Colouring Ball Oct 23 - Nov 1 : Box Shot

Started by , Thu 23/10/2008 01:09:43

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Working for that company has been pretty dull so far, but this day is... different. Some
indie gamer has made the next smack hit point-and-click-adventure game, using an
obscure toolkit. Obviously, people out there are already dying to get their copy... but
a nice box art is a must! So- are you up to the task?

Create the box art for this soon-to-be-released adventure game
The outline can be flipped, rotated, but not scaled
No colour limit
Pixel art or soft brushes, your decision. Go nuts.

Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies await the bold winner...


...and as usual, I'll dish out the "Raddest Place" too.

This'll be my last CB for a while- time to make some room, so let's make this a rockin' ball! Enjoy, and have fun!


Lions, Tigers and Ghost Rabbits! Oh my!

What can I say, I find Halloween inspiring this time of year. Test reads: Ghost Rabbit Hunter- Watch out: these ones BITE

Non-text version, in case the text counts as a violation of image outline:

Both images were rotated 180 degrees, colour range is something like 20-30, no transparancy 'cause I've forgotten how to use it.

I think this meets all the requirements...


Text overlay is fine, but you did well to include the "text-less" version- it makes it easier to see the ghost bunny! All rules met, and a nice first entry!


All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!




This will get the young ones started on Adventure Games, thus leading to the ressurrection of the genre.

Also, Snoopy now has Guybrush hair.


The outline looks like some kind of a bunny or fox lady but I'm just not able to color it that way.

Well, maybe I'll get another idea.


Space reserved! I had an idea as soon as I saw this.
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |



Everyone's favorite cold-blooded, hip-shaking secret agent.

And here's one without the text:



The entries so far are really great! I'd just like to say that I'll be away for the weekend, and instead of cutting the deadline to Friday, I'd like to extend it to Monday the 3rd. So, last-minute spriters, get it rolling  ;) See you Monday with the trophies!


First off, I've never entered one of these before, so hopefully I did everything correctly.

The Story:
After his last two games flopped, Ghost decided that he would try appealing to today's youth by putting what THEY wanted in a game. The Once Upon a Crime series turned into a mature themed adventure, "mature" meaning it now contained full frontal nudity, obscene profanity, gratuitous violence, and heavy drug usage. (Because that's the kind of stuff us mature intellectuals want in a game.)

Red was turned into a big breasted, bare chested, long haired, luscious beauty with a rechargeable health bar.

...It was a roaring success.   


After running almost completely out of ideas, the folks at Indie Game Knockoff Network decided to release the breath-taking, inspiring "Super Nario".
With compelling gameplay, and a story that can only be described as COMPLETELY ORIGINAL featuring characters that are absolutely, one hundred percent COMPLETELY ORIGINAL. Travel through the world fighting COMPLETELY ORIGINAL enemies and rescuing the COMPLETELY ORIGINAL princess from COMPLETELY ORIGINAL castles.
The game, praised for it's COMPLETELY ORIGINAL approach, sold extremely well, eventually going down as #3 on the "Top 100 COMPLETELY ORIGINAL Games", beaten only by the COMPLETELY ORIGINAL "Quarter-Life" and COMPLETELY ORIGINAL GAME OF THE YEAR "Chronic The Porcupine".
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


Okay then, time to hand over the shinies. I had a hard time chosing, and made some
notes to explain my choices. Take your trophies, noble box-art makers, and also my
thanks. No really, I mean it.

Gold: Domino

I really like Domino's style here; he has a charming, if not original, character, and a
very nice background art. All in all I really think that's some very good box art here-
friendly, easy on the eye, nice colours and a clear design.

Silver: pSlim

That's some wicked design there, and it took me a while to figure out where all the
limbs are. The text clashes heavily with the outline, but that's about all one could hold
against it. Silver's well deserved.

Bronze: Andorxor

It's pretty amazing how Andoxor fitted all the little shapes into the outline- girl, cat,
shadow, everthing. Also made a good job of the background art and used the box
side to introduce a new character. All in all, this one has a certain "go buy me" appeal.
Great job all round!

Plutonium: Brentimous

Good colours and a nice background, even all the logos! Unfortunately, Brentimous
used a game of mine as a reference, so I can't judge it within the original three
trophies and keep a straight face. So please, accept the Raddest Place- knowing that
it is no cheap "fourth place", but a token of respect for good work.

With this, I'll take my leave. Domino, over to you. And Brentimous, I hope to see more
of your stuff in future balls!

BTW: I usually make a "fake entry" to test the outline or, in this case, to create it.
Since Matti speculated about the "original", here it is:

Yes, I play too much Duke3D.


Thank You Ghost. I proudly accept my AWESOME trophy.

New Ball coming Soon.  :)



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