MAGS January: "Something Cold, Something Burrowed, Something Pink" (CLOSED)

Started by Atelier, Thu 02/01/2014 10:51:15

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"Loose ends have a way of strangling you"


Hey Hobo, congratulations for finishing the game!
By the way, this guy...
Reminded me about this one...



Pink Sky

Mars Mining Inc. needs an old ice forge back up and running on the Moon Phobos.
Will Sallae complete it in time? Will she get paid overtime? Will she die in the process?
If like me, you like pushing buttons, you just might like this game. :)

AGS Game Page


I'm really happy that you guys managed to finish your games on deadline. You have good time management, or at least you can measure how lengthy your MAGS game should be. Mine is way too long, and I though I could have finished it on time, but I'm not happy with the result. There are no sound effects nor music, and lots of bugs. I have not given up from my project however, I'll be working on it, and I hope to finish it next week. Good luck, and may the best game win! :=

EDIT: For those interested, click HERE if you want to find out more about the development of my game. ^ ^

Dmitry Stefantsov

Woha! I'm doing it at the last minutes :)

The Ice-Cream Mystery


Download link:
The Ice-Cream Mystery


Ok, I'm a few hours late. :(
Feel free to dump it, if I can't be eligible to join since I uploaded it few hours past the deadline!

Here's my game!


"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Wow, so many great games for this MAGS! You guys rock! And you make it hard to decide...


Quote from: LostTrainDude on Sat 01/02/2014 06:46:45
Ok, I'm a few hours late. :(
Feel free to dump it, if I can't be eligible to join since I uploaded it few hours past the deadline!

Here's my game!


Played it and finished it. Really nice, Dude! Hope it will be eligible! :-D


Excellent start of the new year, all of you!

Well, there goes my spare time this weekend... :P


Congrats on the new releases everyone and thanks for entering!  When I finally have a decent internet connection again, I'll try them all out. :grin:



Five really nice entries this month, thank you everybody - haven't had this big a turn-out in a while. Now it's time to put them to the vote!

The competition has now ended and voting is underway.

(download in a bundle)

Don't Drink the Pink by Hobo
Rex and Sissi in Pink Cult by Robin Gravel (Volcan)
Pink Sky by HanaIndiana
The Ice-Cream Mystery by Dmitry Stefantsov
A-Mused by LostTrainDude

Click on the game title to download.

Be sure to play all the entries before sending your voice! Good luck to all participants.



Quote from: JuaniT on Sat 01/02/2014 17:51:17
Played it and finished it. Really nice, Dude! Hope it will be eligible! :-D

Thanks a lot JuaniT! Glad that you liked it :)

And, also, thanks Atelier for letting me in!
Great games everybody! You make it harder than it already is, to vote (laugh)
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Played all the entries and voted already. Congratulations to all of you!


Voted.  2 very strong entries I took a while to choose between, congrats to all for finishing their entries on time though - I know how difficult that is!


Dmitry Stefantsov

I've played through some of the entries (and I will play the other in the near future), and they are really great! Now I see how much in my approach to making adventure games should be improved. Thanks a lot, guys! That's a valuable lesson. I'll try to step forward to creating a really interesting game in the February MAGS.

As for "The Ice-Cream Mystery" I must say that the process of creating it was totally unscheduled, and I ended up having one background and a rewritten scenario thee days prior to the deadline. As a result, there was no time to implement even the rewritten scenario, and the action stops right after the first scene. For those of you who are interested in what should have happened, here is the brief overview:

The main character, Pat, works at the cafe of Mr. Elcric in the town of Durusk. They have a really cold winter in the town, and are expecting no visitors or only those occasional customers that just want to get warmer and drink a cup of hot coffee. At the day the game starts they face a really strange customers behavior.

Despite the cold weather the customers ask for the pink ice-ream in big quantities. Some of them aren't willing to share the reason while others are giving just a pieces of information. When the player finally got the clue, she realizes that the owner of the local ice-cream factory has dropped his golden ring into the pink ice-cream substance, and figured that only after the ice-cream had been distributed to the local stores and coffee shops. So, everyone just wants to find the ring; it is a kind of lottery for the customers.

Finally, after all the ice-cream being eaten, the ring is still missing. This is where the piece of paper on the order board comes in handy. The player receives it at the beginning of the game, when all the hustle about the ice-cream hasn't started yet. The paper says: "I'm very disappointed about your quality of service. My daughter only left her new white Teddy bear for one minute, and got it completely smeary. Then it was pink, not white. I'm feeling terrible about it. We loved your cafe so much." After the talk with Mr. Elcric the player realizes that there was another helping of the ice-cream, hidden in the flowerpot by another waiter, Ms. Sispille. She left it for herself to eat it at lunch (flowerpot was the only safe place, in her opinion). She was distracted and had completely forgotten about the ice-cream. So, it melted and colored the child's toy into the color of pink.

Now, the only place where the ring could be is the flowerpot that was taken to the staff room after the incident with the Teddy bear. Pat and Mr. Elcric find the ring and have a happy ending.

That was the rewritten scenario, and obviously, I had time just to barely touch it :( But now you know why there are guys in cafe ordering three pink ice-creams, and why there is a ring in the ice-cream :)


Played, finished and enjoyed all the games during the weekend.
There were some really nice design choices and a lot of interesting ideas for sure and I hope that everyone's already working on their next game.


I have no plans to work on february mags game. Maybe someday.

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