MAGS February "Mix and Match" (RESULT)

Started by MAGS Host, Thu 01/02/2018 10:49:33

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What is the best game of MAGS February?

White Bear Beauty Chlorinde and the Paranormal Parrot by DBoyWheeler
1 (7.1%)
Wilfred:2088 by HanaIndiana
12 (85.7%)
A Martyr of Time by Mandle
1 (7.1%)
Finger of Suspicion by Slasher
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Voting closed: Fri 16/03/2018 01:15:37


Bonus points if you implement all of the above and start the game by asking the player which environment he wants :)


I'm in with a very oldschool text adventure!

Here is the current interface:

Showing an interaction:


and its outcome:




Oooh old school text adventure, nice!
Bummer about the videos Slasher, I was curious about that. But I'm looking forward to an investigation type game.

I ended up mixing and matching again, but I finally have a final selection. It will be space related, because apparently all my games need to involve space or religion. (laugh) (Hmm at some point I really need to make a game that combines those topics).

I have my story and puzzles planned out. Now comes the fun part!


Welcome on-board HanaIndiana,

I'm sure you'll come up with something great....

Like the text idea Mandle...

Nice to see a few entries this month... I do hope everyone completes their game on time...

Meanwhile, my entry is forging ahead despite having lost a few days and having to reconstruct it after deciding that adding videos from many people was too much to expect in such a short space of time but hope that what I have is sufficient enough to at least get a few plays...

Game is based on entering keyword(s) into a search box. Certain words are keywords that will lead to progressing forward in the game. Keywords can be from what you hear from suspects when you talk to them relating to your keywords.  And just to help you there is a point in the game where you produce Hugo, your pet rat. Hugo can sniff out a big, fat lie....

Watch out you don't fall into a red herring ;)

Was it a ghost that murdered Dorothy Moore? You'll have to play and find out for yourself (laugh)


I love the hell out of Slasher's project so far :D

As for me, it's more than a week in and I'm still building the interface so whoooo knows if this is getting finished but-

Contemporary fantasy featuring an old house!


@Mandle Must... resist... urge... to... make... Homestar Runner reference...

(Kudos to anyone who knows what I'm talking about.)

@Eggie WOW!  Nice work so far!


Quote from: Eggie on Thu 08/02/2018 22:42:44
As for me, it's more than a week in and I'm still building the interface so whoooo knows if this is getting finished but-

You're good as ever Eggie!
By the way... Somnamulizer: A Tale From Olympus U is still in beta version without the save option?


Love the graphic shots Eggie (nod)

Please complete the game by hook or by crook (laugh)


Quote from: TheFrighther on Fri 09/02/2018 08:58:57
By the way... Somnamulizer: A Tale From Olympus U is still in beta version without the save option?

I prefer to think of it as "Iron Man Mode" version???? And also might have broken that game's source and not backed it up??? ':| ':| ':| (Also I thought I had an autosave system set up but thinking back it is very possible I also forgot to add a 'load' button)


New Screeny for Finger of Suspicion


Looking good Slasher!!!

I've done a lot of work on my game tonight and it's looking alright although the next step is still a mystery to me...

But if it wasn't I probably wouldn't want to keep working on it...

Forging on!


QuoteI've done a lot of work on my game tonight and it's looking alright although the next step is still a mystery to me...
Into the valley of death (laugh)

I would expect no  less from you Mandle... (nod)

Meanwhile I am receiving voices from all quarters...

Hopefully I will meet the deadline...



still two weeks to go and there are some forms of life in the making (laugh)

As like Mandle I thought I would try something different (to me at least)....

In my game (Finger of suspicion) you need to 'listen' carefully to what the characters are saying as this game is speech audio only....

Listen out for 'keywords' you can use to gain further statements from the suspects via your Investigative Search facility..

Examine the murder scene.

You cannot Save or Load... no cheating allowed (wrong)

You get to decide whom you are going to arrest and send to trial...

Will you send to trial the murderer of Dorothy Moore or send an innocent suspect?

There are 10 suspects to choose from. Thanks to all who lent their voices.

This is a Prototype-version that could lead to a fully blown, video game...with a new murder mystery...

Because this is a MAG's game it is not too long but it depends on your power of picking up keywords...

It is all gui based with just the mouse pointer.....

Game progress: 80%


10 Worked on game...

20 Broke game...

30 Fixed game...

40 Worked on game...

50 Made progress...

60 Broke game...

70 GOTO 10


you need some exit conditions for that loop! ;-D


the only exit condition in there is "Abort! Deadline reached!" (laugh)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


10 Worked on game...

20 Found problem area...

30 Tried to fix problem srea...

40 Failed...

50 Ignored problem area...

60 If game works despite problems then GOTO 80...

70 GOTO 10

80 Game is now working fine enough for now...

YAY! I found the exit from loop condition: Ignore stuff that doesn't work and press on!!!

Thanks selmiak for the hint!

Game is on track and could actually get finished...


My game now officially rocks! (I added some music)

By the way, what is the method to change the main game name again?

Mine is still set to something stupid.

Something about renaming the game folder and then doing some other thing?


Build all files...

Glad to hear you are on course Mandle.. I shall expect perfection (laugh)

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