Sprite Jam - Party Animals

Started by SinSin, Thu 28/12/2017 18:17:14

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(( Insert reference shots here ))

It's the end of another eventful year with plenty of ups and downs, ins and outs and overs and unders.. it's that time where everyone decides where they will see in the new year and with whom. Will it be a quiet night in or will you be living it large and partying hard with..


Design a human, animal or alien party goer and animate it if you can.


  • no colour restrictions
  • sprite size must not exceed 400 x 400 pixels
  • the reveller in question cannot be an inanimate object
  • bonus points issued for animations by me

Entries will be taken until 12 noon 14th Jan GMT

Good luck all
Currently working on a project!


Sin Sin can i have some reference (images) of what you want. wanna make an entry


Sorry for delays I'm struggling to find time applying reference shots tbh (currently very busy at work AND home )

To put it simply just sprite up a character that lives and loves to dance.

Hope this helps
Currently working on a project!


Currently working on a project!

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