailed down a good atmosphere in yours also silver-spook, good work folks.

its a traditional 320x240 res


Dayamn, some stiff competition this month!

Top quality gentlemen.

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

Hello Folks, well I would have loved to spent a few more hours on this, but I had to just say "stop" .... and here it is, A compact apartment in a sci-fi bladerunner-esk setting.

Timelapse Video (720p):

EDIT:  Ok folks a few others asides from AGS also thought the one with less post processing was better, so I used my modified version, just tweaked the colors a bit more to make it a bit warmer, and added some very last more detailing in. This is the final final now, and will use this one as my entry.  I am done.


that's awesome tycho. I watched the vid and figured the neons and glows are no more pure pixel art but effects, but that's what's possible with the current gfx editing software, but the smoke coming from the vent in front of the bed is no pixelart anymore :P :-D
the best smoke with perfect pixel control is probably made with circles with different opacity and deleting what is no smoke but no smudge tool or... how did you make that smoke? :D

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

Heya selmiak, how goes :)

Thanks for the response dude, and I am glad you like the image. I am not sure what you are asking me though? heh :)
Yes there are a lot of post process tricks going on over the pixel art which I think makes all the difference. The smoke I had from a while back I forget what I was using it for, but its just a simple wispy type texture with ps blends.  If you or anyone else would like to look at my psd file you can check out how I put it together,, bare in mind the layers are a bit messy/unnamed etc.

I know I could  have painted in more "pixel arty" looking stuff in terms of smoke and glows, but I don't think I would have the time, will or even skill to make it look like I did with the PS work. Sure its a pixel art image, but with modern polish lets say :)
The advantage of doing it way I did is that you can create all sorts of lighting results time and time again without having to mess with the original pixel art, and making modification on the original pixel art is simple enough in that all you do is drop the modified image onto the bottom layer of the PS project. (BTW the post work only took 10 mins, compared to trying to do that pixel by pixel)

I often forget to time-lapse post process work, but if I do another background for AGS I will try remember to record it.

Anyway, I hope someone finds this useful, and I hope I answered your question :D


Wow!  I'm kinda feeling a Space Quest VI vibe with that one.


Tycho, after watching your video I would like to see a version of the room with the post-production filters toned down by about 50%...

For me they seem to obscure more than enhance your beautiful first draw...


I agree with Mandle, the effects do distract from the pixel art, and they clash in style.
Otherwise, it's a very beautiful image with lots of character.

Tycho Magnetic Anomaly

Um, well see if this is any better, I toned a number of the layers down, also de-saturated a bit, I might say this could defiantly be more suitable for an in-game background, whereas my first pic (which I think I still prefer) was more of a atmospheric thing.  I really wanted a strong atmosphere, hinting at this guy being a heavy smoker, city smog, perhaps cooking going on in the background, hazey dust in the air..etc.. it was that sort of "feeling" i was trying to get. I think I have lost a bit of that  feel in the modified version. Which do you guys think?


I will stop tinkering with this now and call it a day. whichever of the two is more suitable :)

best of luck to everyone also


Amazing pixel art Tycho!

I think I prefer the last 'modified - de-smogified' version. It's just easier on the eyes.

Though, the lighting in the first version did give a 'warmer' feeling due to the expanded palette.

Bloody tops.


That second version is so perfect to my eye that now I want to play that game!

Also, the objects in the room now look like that are actually solidly resting on the surfaces. For me, in the first "smoggy" version they look to me to be floating a bit, especially the box, laptop, and ashtray.



Time-lapse shenanigans -

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