BG-Blitz | 4th-20th October | "You say goodbye and I say hello"

Started by YOke, Mon 04/10/2004 15:51:06

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Arrival and/or departure

The character is about to embark on a great adventure. Or maybe he's coming home only to discover that things are not how they should be? Set the stage for an arrival or a departure. It could be an airport, a train station, a bus station or maybe a harbour. It might even be something completely different.

Let's go for my favourite resolution: 320x240x32bit

Good luck!

EDIT: Added a couple of days to the deadline due to the forum being down.

Enlightenment is not something you earn, it's something you pay for the rest of your life.


a boat destined for far away shores. Photoshop and Pixia.
<edit> oops I guess I made mine the wrong resolution.Ã,  I'll change it later.



Just add black borders on the top and bottom. Good work!

Enlightenment is not something you earn, it's something you pay for the rest of your life.


thanks guys.Ã,  as long as I have to resubmit it anyway, maybe i'll work on it a bit more.
<edit> ok I replaced the original pic.  I worked it a bit more and added extraneous pixelage as you suggested.



Come on people!
Seems too many of you took the title too seriously and said "Goodbye"!
Pull yourself out of your autumn depressions and start drawing! Remember that dark feelings are the best friend of an artist. Unless you like drawing unicorns, rainbows and happy, happy people. I don't, so perhaps I'm being subjective.
But then again, I can't really help it.Ã,  :-\

P.S. Don't reply to this unless your reply contains an entry!!!

Enlightenment is not something you earn, it's something you pay for the rest of your life.


Quote from: YOke on Mon 11/10/2004 18:27:07
Come on people!
Seems too many of you took the title too seriously and said "Goodbye"!
Pull yourself out of your autumn depressions and start drawing! Remember that dark feelings are the best friend of an artist. Unless you like drawing unicorns, rainbows and happy, happy people. I don't, so perhaps I'm being subjective.
But then again, I can't really help it.Ã,  :-\

P.S. Don't reply to this unless your reply contains an entry!!!

That Neutron's entry scared the hell out of everyone!
P.S. Sorry, I couldn't resist!


I'll do a non competing entry next time.  It's no fun if there aren't any contestants.  :-\

Privateer Puddin'

In the middle of the night, Guybrush sets out on a journey, armed with only his oil lamp, he prepares to leave :P or something..


Well... That's two entries.
(Puddin': You might concider leaving out Guybrush unless that's a statue of him on the pier. ;) )
Any more people planning of taking the challenge?

Enlightenment is not something you earn, it's something you pay for the rest of your life.

Privateer Puddin'


I wouldn't be so sure.  It looks like it stands a good chance to me.



I've noticed that many people on the forums are very modest when it comes to their artwork. I'm propably the most modest.  :P
But, alas, no points awarded for modesty. (But you loose points for being obnoxious, so be careful.)

Keep posting here to make sure that it stays at the top. I'm ready to allow less than serious posts at this point... ;)

Enlightenment is not something you earn, it's something you pay for the rest of your life.


Mr Flibble

Isn't it strange that all both the competitors chose the piratesque, pier type adventure beginning thingie. ( as oposed to, well, something else.)
Ah! There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!

Darth Mandarb

Farewell to a planet ...

Departing from his doomed homeworld, our hero wonders where fate will take him next.


Holy Shiznit!0_0
Darth that rocks, That is tres cool.


very nice!Ã,  is it 3D? ( judging from the halo around the planet I am going to guess 3DSmax? ) Or is it 2D?Ã,  anyway, looks nice man.

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