Make Music Aug 7-14

Started by Ghormak, Sat 07/08/2004 16:53:08

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Hooray for victory!

Newbie McNew is making another game, and once again you're the designated musician. He/she is making a serioius spy game set in the near future, and is begging you to write the main theme. It doesn't have to be long, just something that will play in the main menu, something that will really set the mood for an action packed spy thriller filled with intrigue, excitement and explosions!

Hurry up! The game is going to be released on August 15th, which coincidentally means that you have exactly one week to finish the tune!

(Note: This is not real. Except for that part about you having only one week before judgement day. So get to work, and have fun!)
Achtung Franz! The comic


This is just lovely. I will participate, most likely.

I promise I'll be late as usual. ;D


Here is my contribution:

Just a short trailer theme for Newbie McNew's spy game. ;)
Basically, the idea here was to create something modern sounding with hints of those immortal elements of traditional 70s cop show funk. I hope you like it!

(Apparently I won the porn music competition a while back! I'm very sorry I wasn't around to celebrate and start a new compo. I left town for while.)
Diversity is divine!


I was going to enter, but then I saw Oz entered, so I was like, "there go my chances of winning.  Right down the drain..."  Hehe.

Oz, your entry is awesome!  I should burn it and sell it as my own.

OK, so I did enter.  Here we go:

It would go with more of a  thriller-type spy game. 
Don't say anything about that lazy vibraphone in the end.  I don't know why it's like that.


PS:  Turn the speakers up.  It's a little low.
I fail at art.


Quote from: releasethefrogs on Mon 09/08/2004 02:28:21
I was going to enter, but then I saw Oz entered, so I was like, "there go my chances of winning.Ã,  Right down the drain..."Ã,  Hehe.

Oz, your entry is awesome!Ã,  I should burn it and sell it as my own.

OK, so I did enter.Ã,  Here we go:

It would go with more of aÃ,  thriller-type spy game.Ã, 
Don't say anything about that lazy vibraphone in the end.Ã,  I don't know why it's like that.


Thanks! I'm glad you like the tune. I like your approach, as it is quite different from mine, and the result is dark and moody. A certain section in the track reminds me of the Halloween (Michael Meyers) theme. :)

And what about the lazy vibraphone? Doesn't sound lazy to me. ;)
Diversity is divine!

Renal Shutdown

I had a stab at it.  It started ok, but the more I added the less like a spy theme it sounded.
I still kinda like it, tho, even if the bridge does seem to contradict the rest of the song.
"Don't get defensive, since you have nothing with which to defend yourself." - DaveGilbert

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

I'll give it a try..

.xm version (original)

Might want to turn off the winamp eq for this one, folks..It gets pretty loud.

I was going for a modern type assassin/spy theme rather than James Bond type music..If you like it, let me know ;)

Edit:Ã,  I tossed this together pretty fast (about 45 minutes) and I didn't realize that the mp3 encode pops slightly at the 'very' end..I'm not sure why it did that (must have been Goldwave) but I'll leave it as is.Ã,  I think the converted version came out pretty bad, so I've also posted the original unconverted version, which sounds much better (and doesn't pop at the end).Ã,  If you can play .xms, give it a try instead ;>.


Omg! I'm late, as I promised. If I haven't done anything by the time you're itching to do the judging, Ghormak, go ahead without me.


Time... is UP! (sorry Eldkatt!)

Good efforts all, I liked this contest. Even if they were all good, I didn't have to think too long to decide on a winner. Call me biased, but I simply adore the winner because it sounds like somethings that could have come right out of Deus Ex. So the winner is...

ProgZmax!Ã,   (yes, you were right. The mp3 version is inferior to the awesomeness that is XM. Delightfully Deus Ex-ish.)

Now it's your turn to pm Newbie McNew to find out what projects of his still need music!
Achtung Franz! The comic


Diversity is divine!


Horay for proggie.  Come up with some good rules!  :=
I fail at art.

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