Coloring ball - mar 29 to apr 12 - LA man

Started by SpacePaw, Sun 29/03/2009 18:22:58

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Ok...I don't know about you guys but I ALWAYS wonder who or what the f*** is in Lucas Arts logo!

The work that will make most (non)sense to me wins! The more crazy idea the better! LA guys are crazy after all.

-Flipping and rotating allowed (those bastard's at LA can be tricky!) but no scaling
-Must be at least a little bit crazy
-No color limits
-Background optional :)
-Special bonus for drawing only in the fully outlined area  ;)
-Make as many entries as you want :)

TROPHIES (Yes there are some!):


Here my entry!!!!

I original thougth about making a Fire backdrop, but I prefered making it clear.
"Tiny pixelated boobies are the heart and soul of Castlevania"

Galactic Battlefare Capital Choice Part 1 , finished, releasing soon
GBF CC Part 2, WIP


And here is mine! (It was a quick one... actually all of my entries usually are. :=)
"Hail to the king, baby!"


It's Howard Phillips Lovecraft playing with one of his little alien friends while morphing into Cthulhu.


Great entries so far :) I'm a bit disturbed by the drawing outside the outline in the first two - you went the easier way ;) But they're good anyway :3 special points for drawing only inside the outlines though :) !


| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


Famous viking Björn Redbeard who saw a glimpse of the famous Valhalla's bright night lights.


oh lol, well that's orginal :3 One of the "I wouldn't think of that" bravo :)


I know I've already made an entry, but this just got into my head and won't leave until I post it..
It's an old pokemon nobody wants to catch anymore, doing card tricks to make a living.

And mind you, this thing between its legs is actually its TAIL.


No worries - post as many as you like as far as they're good ^^ It's not like I choose at random :P only the work I like the most wins so amount wont save you if they're bad.
Yours look great so far :)
To be honest all entries are great so far! I will have hard time judging...And it's only the beggining of the contest!


When a certain George went hunting long, long ago, in a galaxy far far away, he encountered a strange creature...

The creature's head is now hanging on the wall of George's office, decorated with an OOPART that is rumoured to belonging to teh Force.


It's George Lucas himself, counting all the dollars he makes with LucasArts... and Star Wars 3D-rubbish...of course.  ;D

I planned to add more detail, but somehow got tried at looking at his taunting face...because I'm buying Star Wars 3D-rubbish his company makes myself.


Quote from: kaioshin on Tue 31/03/2009 17:38:40
It's George Lucas himself, counting all the dollars he makes with LucasArts... and Star Wars 3D-rubbish...of course.  ;D made him greedy person then :P



waking up outside in a spooky night

edit: actually, the animation was meant to make it easier to see the outlines, but it was confusing, right. so, as it has served its purpose by now I'll replace it by a static pic


Took me a while to see it :) great job :3 waking up from total black would be better than total white IMO :P


Alrighty then, here's my entry:

It's a monkey on a hoverboard trying to perform a trick while putting on his shirt ;D

hmm.. One day I'll learn how to shade properly ::)

EDIT: The left leg bugged me so I fixed it. Whichever is better is my entry ;)


Hahah! Interesting! Many good ideas, keep it coming! :3
I'm happy that this contest turned out to be so popular - LA logo turned out to be a good idea :P


Ok I had to try this. It's a collection of things(fish, throwstick, Ra, cow skull, snake), I hope it looks weird enough :D

Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.


Quote from: Bulbapuck on Thu 02/04/2009 11:48:26
It's a monkey on a hoverboard trying to perform a trick while putting on his shirt ;D

Easily my favourite! Genious!! Thumbs up!  :=


Okay then :) time for the results! Belive me it was very hard to choose as there were many entries, all of them interesting, all of them looking good and all of them made me smile :).

But I still have to choose the winners anyway and give the trophies :) So here you go:

1'st place :Kastchey
Your pikachu playing cards is the most crazy idea IMO (but it looks a bit creepy too 0.0).  Other entry was neat as well (hooray for Lovecraft ;) )!

2'nd place : Bulbapuck
Very crazy idea as well but it seems a bit unfinished. Also the way you used the shape was very smart indeed!

3'rd place : kaioshin
It's not really that crazy so I couldnt give you the first place, but belive me, this one is the funniest entry of all . For the great and funny idea you get 3'rd place! If the criteria wasn't the "most crazy" but "most funny" you would get 1'st place from me :)

I'm sorry if some of you feel bad that they didn't win - all entries were marvelous and I really had to think a lot who to choose... Good luck next time!!!

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