Background Blitz: Unexpected Shelter (WINNER ANNOUNCED)

Started by OneDollar, Wed 11/05/2022 21:01:28

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Background Blitz: Unexpected Shelter - voting now open

You're a long way from civilisation... or so you thought. Suddenly you come across a strange structure. It looks man-made, but what's it doing here? Who built it? Are they still here?

Your goal is to draw a background suitable for an adventure game that fits with the theme of Unexpected Shelter. Use the pictures above for inspiration if you like, but also feel free to think outside of the box.

You have until the 2nd of June to get your entries in. Have fun!

It's now voting time! As per usual voting is open to all and I want to hear your favourite for each of the following three categories:

Concept: What is the background about? What sort of mood does it spark? What is, as it were, the big idea?
Playability: What is its opportunity for gameplay like? Walkable areas, hot-spots, and so forth?
Artistic Execution: How well does the picture convey an atmosphere? How well is it executed?

The deadline for voting is the 9th of June.

by stylez75

by Mouth for war

by Hannah_Banana

by newwaveburritos

by Nr. 2698

by milkanannan


Mouth for war

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Quote from: OneDollar on Wed 11/05/2022 21:01:28
You have until the 2nd of April to get your entries in.

This is very generous of you.


Wow that's not even this month, I must have been half asleep when I posted that. Thanks Stupot, deadline fixed.


Unexpected shelter is pretty much the theme of the game I'm working on now where you find yourself stranded in a castle full of spooky monsters in love with each other.  And I haven't yet drawn the castle itself so I'll definitely be posting something soon.


Entries are looking really cool so far everyone! Hoping I can get one in later this month (waiting on inspiration to strike).

@mouthforwar what software did you use to create yours?

Mouth for war

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Quote from: Mouth for war on Tue 17/05/2022 10:02:58
Thanks! I used Poser for this :-)

Nice! I haven’t used Poser before, will have to check it out!


Beads of sweat fall off your forehead as you stumble through the desert. It’s been days since you last saw civilisation and you now barely have a mouthful of water left in your supply when you see a vision to your left.

Is it real? You pick up your pace, hoping this isn’t another mirage in the desert sun. As you feel the sand change under your feet, you realise it’s really there. How unexpected!

You make your way to the bar to be greeted by a fast-talking salesman. Can it be? It’s Stan! Last time you saw him he had sold you that overpriced vessel that had capsized leaving you stranded on Chimp Island. Now that had been an adventure to escape from!

Looking past Stan you see a recipe, your favourite cocktail - the Mojito. If only you could find the ingredients… but where would you find them in the middle of a desert (or at least close substitutes… ).


You fall out of a vortex and into a fjord.  Crawling out, you find an architecturally baffling castle off on the horizon.  It's the only shelter as far as you can tell and it's getting dark...

Mouth for war

mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer


Wonderful entries so far.

@Hannah_Banana: Will Stan sell previously owned cocktails  8-0



Quote from: cat on Mon 23/05/2022 08:23:30
Wonderful entries so far.

@Hannah_Banana: Will Stan sell previously owned cocktails  8-0

Hahahaha that could get interesting….  :-X  can’t wait to see what Stan’s new shop is in the new Monkey Island!


Great entries all round! If anyone else wants to join in this is your one week reminder until voting starts.

Nr. 2698

Another new entry at the last minute. I hope that still counts.

After letting the work on the background drag on a bit, I rushed it in a few hours.
It's all hand pixelated.

After doing a lot of monochrome work, I've now experimented with EGA.

You're stranded on an island and you find this weird tree house.

Will you stay for tea with rum and gunpowder? It remains exciting.




EGA is my favorite!  Glad to have a fellow EGAer.



Hope I’m not too late! (Cool theme btw)

Edit: that’s supposed to be a cave  (laugh) pixel art isn’t my forte


OK, entries are now closed and it's officially voting time! There's six wonderful backgrounds to choose from, but only three categories. Comment with your favourite background for each of the following:

Concept: What is the background about? What sort of mood does it spark? What is, as it were, the big idea?
Playability: What is its opportunity for gameplay like? Walkable areas, hot-spots, and so forth?
Artistic Execution: How well does the picture convey an atmosphere? How well is it executed?

You can see a summary of all the entries up in the first post.

The deadline for voting is the 9th of June (I think I've got the right month this time).

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