BACKGROUND BLITZ: Underground - the results are in! :)

Started by ThreeOhFour, Tue 18/04/2017 06:00:17

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For this competition, I want you do draw an underground scene - whether it's a cave, tunnel, subway, sewer, basement, or anything that can be considered under some sort of ground.

Deadline is 9th of May, 2017!

Voting system:
Concept: try to be creative and unique and tell us a visual story
Playability: remember to pay attention to walkable areas, possible hotspots and exit points
Artistic Execution: a little extra effort and polish makes a world of difference

Happy drawing!  :cheesy:

Crimson Wizard

I haven't participated in drawing activities for years, so I am in :).
(I wanted to draw a bridge, but noticed previous topic too late... so I might draw a bridge underground)


Count me in!

Here's a quick yet (hopefully) good BG I made.

My BG is of a volcanic cavern, with crystals to serve as part of the plot in the game this BG might be in.  As for the weird grid-like lines in the magma, that was left over from a previous idea I had for the magma design that didn't quite turn out as well as I had hoped.


Oh, cool topic!  (nod)
I think  it'll fit nicely into one of my games!  :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Man, I hope some more entries come in here.  So far I'm the only entrant.



Here is my take on the theme, I was going for something Lovecraft-inspired:


Lovely :)

I'm working on something too.

EDIT: I'm going to consider this one done, as I need to work on my game now. :-D

It's part of an underground city. (nod)

Textures by Eric Matyas.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Crimson Wizard

Sorry, I wanted to participate, but now that's unlikely that I will.


You still have a few more days, if you feel the urge!  :cheesy:



It's a dive bar. Located in a basement, unlike all those other fancy schmancy above ground establishments.



A mysterious glowing hole opens up in the New York City subway. What lies beyond?


Nice entrues all round.
I'm loving the shiny reflection of the light on the platform and the wall tiles, Grundi.


Wow really cool entries this month.

I had to bum rush this out, would have loved a couple more hours but here goes.

An underground cave system inhabited by unsavory things. Climb the tree for refuge? I dunno....


Very cool to see a diverse range, both of styles and interpretations!

Time's up, so it's time to select your favourites in each category:

Artistic Execution.

Voting will end this Saturday, 13th of May!  :smiley:




Concept: Nixxon
Playability: gameboy
Artistic Execution: Nixxon

Nice entries everyone!


I think I'm going to mirror Grundislav's sentiments.

Concept: Grundislav.
Playability: gameboy
Artistic execution: Grundislav

All intriguing this month. Well done everyone.


Concept: Nixxon
Playability: Gameboy
Artistic Execution: Grundislav

Fantastic entries!


Concept: Nixxon
Playability: gameboy
Artistic Execution: Grundislav


Concept: Blondbraid (kinda gives that underworld (i.e. realm of the dead) vibe).
Playability: gameboy (maybe an abandoned bar might have some items used for puzzle solving)
Artistic Execution: Nixxon (hands down--has almost the feel of a good Halloween cartoon, or like Ooga Booga Land from King's Quest 7)

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