Background Blitz - May 1st to May 17th

Started by Rincewind, Mon 03/05/2004 18:40:48

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Gah, I'm torn.. Can't.. choose... maybe I'll just vote for Scuthbert? Heh.
Well, I vote... kaaZ, for the smooth "sepia" atmosphere. I'm a sucker for clouds, too..
I adore the details in darth's bg too :).
Hee, there I was thinking I was making a tie, didn't see Rince's post yet. heh.
Try Not to Breathe - coming sooner or later!

We may have years, we may have hours, but sooner or later, we push up flowers. - Membrillo, Grim Fandango coroner


My vote go's to DM

I liked the BG of KaaZ, but I don't see it as a real background, and DM's one does! Good job!


hehe even the votes, i vote darth

Kazz's is bloody amazing but i feel that darth's is more of a classic adventure game style and as many of us here, i have a fettish for pixels  ;)




I vote Darth, since his one looks more of an background. Kaaz' one is incredible cool, toh.


Okeydokey, the results are here! A rather even race between KaaZ and Darth there, but in the end, the Darth-master got out with the victory!
Congrats to you, and thanks to all of the others who entered! Well done!

Feel free to lock this one and start a new one at will! :)

And just for the protocol:
4 votes for Kaaz, 7 for Darth.


Congrats Darth ! You deserved this one for sure...
Pantomime players are the root of all evil.


Congratulations Darth for making the most effective looking Background, and Kaaz, for a lovely piece of art...  :)
Are you guys ready? Let' s roll!

Darth Mandarb

Awesome!  Thanks guys!

Kaaz, your bg was great!  It inspired me big time!

I'll start a new one ASAP!

~ d

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