Coloring Ball 23rd Sept. - 7th Oct. - Treasure map

Started by cat, Sun 23/09/2007 12:08:39

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You've found this old map in a box in the attic. Does it lead to a treasure? Will it show you the right way? Or is it something totally different?

You may change the color of the outline but not the outline itself. You may also rotate the image.
Max. colors 64 + transparency



EDIT: It's here!

If you can't read the text, it says "Sorry, the treasure is in another castle."
Apologies to anyone who doesn't find this funny. I do at the moment, but I'm also really tired. I wonder what I'll think of it in the morning.
EDIT 2: I still find it funny.
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |

Brad Newsom


I think you can make as many entries as you want, but only one will count. That's standard, but I suppose in the end it's up to the host.
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


You never said we could enlarge the canvas, but you never said we couldn't...


I think this is the first time I enter this activity.

(8 unique colours including transparency)

Don't ask me what it is, I-just-don't-know...
Also, the spellings are intentional. :=
(I think I followed the outlines as close as possible, but would possibly be different in a few pixels, hope this won't disqualify the entry.)

space boy


Wow nice work, everyone-except-me... I'm in awe :o
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


Great entries everyone!

For those who didn't submit an entry yet: just one day left!


Ok, competition is over.

Brad Newsom: Looks very good, I really like the rolling edges. Simple but effective.
SilverTrumpet: Great idea, really made me laugh. The picture itself could need some polishing.
Rayberg: Also great idea, however you could have spent more times in details (e.g. use a more appropriate font etc.)
Gilbot V7000a: I don't know what it is too and I don't know how the shape has inspired you to do IT but it is fun  ;)
TheJBurger: Great picture and astonishing use of color!
space boy: Nice idea. Probably this is the treasure the other maps lead to?

Third place: Gilbot! This -what ever it is- is creative and well done.
Second place: TheJBurger! It looks really like an old treasure map.

And the first place goes to...

Brad Newsom
very effective style, good placement of shadows and I can really think of this sprite in an adventure game.

Thank you all for your participation, Brad its your turn for a new competition.

Brad Newsom

Just got back from vacation and came to my surprise that I won! Thanks so much! :D

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