Animation Competition: Emotional Creature [1/31 -- 2/14]

Started by rharpe, Sat 31/01/2009 07:48:22

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Animate this creature >>>| |<<< by adding some emotion to him/her in time for St Valentine's Day. No restrictions. (Shape shifting is permitted.)

All entries must be in before 2/15...

Good luck and have fun!
"Hail to the king, baby!"


Quote from: Strange Visitor on Sun 01/02/2009 23:44:16
It's Slimer!!!  ;D
Yes it is... sorry, had to throw something together real quick. (Didn't think I was gonna win the last competition.)
"Hail to the king, baby!"


If no one submits anything... I may have to start a new challenge with a different sprite to animate.
"Hail to the king, baby!"


I'm not sure if I'll be able to enter but I'm planning on doing so.


Well so much for that challenge... I'll whip up another sprite soon and start a different challenge. This challenge is closed. (Mods, please lock this one.)
"Hail to the king, baby!"

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