MAGS July “Nature” (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sun 30/06/2024 22:14:41

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What is your favourite game of MAGS July?

Becalmed (by GOC Games)
9 (81.8%)
Hoopoe's Inferno (by Babar and jfrisby)
2 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Voting closed: Fri 16/08/2024 08:02:54


Quote from: jwalt on Fri 09/08/2024 02:38:50
Jacob's knife has a second use, beyond the BBs.

I think I figured this one out before -
the notching on the mast? If it's something else maybe I missed it. I have no idea how to do the red hair puzzle.

If you want some direction in Hoopoe's Inferno:
Did you find the beach hotspot on the map? Or the ring for the badger?


Quote from: jfrisby on Fri 09/08/2024 03:43:17I think I figured this one out before -
the notching on the mast? If it's something else maybe I missed it. I have no idea how to do the red hair puzzle.

Regarding the red hair:

I think a dialogue option opens up the quest for Roger's hair gel. Once you have it, you need to change the color.

When you spritz the cat, he leaves some paw prints after falling into the coal. I missed it, but Wham's video helped me out.


Regarding the knife:

Need knife to mark the mast, and to extract the BBs needed to make the whistle work.


My vote went to Becalmed. Would not have finished Hoopoe without the comment left in WHAM's YouTube playthrough. I also missed the ring, early on. Both were worth the time I spent on them, but Hoopoe was less enjoyable.


Edit: I'd previously stated I thought which tattoo didn't matter. Appears that it does, so choose wisely.  ;-)


Sorry for a double post. Seems to be an ongoing issue with "the 90% problem." I haven't been able to duplicate the issue, but WHAM's video, at 40:30 may provide insight into the problem, if it is a problem.

The option to continue asking where Roger left the gel seems to not show up. Note that WHAM had a 70% score when this happened.

Also, there is a misnamed thread in the Hints area that has a couple of other instances of folks having the problem. Thread is "Becakmed."


I'm having trouble with both games in the same place that others have gotten stuck:

I'm at the 90% and have the coal dust but I don't see any way to get the hair gel. What do I need to do at this point or is there indeed a bug making it impossible to finish? It's not clear from previous posts

I gave the blueberries to the turtle and revisited all locations. I even tried giving more fish to the bears. I don't see anything new to do at this point

Thank you


Quote from: Shadow1000 on Mon 12/08/2024 15:55:04Hoopoe
I gave the blueberries to the turtle and revisited all locations. I even tried giving more fish to the bears. I don't see anything new to do at this point

It doesn't sound like you've met the Ancient Moose yet?  The turtle actually wants 3 food items - blueberries, a worm, and a Honey Baklava (which you have to get from the bees).


These both look awesome, wish I had some more time to play them both! :)


Quote from: jfrisby on Mon 12/08/2024 17:55:29
It doesn't sound like you've met the Ancient Moose yet?  The turtle actually wants 3 food items - blueberries, a worm, and a Honey Baklava (which you have to get from the bees).

Thank you! I finished the game.


Another ship-themed game by GOC Games. Really nice puzzles and good graphics. There was a lot to do and a lot of stuff to pick up (luckily is disappeared after use). A bit more polish would be nice (graphic glitch with the guy on top, more responses to item usage like water on the plant, still dialog about a solved puzzle etc.)

Hoopoe's Inferno
Beautiful graphics and a creative concept. The puzzles were nice considering the interface limitations. It was a bit hard to keep track where I dropped the items. The shelf with the dessert collection and the pop-culture quiz (though quite funny) broke immersion for me and left me with a somewhat meh aftertaste.
I didn't know what a hoopoe is, so I checked Wikipedia. Apparently, the bird lives in Europe, Africa and Asia, but not north America.

I voted for


Two fun games! My thoughts are as follows.

Hoopoe's Inferno:
The animals look realistic, but are talking and behaving odd. There is a kind of odd decrepancy there, which I chose to ignore. Noone seems to be too bothered about the fire, either. I like this type of game where you go back and forth between characters and sort out what they want. Even though these just seem hungry.  (laugh)  Lots of nice little touches, like the confused animation of the lead bird, or some funny dialogue writing. The graphics are cool, especially the bird. The game lacks polish, and one-time actions can be performed multiple times, resulting in having several of the same item available even if it's not supposed to be more than one. Likewise, dialogues may repeat after they ought to logically be turned off. I put this down to the team producing this quickly and in time for the deadline, and none of it is game-breaking in any way.

Like Cat wrote, there may be areas here, too, that could have used more polish. And according to the other players, there may be some bugs making the game unwinnable. I, however, didn't run into them. The game is crammed with lore and details about the life and superstitions on the sea, and it's integrated into the game in a masterful way. There are lots to do, and it's fun doing it.

I voted for:


Good entries this month!

My thoughts:

Very polished, really well developed. The difficulty of the puzzles is very reasonable to give a good level of enjoyment without getting too stuck. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete the game due to what seems to be a bug

Hoopoe's Inferno
I really enjoyed the environment and the nature theme is awesome. Good idea to have a map that unlocks new areas as you progress. I don't mind the idea of talking animals but things just seemed a bit far fetched, even within the context of the game. The ending SEEMED to be some sort of epic "beat the boss" but it turned out to be a single-themed joke which didn't really work for me. As others pointed out, the game starts with the assumption that you have to wake the ranger to solve the game but goes off to something completely different. I don't mind a plot twist but this seemed disjointed.

My vote:
I really enjoyed both games but despite not being able to compelte Becalmed, and I liked the application of the theme in Hoopoe better, I still voted for Becalmed because the graphics, puzzles, clever dialogue just had that much more polish



Congratulations, @ddavey1983 !

@Stupot Could you make the voting period a bit longer next month? With vacation and stuff I almost couldn't make it in time.


Well done @ddavey1983. I'll PM you soon about September's theme.

@cat 2 weeks is about my default for most months, with 2 or 3 entries, and I generally set it to 3 weeks when there are more entries to get through. But I don't mind adding a few more days if it might help.
Current votes: 10  |  Target: 20  |  Play

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