Re: Colouring Ball : The World As You See It - Winner Declared!

Started by Adeel, Thu 19/09/2013 23:31:09

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We have wonderful entries that are well done with individual stories that I really like to watch.

Voting is such a hard thing to do, but it has to be done, so here we go:
Most of the participants concentrated on the view and created cool scapes but didn't use the sparely individualities of the given shape. But in my opinion that's what the colourball is mainly about â€" using the given shape within the given theme.
Our friendly host who took the time to post his thoughts and some lovely comments to every entry -Thank you for that, Adeel! - also said:
Quote„The frame and the furniture/ledge/wallpaper are the real challenge, in my opinion“
Holding this in mind and looking for the entries that also implemented the particularities of the given shape there are still two left for me to decide on.
Our early bird snail with his halloween themed window view in an interesting colour scheme and
gameboy's, who did a cool view in real pixel-art technique that I am jealous about - but wait - a pink cup?! :shocked:
My blue cup vote for preference goes to jewalt.     

I feel a bit strange to vote for the message of an entry separatly since that was given by the theme and is „The world as you see it“ (through your window).
QuoteImagine yourself looking out of a window. What you're seeing?
So I read the stories and statements that came along with the views again and decided to look for the imaginativeness of the ideas and how well the shown view transports the described attitude.

My vote for the message goes to Stupot+ as it is an idea from 'outside the box' and his message is very well transported as I can really feel the anger and frustration when you are in need of  a ticket and find the ticket booth like abandoned.   

As cool as it is to see such a lot of well done entries â€" it's really hard to decide on just one. You all have done a great job and there is something in every entry that catched me. I'd like to give an honorable mention to the lovely view from UnLady and the georgious animation from selmiak.


Preference: Selmiak. I love the whimsical surrealism of your piece.

Message: Khris. I always wanted to be an astronaut, and see the world as you depicted it. Mars One, maybe... :)

This being said, I actually like all entries*, and it was a tough choice.

* actually except for my mine, which, though not bad in itself, stands out like a sore thumb. Alas, so much more to learn. Back to the drawing board for me, eh?
I think, therefore I am, I think.


Preference: Stupot+
Cool use of that shape

Message: Tabata
I like that dreamy mouse


Tabata gets both votes from me: Preference and Message. I'd also give UnLady an honorable mention, as it was a tough choice between the two.

Well done, everyone, including the ones that were disqualified. Where were you all last month; certainly not looking through keyholes.  (laugh)


Some wicked entries here, well done all.
My preference has to go to Tabata.  Just such a beautiful and warm piece.
For message/theme, I will vote for UnLady.  I would love to look out of my window and see that view.
Also, kudos to Adeel for this interesting spin on the Colouring Ball format and his charming little interpretations of everyone's entries.  Very nice touch. Thanks.


I'll have to go with Unlady for both categories. Beautiful piece!

Edit: fixed typo


Sorry for being late, guys. I were busy but lets forget about it for now and concentrate on what you we've now!

Sorry for being late, guys. I were busy but now that I've found some time, lets get on it! I've counted the votes (feel free to correct me - I don't suck at Maths but I'm sleep deprived so there's a possibility I may have done wrong calculations). Surprisingly, the voter turnout was quite less than the entries participated (are we having real elections people? 8-0). Anyways, here are the results:

Aaaaaaannnnnddd, the WINNER / 1st Position Holder of Colouring Ball: The World As You See It, is:


Tabata - A big applause for her excellent entry, because of which she received a total of 5 Votes!

Congratulations to you, Tabata! Enjoy the Golden Framed Window View. ;-D

The 2nd Position gooooeeeeeesss tooo:


UnLady - One of the most detailed entry submitted in this contest! She received a total of 3 Votes!

Congratulations! Silver but nevertheless better! ;-D

The 3rd Position is shared by two contestants and they aaaaaaarrrree:


Stupot+ & Khris - Both of your entries had gained my personal vote because I never thought my shape could be used in such a way! Stupot+ and Khris both received a total of 2 Votes.

Congratulations to both of you. Bronze for the win! :)

Also, I would like to mention about jwalt and selmiak here. They both received a total of 1 Vote.

Thank you, everyone (including those who were disqualified) for taking the interest and participating. Whenever one of you all submitted his/her entry. You can't imagine the pleasure I felt. Thanks once again, for making this competition successful. (nod)

It was fun hosting this competition. Oh, I loved so much being in power but each throne falls some day. So, I pass the Honourable Charge of CB Hosting to Tabata. Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate in her competition due to my engagements but I'll watch the thread (and hopefully vote, if I can find time).

You all can congratulate each other while the thread is still open! ;)

Have a good day (or night in the timezones closer to Pakistan's)! :)



Wonderful entries everybody, and well deserved winner!


Oooops  ~  I didn't see that coming!
Thanks a lot to you all!

It has been such a fun and entertaining to watch all the different views and to show you how Tabby is dreaming while staring at the cheesy moon. (laugh)
Also reading Adeels thoughts about the entries was really interesting and gave this colorball a nice individual touch.

… and now you want a new shape to fill, right? (laugh)
Sadly I cannot use what I started preparing last year to maybe become a comp (there already has been a similar one not that long ago).
So that's why I need to think about a new theme and shape first and then about how I migt be able to catch you for participating.  :wink:   
I have some vague ideas, but since I am a bit caught off guard it might take a bit until it is done.

... on my way now ...



congrats tabby (well earned, I voted for you!!!)
cool trophys are an easy way to get people participating, also a cool theme make at least my imagination run wild...


Yay! Congrats to the numero uno, Tabata, and to each and every one of the participants, all were lovely.
And thanks again, Adeel, for the intriguing and inspiring shapeheme. Also sharing your thoughts with us was awesome, I think you have the soul of a poet.

Cheers everyone.
I think, therefore I am, I think.

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