MAGS February "RON 15th Anniversary" (RESULTS)

Started by Stupot, Mon 01/02/2016 00:15:58

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Voting has finished and the results are as follows:

• Boogie Bum by Jwalt - 0 votes
• The Case of the Muffin Diver by Retro Wolf - 2 votes
• Home Sweet RON by Darkwater - 3 votes

Well done DarkWater. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for April.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.


Boogie Bum by Jwalt
The Case of the Muffin Diver by Retro Wolf
Home Sweet RoN by DarkWater

Click on the game title to download.


Send the title of your favourite game under the subject MAGS FEBRUARY

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite

Voting Ends: March 15th


Topic: Reality-on-the-Norm
This month's guidelines were set by Hobo, Peder, Atavismus, Jonas

Hey! It's the 15th anniversary of Reality-on-the-Norm this month! Y'all know what that means? It's time for a Reality-on-the-Norm Monthly Adventure Game Studio competition or RotNMAGS (not to be confused with rotten mags)!

Since the whole RoN universe can be a bit overwhelming for non-RoNers and new community members, the competition is not limited to RoN projects only and all other games are also very welcome as long as they are somehow related or include a reference to the RON universe (for example an in-game character is making a RoN game, there's a RoN poster on the wall etc.)

Rules summary:
- Make a RoN game or a game that has a RoN reference in it
- You can (but don't have to) use all the available RoN resources
- Join the anniversary celebration and dress for the occasion (optional)


So what is Reality On The Norm, anyway?
The RON game series formed when some members of the AGS community decided to do a group project - although RON can best be described as a concept, rather than as a project in itself. It involves the creation of a central environment - in our case, the Reality-on-the-Norm town. Each member of the team creates his or her own game as a chapter to be added to all the previously achieved ones, thus creating a collective and diverse "book" of several independent yet coherent chapters.

If you're going for a Ron game and don't know where to start:
- Read this F.A.Q. about RoN universe
- Get familiar with some of characters
- Visit the AGS forums Reality-on-the-Norm subsection for extra information and advice
- Play some of the RoN games for inspiration

Two very important RoN policies: don't kill off other people's characters and don't reveal the bum's true identity.

Have a great month of RoN and MAGS everyone!

Ending: February 29th - Hooray for leap years! Extra day of dev :-D


What is MAGS?

Started in 2001, MAGS is a competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, and provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.


• You may work in a team to produce an entry.
• You are not allowed to use any material created before the competition. Your game must be completely new! An exception is music and sound; you can use any audio that is freely available to the public.
• Any modules and templates featured in this board are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âÅ"“ A working download link
âÅ"“ The title of your game
âÅ"“ A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.

Retro Wolf

I've always wanted to make an RPG or roguelike in AGS, I've been hammering away on a tile movement system since yesterday and it's working quite well. Not sure how much it will relate to the RON universe, but the rules are very flexible on this.


Yeah, seriously. The theme was chosen to celebrate RON but the link between RON and your game can be as tenuous as you like. It would be nice to see some full-on RON games, too though.


Sweet, a Reality-on-the-Norm MAGS ;-D
I really hope I can find the time this month to enter the contest :-\

Also, I think this is a great theme for newcomers to AGS. They'll have more time to actually concentrate on learning the ins and outs of the AGS engine, and coming up with cool puzzles, since they have the entire Reality-on-the-Norm universe at their disposal with all it's unique characters, sprites and backgrounds :-D


I'll make an attempt:

Not confident I'll be able to get 'er done, however. I have some issues with the RoN canon, and no idea where to take this, at the moment.

Edit: Realizing that many will miss this edit, but this is what I have at this moment in time:

I got a little way into the game, and it turned itself into, more or less, a movie. I don't know if I can salvage it. Nor am I sure that it is unbreakable. Take a look, but only if you dare.


Sticking a fork in this, even though a lot of the month remains.


Can you help The Bum find Roger? Still more movie than game, but reached a point of diminishing returns on the project.


Nice one Jwalt. We have our first entry already :-D
Is anyone else in?


Quote from: jwalt on Wed 10/02/2016 23:17:47


I went to play the game and it was in a resolution my PC couldn't handle. No problem, I'll just use the “winsetup.exe” to adjust it, but unfortunately it errors and says, “unable to launch Feb16Mags.exe” :(
But the only other exe in the folder is "BoogieBum.exe" :-\


Quote from: DarkWater on Thu 11/02/2016 05:45:47
I went to play the game and it was in a resolution my PC couldn't handle. No problem, I'll just use the “winsetup.exe” to adjust it, but unfortunately it errors and says, “unable to launch Feb16Mags.exe” :(
But the only other exe in the folder is "BoogieBum.exe" :-\

Change the name of the BoogieBum.exe (right click and rename it). It began life as Feb16Mags.exe. I appear to have naming issues. An appropriate title doesn't seem to come to me until I've spent some time with the game.

Retro Wolf

Jwalt, when I can't think of a name early on I just save the game as template then start a new project using that template as a basis.


Quote from: Retro Wolf on Thu 11/02/2016 11:01:54
Jwalt, when I can't think of a name early on I just save the game as template then start a new project using that template as a basis.

Seems an excellent suggestion. I'll give it a try. Thanks!   


Quote from: Retro Wolf on Thu 11/02/2016 11:01:54
Jwalt, when I can't think of a name early on I just save the game as template then start a new project using that template as a basis.

This should be added to the tips when starting a new game! (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I spot with my little eye... something missing! 8-0

(edit: just noticed I wrote eye instead of I (laugh)(roll) )...
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 12/02/2016 12:04:19
Eye spot with my little eye... something missing! 8-0

Hmm, good eye there. I hadn't noticed that he was missing half his body. (laugh)


So, in another thread, someone who shall remain nameless (Cassie) suggested that, since beaucoup amount of time remains, I should work more on my movie, adding puzzles/locations/characters, turning it into, well, an actual game. I tried; I really did. I dutifully opened the file and made -- a music video. Sorry, nameless person (Cassie). I'm just hopeless, it appears.

Edit: revised the original version. Newer one:

I don't want to talk to lawyers, so I'm not going to leave this up in perpetuity. It was fun to do, and I'm a bit surprised at how often, without any scripting on my part, the followers will take a look at the cute, fuzzy little bunny in the window. If my pixeling skills were up to it (they are not), I'd love to give the bunny a carrotnet and fire the animation, at the appropriate moment, when the song reaches that instrumental interlude.

This isn't another entry, just something that gave me a chuckle while doing it. Your response may be different.

Edit: Managed to get the rabbit to do something, so updated the link.


Yeah, it has been a while since I saw activity with Reality on the Norm.

Oh, and Stupot, who's the hot chick in the red getup?

Anyway, best of luck to all who enter.


I might be posting this a little late in the game, but for those less familiar with the RoN universe, Jet's Adventure on YouTube made some walkthroughs for a few of the early RoN games.
This might be helpful as a primer to those wanting to enter this months MAGS, but who don't have the time to download and play several games. There's even a walkthrough for "Lunchtime of the Damned" the first Ron game :-D

You also might find "Virtual Reality" by Renegade Implementor helpful.
Quoted from the resource page "A interactive tool created in AGS that allows game authors to explore the city & surrounding area of RoN and see how it connects as well as providing context to locations and characters. "

Retro Wolf

The chick's name is Dame McBombshell...

I got a bit bored with the RPG idea, so I'm going for a short point and click adventure.


I'm surprised you didn't make her last name Bottom. Also, I think you're supposed to include the first name when referring to someone as Dame.

Retro Wolf

I'm going for the North American meaning of dame, since Max is an old-school detective.


Messed around a bit more with that music video using the RoN assets. Not sure if I made it better, or worse. Mostly, it remains the same:

Edit: Working on another modification to this. I've got the rabbit doing some stuff. Working on timing the rabbit's actions at the moment.

Edit 2: Updated link. Rabbit timing still an issue, but off and on, it works like I wanted it to. Not nearly as fond of the song as I was before I launched into this project.  ;)


Just about two weeks left, how's everybody coming along? ???

Retro Wolf


I would have really liked to join in, I've always wanted to make a RON game, but I just don't have the time atm >:(

Wishing everyone the best with their entries! ;)


5 days left, MAGSers.
How are things coming along?


I'm still hoping to get something playable done in time :-\

Speaking of which, It's probably been asked before, but “Ending: February 29th” in what time zone? ???

Retro Wolf

I'm looking for two beta testers to play the shit out of my game and try to break it. Anyone interested?
Applicants must not be afraid of jokes about cunnilingus.

Retro Wolf


Detective Max Griff gets a call from the local Sheriff, there's a headless body in the forest!


Remember to use the HINT button for help.
If played in window, use the 2x filter at least.

Music Farty Crooks by Eric Matyas.


Well… unless I somehow majorly screw up the code in the next 20 some hours, I should have a game ready to enter into MAGS this month :-D


Quote from: DarkWater on Mon 29/02/2016 01:57:10
Well… unless I somehow majorly screw up the code in the next 20 some hours, I should have a game ready to enter into MAGS this month :-D
Good luck Darkwater. You still have 9 and s half hours :-)

@Wolf - thanks for your entry. I look forward to giving it a go.

@Jwalt - is the link above your final version?

Any more surprise entrants?


Quote from: Stupot+ on Mon 29/02/2016 14:30:04
Good luck Darkwater. You still have 9 and s half hours :-)

Well... it looks like I'll make it in time. :-D
I just have to give it a few tweaks and a couple more run troughs, then it'll be ready to upload. 

In the mean time, here are a few preview pics...

I hope click-able links at ImageVenue are acceptable, I couldn't seem to get the images hosted at MediaFire to show up here. :-\


Quote from: Stupot+ on Mon 29/02/2016 14:30:04
@Jwalt - is the link above your final version?

Only one version of "my game." Several versions of the music video, which is not an entry. Sorry for any confusion.

Game download:

Retro Wolf

jwalt I played your entry and I think there's potential for an interesting game. How about making an interactive music video where you have until the song ends to solve a problem?


Home Sweet RoN

Davy's little brother seems to have wandered off. Keep an eye out for him while trying to get the good people of Reality where they need to go.


I've played, enjoyed and finished The Case of the Muffin Diver. It was funny and not too challenging.

I've tried BoogieBum too. It'd be better if the bum wasn't so slow (the animation delay is too high).


I took the Muffin Diver for a spin. Enjoyable.

@ DarkWater

I tried Home Sweet Ron, but got dumped back to the desktop when Elandra clicked on the Pizza Boxes in Dominatrix Pizza. Says no such function in Script for hPizzaBoxes_interact. I didn't verify a consistent error, but suspect it is probably going to be one.

Edit: Completed Home Sweet RoN. Very enjoyable, entertaining, and instructive.

Sorry about the slow walking Bum in my game.


QuoteSorry about the slow walking Bum in my game.
Well, it's not that inconvenient. I reported it in case you had wanted to update the game before the deadline.
The bum still rocks :cool:


The competition has now ended and voting is underway.

Thanks to all ye who entered :-)

Boogie Bum by Jwalt
The Case of the Muffin Diver by Retro Wolf
Home Sweet RoN by DarkWater

Click on the game title to download.


Send the title of your favourite game under the subject MAGS FEBRUARY

* try all the games before you vote
* vote only once
* vote for your favourite

Voting Ends: March 15th


P.S. Let me know if I screwed up any links or anything :-D


Quote from: jwalt on Mon 29/02/2016 21:10:55
@ DarkWater
I tried Home Sweet Ron, but got dumped back to the desktop when Elandra clicked on the Pizza Boxes in Dominatrix Pizza. Says no such function in Script for hPizzaBoxes_interact. I didn't verify a consistent error, but suspect it is probably going to be one.

Edit: Completed Home Sweet RoN. Very enjoyable, entertaining, and instructive.

Thanx, for the heads up. I went to check it out, and it seems somewhere between the alpha and the beta the original text I had put there didn't make sense so I just “//” it to change later. Unfortunately, that doesn't give you a compile error, and in my rush to finish in time I kinda overlooked it >:(

Luckily that isn't a game changer, so everyone should just avoid clicking on the pizza boxes for now. I'll go back and fix the error once the competition is over.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it despite the little glitch :-[

Retro Wolf

Stupot I've been made aware of a couple of minor bugs, am I allowed to fix them and replace the upload before voting ends?


Quote from: Retro Wolf on Tue 01/03/2016 16:39:01
Stupot I've been made aware of a couple of minor bugs, am I allowed to fix them and replace the upload before voting ends?

I'd be interested in knowing that as well ???

Retro Wolf

Good job on finishing your game DarkWater, It was fun! I think your project could prove useful to people trying to break into RON.

It's a shame we didn't get any more entrants, the Reality on the Norm series hasn't seen much new content in recent years...


Thanx! I enjoyed your game as well :-D

Yeah, I thought with all the premade backgrounds and characters one had to select from, that there would be tons of entries :-\


On another note… is it just me, or unlike the “AGS Awards 2015” voting page, does the MAGS voting link just open a send PM page?


Quote from: DarkWater on Tue 01/03/2016 18:59:31
does the MAGS voting link just open a send PM page?

That is correct. You simply PM your 1st,2nd, and 3rd choice to the cloaked and mysterious

(It's really just Stupot hiding behind a curtain, but..., you get the idea...)


DW: You use the link to send a PM naming your favourite game of the contest. You only need to vote your your favourite. The 1st 2nd 3rd thing is for the MAGGIES award (best MAGS of 2015).

Regarding bug fixing: my feeling is if the bugs aren't game-breaking then they can wait til after voting. You can be tweaking them now and then release a bug-freer version after voting.

If there is something that is likely to stop players from finishing the game, though, then it's only fair to everyone (including yourself, who just spent a month making it) that you should be allowed to go in fix it.


Quote from: Mandle on Tue 01/03/2016 23:15:48
to the cloaked and mysterious
(It's really just Stupot hiding behind a curtain, but..., you get the idea...)

Spoilers! >:(

Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 01/03/2016 23:32:46
DW: You use the link to send a PM naming your favourite game of the contest. You only need to vote your your favourite.

Ok, just checking. For some reason I thought I remembered voting being done on the MAGS website :-\

Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 01/03/2016 23:32:46
Regarding bug fixing: my feeling is if the bugs aren't game-breaking then they can wait til after voting. You can be tweaking them now and then release a bug-freer version after voting.

If there is something that is likely to stop players from finishing the game, though, then it's only fair to everyone (including yourself, who just spent a month making it) that you should be allowed to go in fix it.

Well… as jwalt pointed out, if one accidentally clicks on the “pizza boxes” then they get an error message and are kicked out of the game. Would that count as game breaking, or something that would stop the players from playing?

Following Retro Wolf's lead I created a game page at AGS, which links the download to my GameJolt page. I didn't want to post a game at GameJolt with a known error in it, so I fixed the “pizza box” error before uploading it there. So I'll let you decided, you can leave the link as it is, or change it to the “error free” link my AGS game page for it.



4 days left to vote on your favourite MAGSRON game :-) don't forget, folks.


Uhm... can I get a non Gamejolt mirror for the games?
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Cool! Thanks RetroWolf. (nod)

Found a little, non breaking & non problematic, bug.

Can pick up the pumpking again, after using it...

Never did managed to get what the guy had on his pocket, if it was intended to be picked up.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 11/03/2016 19:01:49
Uhm... can I get a non Gamejolt mirror for the games?

If you don't mind me asking, what do you have against downloading from GameJolt?


Me personally? Nothing at all.
My browser though doesn't like Gamejolt and refuses to work there. (wtf)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I know where you're coming from :(
Sometimes I have to switch between browsers to access certain sites >:(

Retro Wolf

@Cassiebsg: I've already fixed those bugs, will release the updated version when voting is over.
Thanks for playing!


Voting has finished and the results are as follows:

• Boogie Bum by Jwalt - 0 votes
• The Case of the Muffin Diver by Retro Wolf - 2 votes
• Home Sweet RON by Darkwater - 3 votes

Well done DarkWater. You will be contacted soon about choosing a topic for April.
Thanks to all the participants and voters.


Congratulations DarkWater! And thanks to all the other participants, it was really nice to play some new RON games.

Retro Wolf

Congratulations DarkWater!
Thanks to all who played, and special thanks to my secret admirers!


There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Thanx :-D

I still can't believe I actually won 8-0 
Not only was this my first MAGS, but my first completed AGS game as well. Thanx again to everyone who played and voted for my game :-D


Quote from: DarkWater on Mon 21/03/2016 16:53:03
Thanx :-D

I still can't believe I actually won 8-0 
Not only was this my first MAGS, but my first completed AGS game as well. Thanx again to everyone who played and voted for my game :-D

Well deserved. I also enjoyed RetroWolf's game, but your concept was just ideally suited for an anniversary game. It helped me figure out where a few of the folks belong.

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