Hourgame Saturday! - Mike Tyson Edition - Wyz Wynz!!!

Started by Rex Mundane, Wed 09/06/2010 20:43:06

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Captain Lexington


Yeah, It's really hard to go past Wyz's entry, That's where my vote goes too.


It's fun, the depth perception works fairly well, needs a timer and score though.

Captain Lexington:
Nice little game, too bad for the cat though ;)

Wait, no sex? :D Lemons, that's pretty good too. ;D

That last line was really good :D

Captain Lexington gets my vote.
Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.

Rex Mundane

Bumping the thread, going to close the voting sometime tomorrow, but barring a sudden upset or absurdly bad call by Referee Coulibaly (Yay! World Cup Humor!) its looking pretty one sided.

Rex Mundane

Well then its thoroughly settled. A winner is Wyz!

He is entitled to this marvelous commemorative collectors edition limited availability pristine gourmet high-falutin hoity-toity just plain awesome Mike Tyson Hourgame Trophy, along with all the rights and privileges that it confers.


Tyson will be remembered in my sig, with that awesome trophy! ;D

See you all next Saturday.
Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.

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