ColoringBall: 'Trick or Treat' ~ WINNER ANNOUNCED!

Started by Tabata, Fri 11/10/2013 16:42:49

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Join the team for the trick ot treat parade! 

Yeah â€" it's that time of the year again to meet and have some fun.
Are you ready to team up for the event?

Show us what look you choose for your appearence on the big party.
Will you become a bloody beast, a mad mummy, an angry alien, a scary skeleton, a pretty princess, a magical monster, a hillarious hero, a rude robot, ... or even a crazy cow? :grin:

Who will be be the leader of our team - the first one in our polonaise, while we are on the hunt for sweets ?

… and will we be able to find that mysterious tin box?

We will see   ...   hopefully

But since this still is the colorball, you need a shape to deal with …
okay ~ I did my magic already

and made that thing to challenge for you:

You are allowed to rotate or mirror the shape but don't resize.
There is no color limit and the outline can be coloured, too (but not altered).
Just stay in the shape, be creative and show us your costumes before the 25th of this month is done.

You can't decide which costume you want to show us? No prob, don't worry â€" we take them all!  8-)
(We will simply vote on all of the entries and the one of yours, that got the most votes will be taken into account for the ranking)

Throphies?  - Of course there are some!

All participants will be rewarded with this little mummy
It's addicted to the magical sweets of halloween, but hey - nobody's perfect! :wink:

... there is one available,
that only runs for golden drops
... and another one,
that does so for silver bubble gum
... and this one,
who prefers bronze-colored chocolate

.. and now it's your turn to do the magic …

"Ladies and gentleman ...
~ start your engines!"
... aaaaaand ...
"Please push your pixels!“


In the meantime I'll see whether I can find some old candies to be offered as trophies for the 'trick or treat' - team members ~ done!   


Well, I don't know... This particular costume might be better suited to Cat, or Waheela, or our hostess, in view of my gender, but this is what I glimpsed in the shape when I turned it around a bit:


So, we can do more than one of these? I'll have to study the shape some more. I'm reasonably sure there are more things in there.


A second image in the shape.


Mouseketeer? Mais non, I have made the faux pas.


Harder to "see things" when the shape is turned on its side. Dug this out, but not very happy with it:


Yo, Furball! Trick or treat.


Using up all the ideas. Saw this one a while ago. Had time to play with it this evening:


Castumes? What freakin' castumes?

So, I guess I'll have to cease and desist, now. Had fun with this Coloring Ball, in particular.


YAY â€" we have our first  team members!

Ha, ha, ha â€" those are pretty cool starters, jwalt â€" and really fast, too. (nod)

And yes, you are welcome to do several entries and all can go for the sweets. It will be your decision, wheter all or which of them shall go for the voting candies â€" but of course you can win just with one of them (the one that gets most of the candies will count for you).
In case you don't want to go with all of them you just need to mark those that are non compending before the deadline is reached, so I won't list them for the voters.

A little update:
The trophies are already on my cuoboard for to get the finishing touches and just need a bit more of training to hold on their bandages. But they are already eager for lollies, gum and chocolate and can't get their mouth full enough of that stuff.  :grin:


Igor wants to scare the kids of Canada on Halloween night, but he doesn't want to trudge through a meter of fresh snow while he's there. What to do, what to do?


One spooky snowmobile rental later and he's ready to don his stylish orange ski suit, his purple scarf, and his goggles (safety first, kids) and head north to scare some trick or treaters!


â€" what a cool appearence!

This happens to become a spectacular parade!  :cheesy:

Time for to tell you about a little extra that I am planning:
The parade will take place after we found out about the leader of the 'Trick or Treat'-Team
with all the costumes that you'll post here (including the non compending entries).  (nod)
So you will be given a graduation photo from the 'Trick or Treat'-Team Parade on Halloween 2013
for your photo album in the end

Better start thinking about what to wear
there's still a real lot of time, so no need to hurry,
but it shouldn't last forever

If you don't join, you can't be part of the team :grin:

* a little tip
Beware of the background from the graduation photo being different from the thread!
So be careful with transparence and only use it, when really wanted. Otherwise - depending on the background -
it might give your costume a „strange“ look that you didn't go for (like being in stealth mode).
If you want your entry to be nicely presented on the graduation photo - be sure your costume has the colour of your choice.


Evil Needs Candy Too

Trick or Treat. Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat
But beware if you ain't got sweet
Will rip you apart with my razor teeth

Beware of Ar LeQuin, an evil guy wearing a harlequin costume complete with:

    • Freddy Krueger knives-hand
    • The Joker face
    • Pennywise yellow razor teeth
    • Red Cape with XXL Tail


    ...  We already got even more great entries!!   

    You guys make me happy!  :kiss:

    Time has come to show you the trophies to be earned.  :wink:

    Well, if you will follow me, please ...


            Hope you like them!

    You know, what to do for to get one (laugh)


    I've a read few past Colouring Ball threads hosted by many including you. I must say that I really admired your hosting style. None of them entertained me more than your style combined with enthusiasm. And you've not failed to keep up with my expectations. Well done! (nod)
    That's not some cheesy flattery, that's honesty! :P

    The entries are top-notch, as usual, and I'll gladly vote for them :). If only I had more time on my hand to actually draw something and get immortalized on that graduation photo of yours, yeah, that would've been great! :(


    And another one:

    Have Candy I Must!


    Witches ghosts goblins and, down walking the street,
    On every door way knock, trick or treat!
    When is opened your door this what you is meet,
    Shouting scary yoda trick or treat!
    Yes, hmmm.

    An unknown person wearing a Yoda costume. But in stead of scare people, this person is too easily scared.
    When that happens - actually, after ringing each doorbell it does - he tries to hide behind his own costume as be seen in the picture... *sigh*
    He even wears his brand new Adidas sneakers, just in case it becomes to scary so he can run away as quickly as possible.
    The only thing that might scare people off are his hairy legs.


    He, he, he â€" that Yoda seems to be perfect for me
    (I am allways eager for the sweets but a bit anxious  - ähem - shy.)
    That's why I am rarely walking solely along the dark streets on earth usually.

    So how about some more company? :wink:

    @ Adeel
    Thanks a lot. Your kind words are much appreciated. I am always
    excited from the creativity of the entries.
    People here have a great and entertainig imagination! (nod)


    Quote from: Tabata on Wed 16/10/2013 09:22:49
    So how about some more company? :wink:

    Aye! No Hallow's Eve is complete without a Ghost dressed up as himself :=


    "In the streets on Halloween there's
    something going on.
    No way to escape the power unknown.
    In the streets on Halloween the spirits
    will arise:
    Make your choice, it's hell or paradise!"


    ... coooool!  ~ We have a candy man ghost in the team 

    Seems to me, we are on the save side about getting some sweets now.

    Come on guys â€" music's already playin' ...

    feel the magic of halloween and
    join the 'trick or treat-team'!


    Reminder!    ...    Last chance to take part     ...      

    Time's running â€" unless someone wants an extension, we soon will spread some candies to choose the leader of the pack  :cool:


    Allright! I love costume parties :D

    Decided to go all out on this one with a double costume:

    "what you mean costume? I no wear costume. Just hooman doing hooman thing eating hooman food. No alien here."

    Intense Degree

    Just a quick silly one...

    Something had gone terribly wrong with the canine Portal halloween costume!


    Suuuper! ~ I am very happy to see  two more cool entries! 

    Hope, you all are ready now for the next step? Let's do it:

                 VOTING!!!                          VOTING!!!                          VOTING!!!             

    Who will become the leader of our supercool 'trick or treat'-team?
    Everyone is invited to vote!
    … and of course this time you will be allowed to authentically distribute candies to your favorites  (laugh)


    All voters have three candies to give away:

      a golden,

    a silver and

      a bronze candy

    are yours to offer it to the entries.

    All participants did a really a good job! As always I am impressed about the cool ideas and how creative it was „squeezed“  in the given shape.  (nod)
    It is not required, but you might want to take the chance to tell us about why you choose especially this one.  :wink:

    So now it's your turn to spread the candies among these  ...




    Very cool and creative entries all around, a very nice coloring ball ^^

    Quote from: Tabata on Sat 26/10/2013 05:46:47
    It is not required, but you might want to take the chance to tell us about why you choose especially this one.  :wink:
    I actually never have an idea when I start a coloring ball entry. I just extend some lines, introduce new lines where it seems appropriate, and then lean back and look at the mess. After flipping enough times i get that "oh, so that's what it is!" moment and work from there. It's an odd method with mixed results, but hey! It's fun :D
    It's like looking at clouds and trying to figure out what they are.

    So here are my votes:

    goes to Ghost for his ghost

    This one I feel fitted the theme best and has a really cool artstyle, very nice entry.

    goes to Ponch for Igor

    Very clever use of the outline, and it looks awesome too!

      goes to Arj0n for Ar LeQuin

    Clever use of the outline, nice artstyle and the creepiest out of all the entries. This entry ticked all the boxes for me, and gets a golden candy as a result.

    Thanks for hosting a great coloring ball Tabata, your competitions always turn out fantastic due to your enthusiasm and awesome emoticons :D


    Great entries all around. My votes go to...

    1) The witch takes first place because it's a classic costume idea. :cool:
    2) Yoda because George Lucas brainwashed me as a child and I feel compelled to support him in all things. :wink:
    3) Canine Portal for being the only one that made me laugh when I saw it. :cheesy:


    Gold for Arjon's Monster Clown. Because it reminds me of Killer Klowns From Outer Space, and that is a movie you must see to believe it (It is about clowns from outer space who are also killers).

    Silver for Bulbapuck's Double Costume because a) double costumes are a wicked idea, b) double costumes have been used in Darkman, c) I really like Pokémon.

    Bronze to Ponch's Igor because it clearly showcases the most efficient method to collect the maximum amount of candy with the minimum amount of fuss, and one can't help but appreciating that. I am also terribly afraid of cows, and he could swing his bell at me.


    Great entries all of you!

    I usually look at the shape for a while and rotate it a few times until I got an idea.
    Then I work it out roughly, make necessary corrections here and there and finalize it.

    My votes:

    Ghost by Ghost
    • The usage of that pompkin, candy and the ghost make this one the one that matches the theme the best for me. Lovely little details as alway.

    Double Custome by Bulbapuck
    • Love that face. And a double custom? great idea!

    Igor by Ponch
    • This one made me smile the most. Great use of the shape, love it.

    ...and claps for Tabby for hosting this great CB!

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