BACKGROUND BLITZ: Gothic architecture (RESULTS)

Started by Blondbraid, Sat 21/10/2017 23:34:09

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Concept: lorenzo
Playability: selmiak
Artistic Execution: selmiak


Concept: Rocchinator
Playability: selmiak
Artistic Execution: lorenzo


Concept: Rocchinator
Playability: selmiak
Artistic Execution: lorenzo


Concept: lorenzo
Playability: Rocchinator
Artistic Execution: lorenzo


Concept: Rocchinator â€" A very atmospheric background. What's that mysterious opening? A portal to another dimension? A mouth ready to devour you?

Playability: selmiak â€" I can imagine characters walking up and down those stairs.

Artistic Execution: Rocchinator â€" I like the palette. The three colours give the image an eerie feeling.


As of counting, there appears to be a tie between lorenzo and selmiak, does anyone else wish to vote and break the stalemate?


I think you might either have to decide yourself by casting a vote, or decide on a draw and give them the chance to figure out who will host the next one.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Sorry for the delay, the result of the vote is a tie between lorenzo and selmiak, so I therefore declare both winners.
Rocchinator made third place.

I'll try to make trophies if I find the time.


Would you mind hosting the next Background Blitz, selmiak? I'll be a bit busy in the next few days and I don't want to delay the competition further. :)


Hmmmm, guess what, I'm also very very busy, but then, hosting the contest is fun and you don't have to draw anything in that timeframe anyways, let the others draw, let's see if I find an interesting theme...


Congratulations to lorenzo for wining three interlaced rounds of Background Blitz and joining the Grand Slam Winner list!


Quote from: selmiak on Thu 07/12/2017 01:28:22
Hmmmm, guess what, I'm also very very busy, but then, hosting the contest is fun and you don't have to draw anything in that timeframe anyways, let the others draw, let's see if I find an interesting theme...
Only if it doesn't represent a problem for you. I asked you because I won't have a proper internet connection in the next days and I wanted to settle on who was going to host the next competition.
But if you can't find the time, let me know and I'll do it next week.

Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 07/12/2017 02:14:43
Congratulations to lorenzo for wining three interlaced rounds of Background Blitz and joining the Grand Slam Winner list!
I didn't know about that, thank you Gilbert! :)


cool, congrats on that lorenzo.
Considering that, lorenzo should have the honour of hosting and selecting the theme of the next blitz.

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