MAGS April "The Cure" (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Fri 02/04/2021 04:54:02

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I played What a Whopper last night and I had a lot of fun! It seems that Slasher is putting more multi-stage puzzles (acquire A so you can access B so you can get rid of C and acquire D, which is needed in the quest) in his games which definitely moves things up a notch!

One small thing to fix (unless it was addressed):
The second time I entered the woods it said that I need to get items for Woody, but at that point I had not met Woody yet

Overall, a well-structured game with good puzzle design.


Well caught Shadow1000, thanks... Now fixed (nod)




Quote from: Slasher on Fri 30/04/2021 04:38:54
Where is everyone?
Well, it looks like you are the only one with the antidote, Slasher. Thanks for taking part. I'll be in touch about choosing a topic for June

Everyone else. Download and play April's winnerWhat a Whopper today.

And why not try something for MAGS May.


Congrats anyway, Slasher. Your game is a good 'un and a worthy winner, competition or not. ;-D


Quote from: heltenjon on Sat 01/05/2021 17:53:21
Congrats anyway, Slasher. Your game is a good 'un and a worthy winner, competition or not. ;-D
Thanks heltenjon....Would have been nice to have had other entries...

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