Adventure Game Studio

Creative Production => Competitions & Activities => Topic started by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Sun 26/06/2005 19:50:23

Title: Monthly Story Comp - ***WINNER*** LONELY STAR
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Sun 26/06/2005 19:50:23
Well, here is an attempt to bring back a long gone comp (gone since May 2004, and yessiree that IS a long time!)

First I'll establish some general rules which I hope are to everyone's liking. If they're not, PM me - comps are supposed to be fun and fair.

- Participants will write a story not limited by length unless specified by the month's rules;
- It's impossible for a judge to be impartial in this kind of competition where, for instance, great writing can save a meager plot. So the voting will be public, and go on for at least a week after the deadline, when the winner will be announced.
- The deadline itself is, as said before, monthly, but as usual some slack is given. Don't abuse it, though. Five days after the "oficcial" deadline no further entries are allowed and voting begins EDIT: but this tolerance is not mandatory, rather left to the thread-starter's description.
- The competition should last a month. Therefore, this particular one will run until the 26th of July.
- The actual posts must NOT contain the story, but a link to it. The story MUST be hosted somewhere, even if temporarily - I suggest Microtech (, which automatically deletes your file after whatever time you select.
Ã,  - The object of this is to write a story. It can be a short story with 10 lines, it can be a whooper with 20 pages. It can have no characters, or a myriad of them. It can be in first person, or third; present or past of future tense. Your ONLY limitations are the ones the rules state, if any.
- The winner provides the theme and rules for the next comp.
- Participants must specify whether the link they provide is to be simply clicked on or downloaded from. TXT files, for instance, don't display well in Internet Explorer, and should be downloaded for proper vieweing in one's word processor. Nevermind this one, most people favour DOC or RTF files anyway, and it's easy to take a look at the extension and figure it out.

Arright, I hope these sound fair. Now here're the rules for the present comp:


I know that's a broad theme. It's on purpose. Go wherer you want from here. There's only one "sub-rule" this time around:

- Someone must have a dark, terrible secret, which may or may not be exposed.

When I say "dark secret", it can be everything, even "a passion for pomegranates", if your story is done in a comedy/light setting.

All right, that's it. I hope this gathers enough attention to get rolling again! Remember, if it fails, it's not because of the comp, it's beacuse I couldn't really make good rules and themes... in which case I'd like someone to step up here.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp
Post by: Gord10 on Sun 26/06/2005 19:59:20
Nice theme. Guess I will join.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Pelican on Mon 27/06/2005 00:50:47
Sounds interesting. Shame I haven't had a lot of inspiration come my way lately... I hope I can come up with something for this, but don't hold your breath!
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Wed 29/06/2005 08:34:31
Just yesterday was the second day of the audition for the theatre school I'm applying. One of the things I was supposed to do was to improvise something from something in a text they gave. I took the "family dinner" scenario it featured there, took it in another entirely different direction,  and this little bit of story was born. (

I'd like to consider it as an entry - I don't see why the starter of the comp can't enter himself, since he won't make the final decision. Besides, only yesterday did this story enter my head.

This is also an example of what you can do. You'll see this story is just a small episode in the life of these people, and you'll see that only one of those characters actually speaks, the others are just described, and so is their speech. This is because in my improvisation I focused heavily on that character, and wanted to do the same here. It's also an example of the things you can do. Notice the length? Rather short. And the story certainly isn't a Pulitzer winner, but by God it was fun to write. That's what I want to see here. Brilliance is good, but it doesn't matter half as much as having fun while writing your story!

EDIT - Here's a further bit of info - the participant must specify whether people have to download the file or just read it. In this case, downloading is better, because it's a TXT file and doesn't display properly in Internet Explorer. I'll add it to the rules.

EDIT 2 - I really have to start rereading what I write and proofread it. :P Ah well, «tis submitted already.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: hedgefield on Wed 29/06/2005 10:02:07
This sounds cool, I might just write up something...
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: FrogMarch on Wed 29/06/2005 10:04:55
Rui, tht was brilliant. The style was great, and it had a nice twist. I especially like the way it was mainly told from the father's point of view, and had great character studies.

There was one bit that seemed a bit awkward (the use of three parantheses in one sentence), but on the whole it was ace.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: [Cameron] on Thu 30/06/2005 07:51:45
Hmm, as soon as I read the topic for some reason I felt compelled to write this short thing. Dowloading this file would perhaps be the better option.

Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Ginny on Sun 10/07/2005 13:35:10
There it is, after 3 drafts ;)

It's a doc file so you can either save it or read it in the browser, I don't care ;).

edit: found a typo
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Sun 10/07/2005 20:35:55
Not many entries yet, but it's still a full two weeks left - and I really like what entries there are! Ginny, two things I particularly like about your entry are the style (epistolary (sp?) form has always been a favorite of mine) and the way you took the term "betrayal". Not at all an "obvious" or "common" "betrayal". It's very gratifying to see people being so creative with the few pointers they've been given. :)
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Ginny on Mon 11/07/2005 00:10:26
:) I do wonder, I notice in my story there are two places to see the theme of betrayal. I wonder how each person sees it.

One is betrayal by god, and one is a certain betrayal of Michael by Yonatan. Originally I meant the former but either works.

As for the epistolary style (I had to look it up and will now pretend that I knew what it is all the time;)), it just seemed to fit best, but I know you didn't get exactly what kind of letter it is. Another friend of mine didn't either, after reading the hebrew translation. I wonder if I was too vague.

Also, if it interests anyone, Keren means 'ray' in hebrew. The other names have their.. reasons :P.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Gord10 on Mon 11/07/2005 00:15:43
Nice entries, Cameron and Ginny. I'm also working on a story for this competition.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Bluke4x4 on Mon 11/07/2005 02:49:08

Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Mon 11/07/2005 07:18:12
I assume the "doc" extension means it can be either downloaded or viewed, which has to be clarified as stated in the rules. :P Ah well, maybe I'll remove that one rule, as no one bothers to keep it, and most people seem to favor Word anyway.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Sat 23/07/2005 09:06:16
*bump* I just had news that I probably won't be around when the deadline is reached and voting starts. So sorry, cholly. Can anyone please take care of it?
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Nikolas on Sat 23/07/2005 10:12:41
Well here's my entry...

Mind you there are no typos. And as te name suggest it's a bit creepy and, well, sick...

Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Sat 23/07/2005 10:18:53
Heh. Actually there are many typos, but it don't bother me much.

What *does* bother me a bit is that while there is a clear sense of betrayal, I don't see a deep dark secret anywhere...
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Nikolas on Sat 23/07/2005 11:17:27
Quote from: Rui "Brisby" Pires on Sat 23/07/2005 10:18:53
Heh. Actually there are many typos, but it don't bother me much.
The typos are intentional.
Anyway I was trying to give an impression with all the typos...

As for the dark secret, well it's a bit undergorund meaning that the whole story and the identity of the person it talks about is a secret. Think about it. The whole story is about that secret.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Sat 23/07/2005 11:39:55
Well, I'll let it be an entry, but it seems to be a bit of a stretch to have included both the secret and the betrayal in one. The latter is clear, the former not at all. We don't feel like there is a secret there, per se, simply something we don't know about, if you see the difference.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Nikolas on Sat 23/07/2005 11:43:12
Fair enough...
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Ginny on Sat 23/07/2005 15:56:07
nikolasideris, I can't download the file for some reason, I just get a page about RapidShare. Rui sent it to me but I thought you should know. :)

I'll just post again in 3 days to remind you that voting starts the 26th, but I think this competition should just be handled like the puzzle time :).
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Nikolas on Sun 24/07/2005 17:59:18
Quote from: Ginny on Sat 23/07/2005 15:56:07
nikolasideris, I can't download the file for some reason, I just get a page about RapidShare. Rui sent it to me but I thought you should know. :)

If you go to the bottom of the page and press FREE you'll get there (you'll find it at the bottom of the page again. Damn Ads!)
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Gord10 on Mon 25/07/2005 20:43:13
My entry (Warning: Contains sexuality and some bad language).
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - Deadline 26th July
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Tue 26/07/2005 08:21:36
Arright, looks like I'm still here. Might not still be when voting comes around, but oh well.

Right - now entering "tolerance mode". Because I'm a nice fellow you get five more days if you want to submit your entries.

If anyone feels there's just no need, let me know and we'll start the voting process.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - 26th to 31st Tolerance
Post by: Gord10 on Wed 27/07/2005 05:20:41
Guess we should start voting. It doesn't seem like there is someone else working for an entry.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - 26th to 31st Tolerance
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Wed 27/07/2005 08:29:57
Actually, I think that too - I don't want to drag this too long, either. And there HAS been a full month.

Arright, voting begins! Since I put out an entry, I guess I might as well put out a vote, too. My vote goes for LONELY STAR.

EDIT - Ok, so I'm still here, but again I may not be come August 3rd. If I am, no worries. If I ain't, someone handle the post-voting process pleeeeeeze.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - VOTING till 3rd August
Post by: Gord10 on Wed 27/07/2005 09:23:14
Thanks for voting me, Rui :)
And I'm voting for Ginny.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - VOTING till 3rd August
Post by: Ginny on Fri 29/07/2005 11:48:37
I vote for Lonely Star (Gord). Amazing story, and right up my alley theme-wise. :)
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - VOTING till 3rd August
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Wed 03/08/2005 14:30:23
Arright, I'll leave home around 8h30pm and get back around midnight, GMT. So you have until then to cast your vote, if there's anyone who'd like to vote (which I'd encourage, since there were very interesting entries!).

EDIT - Arright, let's see now... let's count... hmm, one, two...

BRONZE MEDAL AND FAILURES: All of us, mere mortals.

Aw, what a shame, mortals! Not to worry, YOU'll get a consolation prize! It'll be coming right around now, It's in YOUR neighbourhood. It knows YOUR name. And it's HUNGRY!

Don't be sad, Ginger - it was a close call, and you'll make it next time! In the meantime, have our consolation silver medal! It's not real silver, of course, but the extra-tasty Nestlé provided inside will make you forget all your worries!

And our lucky winner, Lonely Star - you, sir, get to start the neeeeeext COMP!

Mind you, I'd rather be in Ginger's shoes. I mean, come on - CHOCOLATE!

PS - Gimme a break, it's late, I'm tired, I'm hungry, if I don't make these silly things my life loses meaning.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - ***WINNER*** LONELY STAR
Post by: Gord10 on Thu 04/08/2005 00:24:53
Cool :) The first time I won something in AGS Forums.
Guess I should determine and announce the rules of the next competition starting a new topic, yeah? (I want to be sure for not doing something wrong.)
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - ***WINNER*** LONELY STAR
Post by: Rui 'Trovatore' Pires on Thu 04/08/2005 08:30:47
Aye. And copy/paste the overall comp rules stated in the first post, too, or reword them as you will as long as they remain the same - seeing as everybody agreed on them, we might as well keep them.
Title: Re: Monthly Story Comp - ***WINNER*** LONELY STAR
Post by: Ginny on Thu 04/08/2005 21:34:38
Congrats Gord! I'm gonna see what the new rules are, hopefully this thing will gain more popularity. :)