Background Blitz - Now for something completely different - [WINNER ANNOUNCED]

Started by nihilyst, Wed 28/03/2012 00:55:16

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Yay, cool entry, Eazy-O :D

Idea: Armageddon
Atmosphere: Misj'
Functionality: 2dMatty
Technique: 2dMatty

That was tough..  :-\'s kinda steep. But with a sled I can slide down the slope.


Idea: Cuiki
Atmosphere: oraxon
Functionality: 2dMatty
Technique: Misj'


Idea: Misj'
Atmosphere: 2d Matty
Functionality: 2d Matty
Technique: Lad
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Quite a turnout with some really nice entries :)

Idea: Eazy-O
I'm bias as its got a sweet car in the scene and I get death proof vibes :P

Atmosphere: oraxon
Your piece feels eery and brings a feeling that the player is alone. Really like it!

Functionality: Eazy-O
I could see the character walking right up to the car and then heading down to the windmill getting lost in the distance

Technique: Misj'
Very impressed with how you pulled the oldschool pixel style art off :)


 Here are my votes.

Idea: Cuiki
Atmosphere: oraxon
Functionality: 2dMatty
Technique: oraxon

Really liked your BG oraxon, very impressed. All were cool, but man the first time I saw yours, it evoked emotion. Well done!

Once the winner is decided, I will upload the new version of my image. So you can see how well or bad I used the technique I chose. (I think I improved the BG quite a bit)


Sounds cool Lad, I'd like to see your updates when the comps ended :)


We have winner, and his name is 2dMatty. Congrats! With 11 votes, you were on top of the list, closely followed by Misj' with 9.

Thanks for all the entries.

Armageddon: Your background has a gritty, expressionist tone which I like. The pencil strokes add to that. However, the irritating perspective and the details on the village are hard to read, so the functionality is, in some way, disabled.

Misj': You've done a beautiful 8-bit rendition there. The limited colours give your background value and contrast which I thought the original lacked. I can clearly see this image in-game. The 4-colour-version are a nice addon, but the dithering, I think, should have been the same resolution; now, they're double the resolution as the non-dithering pixels, which gives it an awkward look.

2dMatty: Great colours (although the bottom half is a bit too green for my taste), and the rain effect really adds to the scenery. Like Misj's bg, yours succeeds in telling a story.

oraxon: A chilling image. Everything is just hinted at with a few strokes, but yet it seems so well detailed that one can feel a cold, but soft wind on your skin.

Cuiki: I dig the alien looking building and the hills, but for some reason I'm not a friend of the foreground. There's nothing really interesting there.

Lad: That style works for me, and I could easily imagine it in an adventure. However, I'd like to see it with more details.

Eazy-O: My favorite of all. The Paint-style airbrush and the harsh colour scheme nails the post-apoc theme you were going for.


Quote from: nihilyst on Mon 16/04/2012 21:41:42
for some reason I'm not a friend of the foreground. There's nothing really interesting there.

Thanks for your comment, nihilist :)
I started drawing that as a simple background, but somewhere in the process it seemed to have taken on a whole new level and I began thinking in terms of an actual game, with story and puzzles and dialogues and stuff (a game that I'll probably never even start working on, but still). The way it ties in the story, it's sort of cool that you think there's nothing interesting there. :P

And if you meant anything else (perspective, style, colour, shading, inspiration, whatever) I agree it looks pretty lame. :P
This was my innitial idea, but it seemed like a bit too much work.. and the colours were just a bit too painful on the eyes.'s kinda steep. But with a sled I can slide down the slope.


Thanks for the votes everyone :D

I'll get a new blitz up and running in a few minutes :P


 Promised to upload the newer version.

Made three different types of it. Take a look. It is made of 8 different photos/

Gongrats, Matty


Nice work Lad - my favourite one is the last one with the heavy contrast :P

Everyone else - I've posted the new background blitz:

100 Years in the future:

Good luck!

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