OROW: One room, one week competition. By the Numbers by AJA Won!

Started by Bulbapuck, Sun 18/07/2010 16:26:50

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Intense Degree

Played & voted.

Vince - Well Well Well
I managed to cut the rope over the well with the knife and then used the rope on the handle of the well to obtain a circumference measurement.  ???


I've used the rope on the second stone and found a third one with some gems in but am stuck again!

Anyone else got any hints?

Vince Twelve

Got my vote in!

Intense Degree:
I think the third stone is just a hint leading you to the white stone on the well.  Unless I'm mistaken, the game is just unfinished here.  Anyways, I felt informed enough to vote!  I'll try it again when they finish it.




Last hour of voting before I close it.

If you haven't gotten your vote in yet, now's the time.


Alright! Voting's closed. Votes have been counted and recounted. And here are the results:

But first, the complete list of games and authors:
A Woman For All Seasons by joelphilippage
Boiler Room Blues by Ishmael
By The Numbers by AJA
Delerium by Buckethead
Disquiet by Dualnames
Don't Worry Baby by Tiki
Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee by Privateer Puddin'
One Room by Wyz
Well, Well, Well. What Have We Here by Cuiki and Ultra Magnus

Best Game:
1st place: By The Numbers by AJA

2nd place: A Woman For All Seasons by joelphilippage
3rd place: Well, Well, Well. What Have We Here by Cuiki and Ultra Magnus

Best Sound:
1st place: By The Numbers by AJA

2nd place: Disquiet by Dualnames
3rd place: tie between:
                A Woman For All Seasons by joelphilippage
                Boiler Room Blues by Ishmael

Best Graphics:
1st place: By The Numbers by AJA

2nd place: A Woman For All Seasons by joelphilippage
3rd place: tie between:
                Well, Well, Well. What Have We Here by Cuiki and Ultra Magnus
                Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee by Privateer Puddin'
                Delerium by Buckethead

Best Writing:
1st place: By The Numbers by AJA

2nd place: A Woman For All Seasons by joelphilippage
3rd place: One Room by Wyz

Best Design:
1st place: By The Numbers by AJA

2nd place: A Woman For All Seasons by joelphilippage
3rd place: tie between:
               Don't Worry Baby by Tiki
               One Room by Wyz

So a clean sweep by AJA! Congratulations! Also congratulations to joelphillipage for scoring high in all categories!

One thing that's nice is that every game is mentioned in the top 3 lists :)

Thanks to all who voted! And another thanks to those who participated! Some awesome games were made here.  Next time, I hope to participate :D See you then.


Congrats to AJA!! (Expected that this game would win, and the Finnish voice acting kind of made it obvious!)

Thanks to everyone for playing my small little game(eventually improved from my last OROW entry), and especially ptpt88 for almost making it for best sound having composed the games soundtrack within 4-5 hours whilst talking on Skype.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Thanks. But next time I really hope there's separated voting section for music... or is it not good idea?
Ask if you want me to compose your game.
One thing that I would like to see happen with films is for music not to be treated as just one more ingredient, but as an integral and fundamental part, due to its fatal capacity to affect the mood of the movie.


I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


While trying to finish my OROW after the deadline, I neglected to vote, soz.
Good job all, I'm sure I will play them eventually. :=
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


Quote from: Dualnames on Sat 31/07/2010 07:03:40
Congrats to AJA!! (Expected that this game would win, and the Finnish voice acting kind of made it obvious!)
Thanks! I'm glad everyone's still alive after listening through that.

This is actually my first OROW entry that I think wasn't quite finished. So, a proper release version will be out soon with some small additions. And it's also looking highly likely that there'll be a short making of video, too. Just a little something that shows how the game progressed through the week. Plus MadReizka's bloopers, yay!

Thanks to everyone for voting! I'm getting tired of winning this thing. :P

And thanks to Bulbapuck for hosting! I hope this is the last time I have to say this: I hope the next one's in less than two years. :)

Now, comments on the games, like I promised earlier. (I wish I'd written these back when I played them.) (Spoiler warning?)

A Woman For All Seasons
Excellent graphics and a brilliant concept! Nice sound effects and music also. I just wish there were more (and more complicated) spells to perform. A couple of them I got on the first go. The story was lovely and well written, and the rat was hilarious. The ending could have been a bit more dramatic and spectacular but you can't get everything in a game made in one week. Sorry, the better a game is the more I need to go on about its very minor shortcomings. :) This was definitely my favorite of the whole bunch! Well done!

Boiler Room Blues
Clearly by Ishmael. :) Loved the graphical style, and explosions are always fun, especially the one in this one. One bug I noticed was that you could turn off the valve without first getting to the other side of the water spray. Great game for a couple of days work!

By the Numbers
This one I had some serious trouble with. Note to self: never try writing something like this again in two days. I tried to hide the clues to the correct address in lots of unnecessary information, which clearly worked based on the comments in this thread. Maybe a bit too well since none of the proposed solutions posted here are correct.

The correct address can be any of the three, it's randomized. There's like four or five clues that SHOULD lead you to the correct answer, a couple of which depend on the randomization. The clues are not quite as clear as I'd hoped, they sort of point you in the right direction but... unfortunately that I can't fix in the proper release for obvious reasons. :-/ But at least there'll be an option to skip directly to the second part of the game if anybody wants to try and figure it out.

Oh, one more thing... This one won best graphics? Really? Yay for the computer doing all the hard work. :)

Nice graphics and moody music! The objects were a bit easy to find since they didn't move in sync with the background. I'm not familiar with the panorama module so I can't really tell who to "blame". :) Nice little game, nevertheless.

Great graphics, sound and music create an excellently haunting and disturbing mood! Definitely one of my favorites. The story worked nicely. Very depressing stuff. Great work!

Don't Worry Baby
LOL. That was seriously the first and only thing on my mind while I played the game. Excellent choice for the title too since it came alphabetically right after the depressing Disquiet. :P It was a really fun game, trying out each of the ways to get the baby killed. Does that make me a bad person? Nah.

Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee
Well, there's not much to say about this one. The graphics looked really spiffy. I hope this one gets finished eventually!

One Room
My brain hurts. A really interesting idea for a game and well executed, too. The last part of the game was a bit confusing, maybe I missed something or it was because of the bug mentioned here. Very nice take on the one room concept in any case! The word puzzle took some time figuring out, even though in retrospective the solution is so obvious.

Well, Well, Well, What Have We Here?
Lovely graphics and interesting puzzles. I'm really looking forward to playing the finished/fixed version. The first time I played this I actually went straight to the well after the first clue and clicked on the white stone - game over. A bit unfortunate but on the next try I knew not to do that yet. :P

Thanks to the participants for making all these lovely and very varied games! I had a lot of fun playing all of them. That's the true reward for taking part in this thing. :=

Wow, that's a lot of smileys. Well, back to writing about 30 pages worth of screenplay formatted crap for our new web series project...


Quote from: AJA on Sat 31/07/2010 20:37:43
Great game for a couple of days work!

Around nine hours, to be exact. I made the whole thing on the closing sunday, ofcource forgetting any sort of beta testings, checklists and whatnot, resulting in a few missing things I would've well had time to implement as well as overlooking a few too obvious glitches people seem to have found now. Consider this a beta ;)
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.


Comments on the games on my behalf, if anyone cares.

A Woman For All Seasons
I saw this on the end of the OROW games, and damn, I had this urge to sprite something up. The story wasn't my cup of tea, and I'm the exception. But this game is really mindblowing in graphics, and the story is really fun and weird, just not my thing, that's all. Congrats joel!

By the Numbers
I was sure with all the dat files, I'd get something rad. And I got it. It's not much of a gameplay really, but overall god darn impressive! The voice acting has a tint of Finnish, and that's how I was quite sure that this was AJA's. This was the best game imho.

I didn't knew this was yours Buckethead :P. I loved the theora plugin use. The puzzles were rather nice and smart, you knew stuff was there somewhere,and  yet it made it a little challenging.

Don't Worry Baby
WTF. Honestly. Great idea and very nicely done Tiki!! The hilarious factor beat every other OROW entry. And the design was very nice, imho it has some replay value, but damn that baby is a bitch (:P)


Well, if anyone cares, I'm just gonna say it to get it out of my system, with my last entry OROW entry being almost last, I decided to just make something better, and I failed to come up with anything cool from June.I was trying to find ideas for the OROW or any game really, but no luck. So I decided to not enter anyways. Returning from a hangover and being extremely happy, I put Pink Floyd's Final Cut and I wrote the game within 2 hours. It's apparent of the connections that they share,if you've seen the Wall at least, or heard any of Final's Cut songs.

I finished the game in 4 days and we wrote the music in 5-6 hours. Surprisingly enough for both me and ptpt88 who did outstanding job, the game fitted the music and viceversa. Some various issues were fixed and there.

Thanks to everyone who liked this game, this is my first Drama game. Any feedback is welcome. Congrats once again to everyone including that newcomer finnish-german called Ich Mael.

It was fun nevertheless.

I couldn't manage to beat all the games, I'm just not good, that's all. Congrats to all entrants, and damn you AJA, we should name the OROW as in One Room One Winner

Congrats to Bulbapuck as well! :D
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Some brief comments:

Boiler Room Blues
Liked it. Nice music. Good opening with the problem presented right in front of you.
Bugs: I could appear to turn the left valve without even passing the first leak. Never used the umbrella.

By the Numbers
AMAZING! Incredible. I must know how you did the vector/face animation.
Some suggestions: I wish that crucial story moments would have been made by the player, such as the moment when you decide that the interogee is a faker. This would have placed more emphasis on the uncertainty of the interrogation, making the player more inquisitive if he or she is really correct about the killer's true identity or not. Maybe?

Interesting concept. Didn't like the ending where one choice is basically just a "you lose, wrong decision, dude!" I also was confused about right-click being the combo-inv click. I liked the atmosphere though.

Depressing, but I like it's setup. I wish there was an opportunity for some positive ending--he can still die, but I just wish there was something more to it than just a void at the end. Also, I like the grain effect -- how'd you achieve it? (Snazzy!)

Don't Worry Baby
Nice idea. I wish there was more to it. I think the funniest moment was when the baby went into the oven and came out, yet the game still told me "Congratulations! The Baby survived!"

One Room
Interesting. Abstract. Feels a bit slow to me, for accomplishing such 'miniscule' type achievements.

Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee
I really liked it from what there was. Please incorporate the synonymous phrase "Drop Box!"

Well, Well, Well, What Have We Here?
That was (unexpectedly) short! But sweet? Wells! (I don't think I finished it correctly)

A Woman For All Seasons
Excellent. I really liked it. Very charming.
Suggestions: A particle effect for something following the wand would have been nice. Just to give the eyes a visual indicator if each spell is, or was successfully completed by making a correct horizontal line or circle. And please make a longer ending!

Thanks for the games, everybody! And congrats AJA, it was well deserved.

Privateer Puddin'

Sorry for Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee being horribly incomplete, starting a new job and OROW in the same week don't go so well together it turns out! I did some stuff on Monday.. and then some stuff on Sunday, but I wanted to take part in OROW, hopefully no one wasted too much time playing it :)


Thanks for the comments!

Quote from: Ishmael on Sat 31/07/2010 20:47:58
Quote from: AJA on Sat 31/07/2010 20:37:43
Great game for a couple of days work!

Around nine hours, to be exact.
Right, I think you mentioned that before. Well, my inability to remember things has never been in question.

Quote from: TheJBurger on Sat 31/07/2010 22:19:25
By the Numbers
AMAZING! Incredible. I must know how you did the vector/face animation.
There's going to be a brief look at the workflow in the making of video that'll explain it a bit. :)

QuoteSome suggestions: I wish that crucial story moments would have been made by the player, such as the moment when you decide that the interogee is a faker. This would have placed more emphasis on the uncertainty of the interrogation, making the player more inquisitive if he or she is really correct about the killer's true identity or not. Maybe?
A very good point, yes. Writing the script was a bitch, especially trying to make it interactive somehow. Clearly I still have lots to learn.


JBurger: Sure, here's the code:

Code: ags

int noisefilter=0;
//I set a transparency of the gNoise gui to 92.
function repeatedly_execute_always() {
if (noisefiltercounter==0) {
gNoise.BackgroundGraphic=17;//sprite number1
if (noisefiltercounter==4) {
gNoise.BackgroundGraphic=18;//sprite number 2
if (noisefiltercounter==8) {
gNoise.BackgroundGraphic=19;//sprite number 3
if (noisefiltercounter==12) {

And here are the files:

I made those in photoshop on a tranparent background using effect noise, monochromatic at 20-28% and then removing the "white".

Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)


Thanks for the comments! Here are mine:

Boiler Room Blues:

Funny little game. It had a few nice effect. The puzzles where good for me because atleast I didn't have a too hard time solving them.

By the numbers:

It thought this was going to be a joke game but I was happenly surprised when I found out it was not. A shame this wasn't much of a game but the voices acting was pleasent to listen too. To me it was very obvious the game was mostly modeled in 3d I could see the polygons in the guys faces. But strange enough it doesn't distract from the atmosphere.


Nice atmosphere and good graphics. A friend who was playing with me commented that it was vage and had bad perspective. But I rather liked it myself.

Don't worry baby:

This game was very boring the first time around as I some how managed to save the baby. Even though the powersocket and cabinet were still open. Lots of laughs were had the baby's dead animations.

One Room:

I had fun solving the puzzles. The animations all went very smooth and it look nice. Can't really comment more on this one.

Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee:

Really liked the graphic style. The textparser was a bit weird as I could only drop boxes by typing "put box" but maybe I just didn't use the right words. Also the game could have ended after it was finished lol.

Well, Well, Well, What Have We Here?:

It was nice while it lasted. Anyway, I'll try the finished version and come back with better comments.

A Woman For All Seasons:

My favorite. Really nice solid graphics and nice gameplay. It indeed would have been nice to see what you where doing when you are swinging your wand but I already thought it was pretty impressive. The story was nice if you ask me but it started a little weird.


Ok a bit of explaining from my side. First off, the idea to use panorama background was a bit too ambitious. I didn't notice untill later that objects offset when rotating. Plus objects have to be constantly checked for position. Also I made things harder for myself by using 3 different backgrounds in one room.

Also I couldn't really come up with a good ending, so yeah it's kind of bad. But both choices result in something good btw, well sort of.

Did anyone manage to get all the achievements btw?


I should have voted, kind of missed it.
Not that the other stuff wasn't nice, but Well (which I also ended by accident on first playthrough ;D ) and especially W4AS/Wizard was just like reading a short story, real nice, probably the only thing was missing was some particle emission when the right mouse button was pressed (as Bucket mentioned) so the player knows what moves he was doing.

Sorry to say, but I didn't really like By the numbers, although it had voice acting and the style of the game and the art was interesting. But I played it 3 times and as far as I got I didn't see the difference and I didn't figure out where the bomb was.
Also the detective was an idiot, I'm sorry but there were things even the kidnapper noticed and actually I found him to be more compassionate and realistic character - the detective was calling victims by numbers while the kidnapper tells him they have names, I think the situation would be almost reversed. Also the cop seems not to be trained in any interrogation skills whatsoever...really found it off putting. Detective reminded me of Stabler (C. Meloni) from Law n order SVU, but if he was acting like that in the series, I can assure you they wouldn't solve any cases.
I know it's hard to make a game in a week, but this characterization just ruined it for me.
I don't want the world, I just want your half

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