Coloring ball - mar 14 to mar 28 - once upon a midnight dreary...

Started by Bulbapuck, Sat 14/03/2009 15:53:04

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Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.
There came a rap-tap-tapping at my chamber door
'twas... ehh... this:

...and nothin' more.

My memories are weak of this day. All i remember is the outline.
What was it?

Outline can be flipped or rotated, but no scaling.
Background is not required, but include one if you want.
No colour limit.

There will be trophies, I've already finished them but transperency doesn't seem to work... I'll figure it out

EDIT:Screw transperency!

EDIT2: Thanks Babar :P


17 colors + 0

ehm dont know what 'rap-tap-tap' means exactly (knockin? thought so)
but hope its okay.
its a bat! blood?


Great entry Bohnito :D Good thinking with the outline.
And with 'rap-tap-tap' I did mean knocking (in case anyone got confused :=)

Keep 'em coming!



With a rap-tap-tap it's a crazy penguin salesman with a fish! Buy it! NOW!


I saw a penguim there too  ;D (I think everyone saw it  ;) )


Here's one of my rare attempts in pixel-art (instead of vector-art). It's an owl.


Hahah I intended to do an owl at the beggining but my gf talked me into penguin idea :)


Quote from: SpacePaw on Tue 24/03/2009 17:31:30
Hahah I intended to do an owl at the beggining but my gf talked me into penguin idea :)

Haha, I thought of a goose at the beginning that would have looked very similar to your penguin...


You sure it wasn't a flap-flap-flapping at your chamber door?

Quote from: Calin Elephantsittingonface on Tue 08/02/2011 09:00:55
The only person in favour of the mobs seems to be IndieBoy.. but he's scottish so we dont listen to him anyway.



How could you guys have missed this... isn't it obvious??  ;D

"Hail to the king, baby!"


Quote from: rharpe on Wed 25/03/2009 04:29:03
How could you guys have missed this... isn't it obvious??  ;D
Oh my god! He came back to take over the world!!!


Quote from: rharpe on Wed 25/03/2009 04:29:03
How could you guys have missed this... isn't it obvious??  ;D

mmm, there is another monster of a game too, a green one (not a tentacle of course) but i can't tell now because someone can draw it still.

Edited by mod: Removed image in quote.


Holy crap guys! XD
Absolutely brilliant entries, ALL of you! ;D

How the hell am I supposed to pick a winner here :=

By the way, 3 more days.
To everyone else who want's to contribute; you're entry must be in at 18:00 forum time (the time at the forums when you're not logged in) at the 28th.


Quote from: Jakerpot on Mon 23/03/2009 23:58:30
I saw a penguim there too (I think everyone saw it)

I didn't :(

..Entry on its way


You were partying too loudly.
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


I can see only a bowling pin, so:

psychotic bowling pin in his underwear

Travis Anthony

Chew before you swallow?

I sure hope you answered the door while dream walking!  I sure wouldn't want to meet a fish that dines on whole human arms!   :o   Yikes!  haha

You're absolutely right.  There is already such good entries.  I'd hate to make it any harder for you! :P
The difficult we do immediately.  The impossible takes a little longer.


Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.


Alright guys, another coloring ball has come to it's end.
Sorry I didn't post this yesterday but it wouldn't be fair, me being drunk and all :=

I would like to thank everyone for making this such an awesome ball ;D

First, a quick summary of the entries:

Bohnito - An awesome entry with some great shading, I was very impressed!

jerakeen - Love the 3D-effect, and my love for death metal scored you some bonus points ;)

SpacePaw - Man, that made me laugh :P very well drawn too, good job!

Mr Matti - This reminded me a lot of some art from old books I used to read as a child, a really good entry!

IndieBoy - Another really funny entry :D I was worried that nobody would figure out a way to put the outline on it's side, but you did an awesome job

rharpe - LOL! How could I have missed that?! An amazing entry!

Sylvr - Wow, I did not see a cat coming ;) Good thinking!

stajp - Yeah, I could only see a bowling pin too, your entry sure made me laugh though!

Travis Anthony - "I'd hate too make it harder for you" you say, and yet you enter an awesome entry, good job!

Wys - Wow, that really is a piece of pixel art! I'm very impressed!

and an extra thank you to Babar for helping out with the transperency issue

Alright, now for the winners:

Third place -rharpe

Second place - Wys

First place - SpacePaw

The decision was REALLY hard, absolutly anyone could've won, but I picked the penguin 'cause it's really funny and well drawn.
Once again, my thanks to all and good luck SpacePaw!

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