King Simulator 2013

Started by WHAM, Wed 06/11/2013 07:21:55

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Quote from: miguel on Fri 15/11/2013 00:33:58


+ > ask to meet the guild of the female exotic dancers in the empire


Quote from: Adeel S. Ahmed on Fri 15/11/2013 18:18:03
2. During the rule, we may have to do some 'dirty work'. If Lancelot would leave us at that very moment, at that crucial time, what's the use of him then?

That may be true, but I feel this is a starting position we are in here. As I see it, Lancelot is competent and loyal, and should be worth his money. A cheaper hero may do us less good, and if we THEN return to Lancelot and offer him the job, he may be a bit bitter about it. Since we know almost nothing about the kingdom we rule, a hero with background knowledge sounds especially useful, and Jester actually got out of his way to tell us this is a fantasy kingdom. "Loyalty" sounds as if it had some effect/power- though I admit this is probably me projecting something that isn't there.
Fact is, we need a hero to get a map. The map will remain even if the hero leaves.


Quote from: NightHawk on Fri 15/11/2013 05:34:04


Quote from: WHAM on Fri 15/11/2013 14:27:38
Quote from: miguel on Fri 15/11/2013 13:17:56
So, no maps anywhere? We have no clue where is the sea or the mountains or a river? But we conquered a castle obviously without any geographical knowledge of the area we live in...
And what about the latrines? An army has to have latrines. Are they outside in the backyard? Do we have a backyard?
Is ours a towncastle? What town?
Lancelot better carry pencil and paper with know...between fights.

See first post in the thread. :)

Sorry Wham, I wasn't really upset, just my Portuguese humour!  :-D
You're doing a great job and I love this game!
Working on a RON game!!!!!


> make peace with neighbouring nations and make the jester tell a joke


As I understand it, trade has almost entirely collapsed (since we as a nation apparently have no collective memory of where places we used to trade with are located (roll) ).  But suspending disbelief for the sake of a fun game, it seems to me that investing 5 gold pieces a year in some relatively reliable muscle and opening trade routes will prove to be a very wise investment in the long run.  Even if Lancelot fails, it's only costing us a quarter of our yearly income.  But in the event that he is successful, we stand to gain a lot of revenue, reducing the relative amount that his posse drains from our coffers and opening up the possibility of more ambitious undertakings.  I would strongly argue that we should spend the remaining 15 golds on other "investments" (speculations?) rather than more elephant pyramids.


Quote from: cat on Thu 14/11/2013 16:35:10


The Jester seems to me to be a kind on in-game hunt system, so if he says Lancelot can be trusted, then he probably can.
That said, it;s still worth hearing what the other candidates have to say.  Maybe we could send Lancelot and his men to the East, while some other guy takes care of the West.


> ASK the JESTER why your REGAL FINERY is COWBOY BOOTS and a MATCHSTICK. Is the KINGDOM so POOR you can't afford a decent BALLGOWN to meet your DELEGATES with?!

Honestly, it's like we just took the throne, threw on whatever and expected noone to notice! You're a King for heaven's sake!


Okay, so we've got a hero for ourselves. Next thing should be hiring a spy...

>ASK JESTER about the CANDIDATES for the position of SPY.

Quote from: selmiak on Sat 16/11/2013 01:52:31
> make peace with neighbouring nations and make the jester tell a joke



"Sir Lancelot" -you begin, finding your own voice quite regal all of a sudden. It only feels appropriate that you stand up to meet the knight.

"I hereby hire you to be a HERO of the realm, and your loyal knights to assist you in all endeavours. Your first task is to send a delegation of your men to explore the countryside, so that we can scout our surroundings and learn more of the land and it's people."

Sir Lancelot nods, looking pleased, and his knights' cheers reverberate in the grand throne room.

"As you wish, my King, a delegation of five knights shall leave immediately to scout EAST. I will report to you with any findings as soon as possible. Should you ever wish to provide me with further instructions, you need but SUMMON me."

Sir Lancelot bows deep, and leads his men out of the throne room.

As the knights leave, the Jester appears before you.

"My King, now that we have a HERO with military experience, he has been automatically assigned as the MILITARY ADVISOR of your kingdom. Should you hire more heroes, you can appoint another HERO to take on this job instead.
It seems that Sir Lancelot has send out an EXPEDITION of five knights to the EAST. However, he has personally remained in the castle, since you ordered him to send a delegation instead of ordering him to explore personally. This means the expedition will be less effective and may be in more danger than if they were accompanied by a HERO.

It seems that Sir Lancelot has ordered five of his knights to guard the castle.
It seems that Sir Lancelot has ordered tem knights to patrol the town, keeping the peace and protecting the common folk.

If you wish to change any of these postings, order more expeditions or anything else to do with Sir Lancelot or his knights, you may SUMMON him at any time to hear your commands.

Since we do not heave a treasurer, I shall hereby notify you that our treasury now holds only 15 gold pieces. That is just 1500 silve pieces. Or just 150000 coppers. Doesn't sound so bad when you count coppers, now that I think of it."

The jester counts his fingers several times over, giggling softly.

"Oh, there are more people seeking your AUDIENCE, however one audience seeker and his retinue just left the castle grounds for some reason."
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


> ORDER to find out about the audience seeker and his retinue who left the castle grounds. BRING them BACK to the castle, USING FORCE if necessary. Meanwhile, INVITE rest of the audience.


It seems we won a lot there. The castle and the town have now protection, we are about to learn more of the land, and we have a new advisor. This is a good start. I say we hold another audience.
Also: I'd like to know if we need to take care of "mundane needs"- do we have to provide food to advisors and staff?


Quote from: Ghost on Sat 16/11/2013 21:06:12
Also: I'd like to know if we need to take care of "mundane needs"- do we have to provide food to advisors and staff?

No-one will starve in your kingdom, unless there is famine, but providing people and servants with quality food might not be a bad idea.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


> ASK JESTER for TOTAL POPULATION of our town and what are their occupations/jobs;

I think we could benefit from Lancelot expertise if we ever want to train soldiers. Therefore it's important to know how many fit men are around town that don't have an occupation.

WHAM: Also, things like how much food we need monthly to feed our people, raw materials and the likes, do we need to concern about this things?
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Quote from: WHAM on Wed 06/11/2013 07:21:55
But worry not, with most of the old King's servant folk dead there is nobody to pay salary to!

So.... who are we feeding?  And more importantly how much will it cost?  I'm all in favour of largesse if we've got it to spend, but as finances are a bit tight at the moment I'm not sure feeding people that wouldn't starve anyway is the best use of our dwindling gold supply.

+1 on granting another audience.

Conducting a census of the kingdom is also a really good idea, but I'm sure it will be tiresome to administer.  We should keep our eyes open for a minister of the interior to handle that.  Actually a whole cabinet would be a good idea: who do we have so far?

jester: Grand Vizier/Prime Minister
cat: Agriculture
Dennis of Frostsea: Trade
Mandarb: Industry
Construed of Grimm: Infrastructure
Lancelot: Defence

As I see it we need someone trustworthy in finance, health (especially ours!), spirituality (if only to reinforce our divine right to power in the eyes of the masses), interior (census, education, policing -we should have a separate minister with the power to use force just in case Lancelot and his men walk), admiralty (eventually I want to be able to exert some control over that ocean and the riches within and beyond it) and foreign affairs (ambassadors, spying, diplomacy....).  The last two aren't urgent, but I think we should definitely establish a chain of command to streamline our royal power.  Oooo, we may also need someone to run our youth league, in case we need a mob of goons to sway public opinion.  Something to think about anyway....


>Have Lancelot send 5 of the town guard to follow the river west to set up an outpost at the mouth of the river.


Baron, maybe we could start "small" and do a census of the town and castle population first. That can be done by JESTERINO and will cost us a bottle of booze. When we have money coming in we could think about hiring ministers.

If food really matters in this game, the first thing we should do is guarantee that there's enough for our people. That's basic stuff. Raise crops, plant trees, build fishing boats, etc...

Also, I think it would be important to create a royal newspaper where we could "inform" our people about the policies we intend to do.
At the same time, we could allow at least one public/private newspaper as well, that way we could grasp the public opinion about the King.

Working on a RON game!!!!!


We need a court wizard, too!!


Quote from: miguel on Sun 17/11/2013 12:30:26
Also, I think it would be important to create a royal newspaper where we could "inform" our people about the policies we intend to do.
At the same time, we could allow at least one public/private newspaper as well, that way we could grasp the public opinion about the King.

+1 on both. The advisors will surely tell us what their "groups" think about us, but I like the idea of seing it all on one page. And informing the public sounds really useful.

Still: Another audience?

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