AGS Colouring Ball 20th Feburary - 3rd March(WINNERS ANNOUNCED)

Started by deadsuperhero, Wed 21/02/2007 00:11:44

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Hey folks, Welcome to the AGS Coloring Ball

The rules:
24 colours max + the bg.
You may alter the outline to make him a her or stronger/skinnier.
You can alter the shape to give the character accessories
Sprite must have at least one accessory.
Deadline is the 3rd of March.

The Theme:
The Punk Revolution
Create a sprite of an 80's style punk. You can go all out and give him/her wild hair, bizarre clothes, a guitar, whatever you want.

The Prize: Because my sprite making skills are only so-so, I'm going to offer something else:

First place: A custom sig done in Photoshop, with the winner's name (and yes, there will be a rebellious/punk theme), as well as a ridiculous avatar(You can request what you want it to be). Also, you get an exclusive sneak peak at the SQ3 Remake.

Second Place: Custom Sig, same as above, and ridiculous avatar. (You request what you want it to be)

Third Place: Riduculous Avatar (You request whwat you want it to be)

The Shape:
Here you go.

Have fun!

EDIT- Bonus points for putting your character into a scene!
The fediverse needs great indie game developers! Find me there!



I didnt see that "80's punk theme"  :=


The Mutant's Leader from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns.
6 Colors
Poem-spell of Invulnerability
"The arrows turn, the swords rebel,
May nothing pierce this mortal shell."


Darth Mandarb

Quote from: Alliance on Wed 21/02/2007 00:11:44The Theme:
The Punk Revolution
Create a sprite of an 80's style punk. You can go all out and give him/her wild hair, bizarre clothes, a guitar, whatever you want.


Is that directed at JDinky? I was kinda wondering why there's an 80's samurai, unless it's from one of those crazy 80's movies where Americans made believe they were Japanese.

And Sempai: best... story... ever. The Dark Knight Returns is better than any novel and a more beautiful work of art than anything hanging in the Louvre.
This Space Left Blank Intentionally.


Swan from 'The Warriors'. Background is the Coney Island wonder wheel.



20 colours including background.
Formerly known as Flukeblake, Flukezy etc.


Quote from: esper on Fri 23/02/2007 07:44:29
Is that directed at JDinky? I was kinda wondering why there's an 80's samurai, unless it's from one of those crazy 80's movies where Americans made believe they were Japanese.

And Sempai: best... story... ever. The Dark Knight Returns is better than any novel and a more beautiful work of art than anything hanging in the Louvre.

whoops. there is some Turtles movies made in '80  :-X


Quote from: Jdinky on Thu 22/02/2007 06:41:17
I didnt see that "80's punk theme"  :=
Made a Samurai Punk  for fun ;D Hmm...more 1880's
The long funky greasy hair makes him an anime style punk.

8 Colors
Poem-spell of Invulnerability
"The arrows turn, the swords rebel,
May nothing pierce this mortal shell."



This is a punk ass mean mo %#$@#! , dont play wit him cause he'll beat up on your *^%$# ass


Great entries so far!
Don't forget, the deadline is tomorrow.
The fediverse needs great indie game developers! Find me there!


Time's up! Time to identify the winners.

3rd place: YosefZaYoddler
Quote from: YosefZaYoddler on Mon 26/02/2007 02:00:25

2nd Place: Boney
Quote from: Boney on Thu 22/02/2007 02:31:03

1st Place: Art_Sempai
Quote from: Art_Sempai on Thu 22/02/2007 06:49:29

Great entries, everyone! Winners, be sure to PM me to claim your prize.
The fediverse needs great indie game developers! Find me there!

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