Fortnightly Writing Competition - SPECTACLE (Results)

Started by Baron, Thu 17/08/2017 04:25:43

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How do you write in words about a spectacle, a quintessentially visual thing?  A spectacle can be something good or bad.  It can be impressive or cringe-worthy.  It can be a thing or an action or a person.  It can be a performance or something impromptu.  It can be used for community building or propaganda, adoration or shaming.  Basically something or someone has to be on display, or at least feel as if they are on display.  Where you take it from there is up to you.

Deadline:  All submissions should be posted by the end of Thursday August 31, 2017, with voting to start the following day.

Possible Voting Categories:  Best Character, Best Spectacle, Best Writing, Most Thought Provoking.

Best of luck to all entrants! ;-D ;-D ;-D


I have an idea for an entry, even though I might have the only entry in the competition.


Quote from: funnyboy044 on Sun 20/08/2017 00:57:20
I have an idea for an entry, even though I might have the only entry in the competition.
As long as your entry is spectacular! :cheesy:


Q: Anyone ever hear about the man who fell into the machinery at the glass-works?

A: He made a spectacle of himself He died.


Don't let these naysayers put a lead brick in your inventory, funnyboy044.  Don't underestimate the power of showing up.  Why, some of my most spectacular victories were in competitions where I was the only entrant.  If you wanna to get the win, you gotta BE the win. (nod)


I'll throw something in here so funnyboy044 doesn't feel alone on the stage. ;)



Oh, that picture in the montage of the beheadings in France is that same one that was used in the opening montage of Bustin' The Bastille!


Quote from: Mandle on Mon 21/08/2017 06:08:25
Nustin' The Bastille!
Is that the secret porn parody of a certain MAGS entry? :-D

Good thing I'm neither a writer nor a comedian


Wow.  Porn Remake Theme.  Where were you when I was brainstorming theme ideas last week. (laugh)

History Nerd Alert!!!!!  I'm pretty sure those folks you can see on the platform are being pilloried.  And, based on statuary evidence, it seems like they're in Charing Cross, London (Trafalgar Square since the 1800s):

But I wouldn't put it past the French to let geography or English common law get in the way of a good beheading. ;)  I will, however, be the first to admit that my montage was pretty slap-dash, as evidenced by the bar of empty space left at the bottom.  Next time I will be sure to scroll past the top pictures in my Google image search in order to find something more unique. (nod)


Quote from: Baron on Tue 22/08/2017 02:28:20
Wow.  Porn Remake Theme.  Where were you when I was brainstorming theme ideas last week. (laugh)
I can't produce ideas when asked anyway. It just happens. But feel free to be inspired by something I utter.


90 Mile Straight

Cameron took his hands slowly off of the steering wheel and sat back into the smooth contours of the seat of his latest stolen ride, his foot flat to the floor.

The Lamborghini Huracán Spyder he was driving zipped along the "90 Mile Straight", as it is well-known as, of the Eyre Highway in Western Australia: The longest straight road in the world.

Orange sand and stunted brush crawled by seemingly at a snail's pace as the speedometer hit two-twenty and continued to climb.

Cameron folded his hands behind his head and grinned widely as the pitch-perfect handling of the car deviated neither a millimeter left nor right.

The road unwound out from in front of him lazily and raced back behind him at an insane pace.

He threw back his head and laughed into the wind whipping his long early-twenties locks of hair about every which way as the speedo left its twenties and sped into the next decade.

Around about two-thirty-five his eyes fell upon the genuine-leather coated lid of the car's glovebox. He leaned forwards and opened it as a family-laden station wagon briefly zipped by in the opposite lane blasting its horn, the noise of which was dopplered and then lost to him forever.

Hoping for a stash of coke, or at least ice, Cameron was disappointed to come up poor with only a pair of old-folksy spectacles.

Big-rimmed and thick through the lenses, comically so, the spectacles annoyed Cameron on a base level.

So, this car, his best ever steal, had been owned by just some rich old fart who most likely couldn't even get it up anymore without medicinal help?!

Cameron, as the car entered its forties, put on the glasses, partly out of spite for, and partly to make fun of the owner who couldn't even drive this dope ride withou...

Cameron's eyes, magnified behind the thick lenses of the spectacles, went glassy and dull.

As the speedo climbed into the late forties, Cameron sat in his reclining sofa chair watching late night reality TV and smoking another joint during the commerci...

The speedo hit mid-fifties and he lay in a hospital bed unable to even push the nurse call button because of his recent stro...

In the real world outside of Cameron's daze the desert continued to whip by on each side as the needle on the speedometer cracked sixty and the superb handling of the car continued to vary neither a millimeter left nor right as it sleeked along the longest straight road in the world.

Cameron sat in a wheelchair, drooling into his lap in a care home.

The needle on the dial broke seventy, and Cameron was in darkness. He felt the jolt at the end of being lowered down and heard a voice say "...dust to dust..." as a single thud of dirt from only the priest's hand fell on the lid of his coffin.

Cameron reached up to claw at the coffin lid in his final rage against the end.

As the speedo hit eighty, plus the extra two hundred, and the first bend in the "90 Mile Straight" approached, Cameron clawed the spectacles from his face.

Only the car's computer-assisted braking system saved Cameron's life as he slammed both feet down on the brake pedal, slewing to and fro and blowing out a tire both front and back, before sliding to a stop right in front of a patrol car stationed there on radar duty.

The cop ran over, looked into the driver's side window and said:

"Mate, pick up your glasses. I see a lot of legal fine print you are going to need to read in your near future."

Cameron looked up at the man out from under the newly greyed lock of hair that had fallen over one eye and replied:

"They aren't mine."


Well, at least one person doesn't want to spend his last week of August hacking away in front of a keyboard. ;-D  For everyone else, you've got one week left! 


Quote from: Baron on Fri 25/08/2017 03:12:21
Well, at least one person doesn't want to spend his last week of August hacking away in front of a keyboard.

Oh, I'll be doing that, but for MAGS amongst other AGS-related stuff... (laugh)


Hey sorry guys, I know I said I was going to do something but I think I'll have to bow out of this round due to workload growing at geometric rate. Good luck to all entrants, though!


Mathematically speaking, you need to KEEP adding more work to sustain exponential growth!  I'll put you down as a "maybe". ;)


Still here.



In case you're wondering, Baron, I'm almost done. But it's pretty long for an AGS Writing Contest entry(2-3 pages).

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