MAGS January: "Something Cold, Something Burrowed, Something Pink" (CLOSED)

Started by Atelier, Thu 02/01/2014 10:51:15

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The competition has now ended and voting is underway.

(download in a bundle)

Don't Drink the Pink by Hobo
Rex and Sissi in Pink Cult by Robin Gravel (Volcan)
Pink Sky by HanaIndiana
The Ice-Cream Mystery by Dmitry Stefantsov
A-Mused by LostTrainDude

Click on the game title to download.

Be sure to play all the entries before sending your voice! Good luck to all participants.



Topic: 'Something Cold, Something Burrowed, Something Pink'

This month's guidelines were set by Captain D, selmiak, and Emont:

The game should have COLD as a major feature of the game in whatever way the game authors decide; the main element of the game should revolve around something that happens under ground (BURROWED) (be it the turtles or beeing buried alive or a cave adventure or whatever the author comes up with) and the color PINK should have an important role too.

Ending 31st January


What is MAGS?

MAGS is a monthly competition for amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, or provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

You may get help for the competition, although you must end up doing something yourself. You should however be warned that it proves difficult to organize a big team within thirty days. You are not allowed to use material already created before this competition. Your game must be completely new! Music and sound is an exception; you can use free material that is available to the public, if you wish. Modules and templates are also allowed.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Finally, post your game in this thread, including:

âÅ"“ A working download link
âÅ"“ The title of your game
âÅ"“ A suitable in-game screenshot

At the end of the month, voting will begin, usually lasting for fifteen days. The winner chooses the next month's theme, and their name and game is immortalised in the MAGS Archive. For more information, please visit the Official MAGS website.


I can say without any prejudice that this is THE MOST AWESOMMMEST MAGS THEME EVA! :-D


That means... it would be VIABLE to make a game about the colour pink going underground during the cold war so that Chuck Norris doesn't find it, desperately trying to make a safe outpost down there?

I'll throw my hands up in the air a little, yes?



So what's pink and 'burrows' when it's cold... Hm....



Dmitry Stefantsov


Quote from: DoorKnobHandle on Thu 02/01/2014 12:38:36
So what's pink and 'burrows' when it's cold... Hm....



Imma report you so hard-on right now.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Quote from: Ghost on Thu 02/01/2014 12:32:19
That means... it would be VIABLE to make a game about the colour pink going underground during the cold war so that Chuck Norris doesn't find it, desperately trying to make a safe outpost down there?

More than viable!  Do it, I say! :=

BTW you get bonus points if your game features the all-important inventory item Pink Socks


Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 02/01/2014 18:43:32
More than viable!  Do it, I say! :=

Pink Socks? In a game featuring Chuck Norris*?

Intriguing. So very intriguing.

* By canon** Oceanspirit Dennis' mum, no less!

** Well, what passes as canon here. You know. Thingy.


Dmitry Stefantsov

Actually, there is -40 C right now where I live, so there isn't any problems with the inspiration for the COLD part of the competition, I guess :)


Smells like another Paige Rowsdower adventure in Canada, eh? ;-D
Almost one week over, has anyone decided to stop praising the (indeed) marvellous theme and started to actually work on something?


I need to work on my story if I can enter in this mags.

Something cold, something burrowed, something pink.

It's tempting for me.


I have started working on something! Is it customary to share progress and such? Would be fun to see what others are doing.
I'm learning AGS as I go along, so if I manage to come up with a working game, that will be winning enough.
Just kidding, it won't. Well, maybe a little.


Quote from: HanaIndiana on Tue 07/01/2014 18:05:23
I have started working on something! Is it customary to share progress and such?

Yes, absolutely!  Screenshots, plot ideas, whatever. :grin:


All pigs deserve to burn in hell
a work in progress

Plot: Main character wakes up one day to find that he has been transformed into a pig.
I won't say anything else, except that I've finished the whole story and I'm working on backgrounds, sprites and puzzles. The image represents the first room in the game and the main character.

Update: I'm working on snow effect in the game, which is quite an easy errand thanks to SnowRain plugin by Scorpiorus.

Atelier, I was wandering if it is enough that my main character is pink for the pink side of the game?

Good luck to everyone else participating!:)



Quote from: selmiak on Tue 07/01/2014 22:13:34
If the pig wears some pink socks it's quite pink then...
It doesn't wear pink socks unfortunately. :~(
I mean, his feet are just one pixel large you could imagine he wears socks, right? :=


Cool! I'm still working on graphics.. that's the one area I'm absolutely new at.
But I have a story written, and puzzles (though I'm sure there will be tweaking). I'm trying to keep it simple for myself.

I'm calling it 'Pink Sky'. You play a Moon Engineer, in the vast coldness of SPAAAaaaCE!

Below is the first room I worked on and eventually had to call it quits.  I'm very quickly realizing how absolutely bad I am at creating graphics. This screenshot will probably be the best looking one, if I want enough time to finish this.  But I AM learning the ins and outs of AGS.



@BSP - looking good!  Hoping you have a  style allegory in your storyline. :wink:
@HanaIndiana - Don't put yourself down, that screenshot looks quite nice.  Look forward to seeing what adventures our Moon Engineer has...
@Volcan - so, sunbathing on a snow planet and visiting Death who is now dressed in pink for some reason?  Nice!



I'm trying to jump in, I only have time until next friday.
Let's see if I manage!

Today is screenshot saturday, anyway (laugh)

"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 15/01/2014 10:22:55
@BSP - looking good!  Hoping you have a  style allegory in your storyline. :wink:
Plot of All pigs deserve to burn in hell is inspired by works of F. Kafka(The Metamorphosis namely :tongue:). Just inspired though. Its surreal and has bits of horror elements. And a lot of dead people.

I've finished working on user interface and this is the final result:

Nothing special, but I thought I could share my progress on the game. I've finished 15% of what I have to do; so there is a lot of work ahead.
Also, there seem to be a lot of entries now; that is great, since it means more competition! Good luck everyone & stop giving up from your projects...


Yay! Looking good everyone! I'm trying not to give up, but man the month is flying by.
I reeeeally want to finish this game.

Here's another screenshot:


I've been working on something during this past week and might even finish it in time, but we'll see.
The game is set in a snowy, cold environment, features an underground bar and I can promise that there's some weird pink stuff going on.

But talk is boring, let's watch a picture instead:

Also, I drew some inspiration from this.


@Hobo:  I think I see where you are going with this. lol! Hope to get a chance to check it out.

Where I'm at, as of 1/23...

Scripting: 70%
Writing/Puzzles: 100%
Music: 100%
Sounds: 100%
Animation: 30%  (I may not finish this part)
Backgrounds: 90%



Quote from: selmiak on Thu 23/01/2014 20:20:47
I wonder what the pink-O-meter does... ;-D

Aah yes.... the infamous pink-O-meter. What does it do? Why is it in my game? Where did it come from? The questions that keep me up at night.
I can just say that the more pink, the more amazing things happen. Since there's only a week left, I won't have enough time to fully utilize its powers, but it will have some use in the game.

I'm hoping to finish most of the scripting and writing this weekend, which would leave me a few days for extra background art, animations and testing. I may have to cut some corners, but it's looking positive.


Just a post to encourage you all on this last stretch!
There are many interesting things: I can not wait to try'em all ;)
Keep up the good work!

Dmitry Stefantsov

Well, that's been a long since I've posted to this thread :) So many interesting games are coming, and I can't wait to try them all :) Too bad that I haven't shared anything yet, but I hope I'll get better with it next time.

Actually, I overestimated my strengths and put too much effort to the first background. A typical newbie mistake, I guess :) The work took so much time, and now I only have one background :) So, I rewrote the scenario, and now it's a one-room-quest. Hope, that'll fit :)

The image is here:

To keep my rewritten scenario in sync with the guidelines I want to ask Captain D: should something happen literally "under ground" or it can be just something buried in a flower pot, for example?


@Dmitry - sure, buried in a flowerpot is still underground... just not under a lot of ground! :-D

Dmitry Stefantsov


hi guys,
I was wandering if someone could point out when does this competition end exactly: can I submit my game during the 31st of january, or is it the end of 30th of january the deadline? If it is the latter, then I might not get enough time to get my game play tested, or do the music.

EDIT: Thanks for the quick answer Atelier! I'm happy now, yay!


Right up until midnight GMT on January 31st (ie the last day of the month is inclusive) :)

Some very nice looking games this month, great work guys! You have a couple of days left to post them.


Nice Volcan!    Home stretch everybody!
I'm going to have to post mine tonight :shocked:   (stupid GMT time ;) )


Well, my game is as done as this guy:


Don't Drink the Pink

So, if you're up for a little adventure and imagine yourself enjoying a simple story about a man, pink pints of drinks and occasional elephants,
just click on the AGS database link or the game topic in the Completed Game Announcements.

And I'm hoping to see some more entries! There's plenty of time left, you can make it guys!


Congratulations Hobo, you did it! :cheesy:
Quote from: Hobo on Fri 31/01/2014 14:43:19
And I'm hoping to see some more entries! There's plenty of time left, you can make it guys!

Mine is coming up soon! I've finished all the backgrounds and now I'm doing rest of programming and music. I doubt I'll manage to get it play tested though... If anyone is willing to volunteer his play testing skills PM me, although there's still a bit of work to be done. ^ ^


"Loose ends have a way of strangling you"


Hey Hobo, congratulations for finishing the game!
By the way, this guy...
Reminded me about this one...



Pink Sky

Mars Mining Inc. needs an old ice forge back up and running on the Moon Phobos.
Will Sallae complete it in time? Will she get paid overtime? Will she die in the process?
If like me, you like pushing buttons, you just might like this game. :)

AGS Game Page


I'm really happy that you guys managed to finish your games on deadline. You have good time management, or at least you can measure how lengthy your MAGS game should be. Mine is way too long, and I though I could have finished it on time, but I'm not happy with the result. There are no sound effects nor music, and lots of bugs. I have not given up from my project however, I'll be working on it, and I hope to finish it next week. Good luck, and may the best game win! :=

EDIT: For those interested, click HERE if you want to find out more about the development of my game. ^ ^

Dmitry Stefantsov

Woha! I'm doing it at the last minutes :)

The Ice-Cream Mystery


Download link:
The Ice-Cream Mystery


Ok, I'm a few hours late. :(
Feel free to dump it, if I can't be eligible to join since I uploaded it few hours past the deadline!

Here's my game!


"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Wow, so many great games for this MAGS! You guys rock! And you make it hard to decide...


Quote from: LostTrainDude on Sat 01/02/2014 06:46:45
Ok, I'm a few hours late. :(
Feel free to dump it, if I can't be eligible to join since I uploaded it few hours past the deadline!

Here's my game!


Played it and finished it. Really nice, Dude! Hope it will be eligible! :-D


Excellent start of the new year, all of you!

Well, there goes my spare time this weekend... :P


Congrats on the new releases everyone and thanks for entering!  When I finally have a decent internet connection again, I'll try them all out. :grin:



Five really nice entries this month, thank you everybody - haven't had this big a turn-out in a while. Now it's time to put them to the vote!

The competition has now ended and voting is underway.

(download in a bundle)

Don't Drink the Pink by Hobo
Rex and Sissi in Pink Cult by Robin Gravel (Volcan)
Pink Sky by HanaIndiana
The Ice-Cream Mystery by Dmitry Stefantsov
A-Mused by LostTrainDude

Click on the game title to download.

Be sure to play all the entries before sending your voice! Good luck to all participants.



Quote from: JuaniT on Sat 01/02/2014 17:51:17
Played it and finished it. Really nice, Dude! Hope it will be eligible! :-D

Thanks a lot JuaniT! Glad that you liked it :)

And, also, thanks Atelier for letting me in!
Great games everybody! You make it harder than it already is, to vote (laugh)
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."


Played all the entries and voted already. Congratulations to all of you!


Voted.  2 very strong entries I took a while to choose between, congrats to all for finishing their entries on time though - I know how difficult that is!


Dmitry Stefantsov

I've played through some of the entries (and I will play the other in the near future), and they are really great! Now I see how much in my approach to making adventure games should be improved. Thanks a lot, guys! That's a valuable lesson. I'll try to step forward to creating a really interesting game in the February MAGS.

As for "The Ice-Cream Mystery" I must say that the process of creating it was totally unscheduled, and I ended up having one background and a rewritten scenario thee days prior to the deadline. As a result, there was no time to implement even the rewritten scenario, and the action stops right after the first scene. For those of you who are interested in what should have happened, here is the brief overview:

The main character, Pat, works at the cafe of Mr. Elcric in the town of Durusk. They have a really cold winter in the town, and are expecting no visitors or only those occasional customers that just want to get warmer and drink a cup of hot coffee. At the day the game starts they face a really strange customers behavior.

Despite the cold weather the customers ask for the pink ice-ream in big quantities. Some of them aren't willing to share the reason while others are giving just a pieces of information. When the player finally got the clue, she realizes that the owner of the local ice-cream factory has dropped his golden ring into the pink ice-cream substance, and figured that only after the ice-cream had been distributed to the local stores and coffee shops. So, everyone just wants to find the ring; it is a kind of lottery for the customers.

Finally, after all the ice-cream being eaten, the ring is still missing. This is where the piece of paper on the order board comes in handy. The player receives it at the beginning of the game, when all the hustle about the ice-cream hasn't started yet. The paper says: "I'm very disappointed about your quality of service. My daughter only left her new white Teddy bear for one minute, and got it completely smeary. Then it was pink, not white. I'm feeling terrible about it. We loved your cafe so much." After the talk with Mr. Elcric the player realizes that there was another helping of the ice-cream, hidden in the flowerpot by another waiter, Ms. Sispille. She left it for herself to eat it at lunch (flowerpot was the only safe place, in her opinion). She was distracted and had completely forgotten about the ice-cream. So, it melted and colored the child's toy into the color of pink.

Now, the only place where the ring could be is the flowerpot that was taken to the staff room after the incident with the Teddy bear. Pat and Mr. Elcric find the ring and have a happy ending.

That was the rewritten scenario, and obviously, I had time just to barely touch it :( But now you know why there are guys in cafe ordering three pink ice-creams, and why there is a ring in the ice-cream :)


Played, finished and enjoyed all the games during the weekend.
There were some really nice design choices and a lot of interesting ideas for sure and I hope that everyone's already working on their next game.


I have no plans to work on february mags game. Maybe someday.


Just finished playing all the games. Congratulations everyone!


Sound, results are in:

14 - Don't Drink the Pink by Hobo
3 - A-Mused by LostTrainDude
3 - Pink Sky by HanaIndiana
1- The Ice-Cream Mystery by Dmitry Stefantsov

Cheers all, and congrats Hobo - strong win!!!

Dmitry Stefantsov

Congrats, Hobo! Thank you all guys for the games. It was fun playing them, and I've got the great experience by having the competition with you :)


Congrats Hobo!  Thanks to all who entered our slightly (!) whimsically themed MAGS competition.


"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."



Thx to all competitors and congratz Hobo!
I guess we are all waiting for you next game ;)


well deserved win, Hobes! (I just will NOT call you a hobo, okay?). Fun game indeed.

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