Sprite Jam: Film Noir (Open til Oct. 9 (Extended deadline))

Started by Klatuu, Mon 20/09/2021 00:16:48

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It was a hot day in September, too hot. When it's too hot, people commit fewer crimes, which is great for most people, but not me. I'm a detective. The leaves were falling from the trees, and I'd have to find a tree to live in myself if I didn't get a case soon. Then SHE walked in...

...or he, or they, or it, or whatever! Your mission is to create a film-noir character to enter the detective's office with a case to solve. A femme-fatale? A crime boss? A wounded street thug? An angry city official? A lost kitten? You decide! And to make it even more noir, entries should be in Black & White (that is, greyscale.) Don't forget to tell us why they want to hire the detective!

The contest will run until October 9, and then voting will continue until October 16. Happy Sleuthing!

(Edited: Extended deadline)


Here is my Noir Chanteuse, Lily DeForest.:

(Description in spoiler)
A woman in a beautiful dress entered the office slowly, a cigarette between her fingers.  She looked over at the detective.

"I'm Greenstreet.  How can I help you, miss... uh..." started the detective.

"Lily" she says, her voice high and sweet.  "I'm a singer down at the Astor, but you know that.  I've seen you there."  Detective Greenstreet was unfazed.  "I've got this bag here," she continued, "but I need some help."

"Well of course, what seems to be the problem?" he asked.  His gaze dropped to the bag hanging at her side, eyeing the silver lock on the clasp.

"So the bag is locked, honey.  And there's this guy, Lamar Humphries, he has the only key, and, well, uhh...."

"What is it?"  insisted Greenstreet.

"Well, he won't give up the key unless we can find this thing called the Bluest Jay, a priceless sapphire blue jay," she scoffed.

"Oh, well, yeah, I've got one of those right here!" he joked.  "Oh crud, that's quite the task!  Where are we supposed to find something like that?"

"Suppose I did know where to find it," Lily suggested, eyelids fluttering.  "Would you help me get it?"

"Hmm..." thought the detective.  "I guess it depends on 3 things.  What's in that bag, how much are you paying, and where's the Bluest Jay?"


(Larger version in spoiler)

Enjoy!  And good luck to all other competitors!


I love the topic and have an idea. I don't know if I will finish until the deadline so maybe I will have to ask for an extension, but let's see.


Quote from: cat on Thu 30/09/2021 10:13:27
I love the topic and have an idea. I don't know if I will finish until the deadline so maybe I will have to ask for an extension, but let's see.

I hope you find the time, I'd love you see your entry!


"...But before I could take the case, the phone rang. It was my landlady, complaining about the rent again. I told her I was just about to get another job, and just needed a little more time. I had to beg, plead, cajole, coerce, and butter her up slicker than a Christmas turkey, but it worked. She gave me one more week to come up with the dough. I just hoped it would be enough time to crack this case."

Deadline extended by request!
New deadline: Oct 9
New voting deadline: Oct 16


Then SHE walked in...


Fanny Flamingo, femme-fatale and famous actress. I immediately recognized her.
"Are you Cornelius Cat? They told me you are the right one for this job."
"The one and only. How can I help you?"
She nervously turned her neck around, then she looked at me with her big eyes and dark and endless lashes.
"I need you to find something. And I need you to do it discretely."
"Right. What is it?"
"A diamond necklace. It disappeared from the hotel room."
"Did you already contact police?"
"I can't. The thing is, it wasn't exactly MY hotel room."
"Ah, I see."
"I trust in your abilities and confidentiality."
"Confidentiality is my second name. Cornelius Confidentiality Cat."
"If you bring back my necklace, I owe you a debt of gratitude."
"If your gratitude is expressed in Dollar bills, I'm all in."

Just for fun, here is the colored version:


No more entries? This is such a cool topic! If you need inspiration, you can always watch this video by Ali:

(Luckily, Fanny Flamingo has knees, even if they bend in the other direction...)


That video is just perfect!  I kept my entry a bit serious this time, but I love the playful take on the noir flamingo!


Well, now it's time to face the music. Two classy dames, each with their own sob story, but my handkerchief can only dry the tears of one of them. Who will it be?

1.) dactylopus: Lily DeForest


2.) cat: Fanny Flamingo


Cast your votes by October 16 to find out which story will be told in this big city!


I asume just one vote for the favorite?
In that case, I vote for dactylopus' Lily DeForest

I like them both, but dactylopus' entry just feels like the lady stepped right out of a noir movie. I love the details on her bustier and the hair. The shadows feel a bit off, highlighting left and right but not the more prominent parts of her figure that should also be in the light (except for her handbag). But to be honest, I'm really bad with light, so don't take me too serious here. The hand holding the cigarette also feels a bit too long and too far away from her face for her to be actually able to smoke with the movement she makes, but that's nitpicking, so don't listen to me. She looks gorgous otherwise.

As for Cat's Fanny Flamingo - great idea! This lady just can't keep up with all the details in dactylopus' entry. I'm weirdly reminded of children's toys I made for myself at elementary school age: Little animals made from pipe cleaners; And I'm pretty sure I can see stitches on the flamingo's body and face. Is this sprite based on a photo of a children's toy?

Love them both, though.


Quote from: Sinitrena on Wed 13/10/2021 05:57:36
Is this sprite based on a photo of a children's toy?

It's a photo of a puppet I crafted just for this Sprite Jam. Cornelius Cat (the cat in my avatar) is the detective of an AGS game I made some time ago, I thought this would fit.


Quote from: Sinitrena on Wed 13/10/2021 05:57:36
I asume just one vote for the favorite?
In that case, I vote for dactylopus' Lily DeForest

I like them both, but dactylopus' entry just feels like the lady stepped right out of a noir movie. I love the details on her bustier and the hair. The shadows feel a bit off, highlighting left and right but not the more prominent parts of her figure that should also be in the light (except for her handbag). But to be honest, I'm really bad with light, so don't take me too serious here. The hand holding the cigarette also feels a bit too long and too far away from her face for her to be actually able to smoke with the movement she makes, but that's nitpicking, so don't listen to me. She looks gorgous otherwise.

Thank you so much for your comments!  For the lighting, I was trying to go for something a bit more backlit, so the lighting all around was supposed to be rim lighting.  I'll have to work on that some more.  I think a more pronounced shadow on the front would have helped, but I didn't like the way it looked.  I think you're right, the proportions of the hand are probably a bit off.  The animation was a last minute add in, originally it was in the 'out' position, but I liked the idea of an animated sprite and this was 'simple' enough for a quick piece.

As for the positive comments, thank you!  Glad you liked the details on the dress.  I was going for something between a flapper and Hollywood glamour.  And of course I'm happy to hear that she fits the noir theme!

I love cat's Fanny Flamingo entry.  There's just a simple genious in having a technicolor flamingo in black & white.


I'm so sad I missed this sprite jam, the theme was great!

My vote goes to dactylopus's character! I think you nailed the atmosphere!
To me, the hair and dress style feels more reminiscent of the 1920s than the '40s, but maybe she's just retro. ;)
Anyway, all the details you put in the decorations of the dress and flowers are great! I would love to play a game with that graphic style! :cheesy:


Quote from: lorenzo on Sun 17/10/2021 12:11:42
My vote goes to dactylopus's character! I think you nailed the atmosphere!
To me, the hair and dress style feels more reminiscent of the 1920s than the '40s, but maybe she's just retro. ;)
Anyway, all the details you put in the decorations of the dress and flowers are great! I would love to play a game with that graphic style! :cheesy:

Thanks for the vote and kind comments!  Yeah, I was aiming for something a bit out of time between the 20's and 40's, you picked up on it well.  I'd love to make a game with this graphic style!


Unless it is too late, I shall cast in a quick vote for Cat's Fanny Flamingo.

Chiefly for its pleasant silliness, and because it is such an amusing idea. A difficult choice, mind you, the two entires were excellent in their own ways. Well done!


"I was torn. I weighed the decision in my mind, but it was like my thoughts were having a drunken fist fight in a bar, smashed through a window, and tumbled out into the alleyway. But eventually, one of those brawlers emerged victorious, and told me to take the case of Lily DeForest. Let's see if this Blue Jay is as black and white as it seems, or if it will have me seeing red..."

Congrats to dactylopus! A beautiful elegant design, details that really fit the mood and genre, and I love the animation!

And cat, I love the style of your character! The real-life felt craft is a wonderful and unique look!

Both of your stories were incredible, too! Well-written noir tales with a lot of character! (I may have inadvertently added a fortnightly writing competition into this. Sorry about that! :) )

dactylopus, the next contest goes to you!


Congrats, dactylopus, a great entry to this competition! Love the mood and details.

Quote from: dactylopus on Thu 14/10/2021 02:41:13
I love cat's Fanny Flamingo entry.  There's just a simple genious in having a technicolor flamingo in black & white.
I'm glad you picked up on that, I was wondering which animal to choose and I thought having bright pink turn b&w would be most fun.


Quote from: Klatuu on Wed 20/10/2021 00:25:15
Congrats to dactylopus! A beautiful elegant design, details that really fit the mood and genre, and I love the animation!

Wow, thanks everyone!  First AGS competition win!  :-D  I have been working on drawing a lot more lately, and this was a nice opportunity to practice a few things.  I can definitely see room for improvement in the future, but I'm excited about the potential.

Congrats also to cat for producing such a lovely and memorable character in Fanny Flamingo.  I sure hope Cornelius can help her track down that diamond necklace!

So now I post the next Sprite Jam?  Should be fun!  I think I have a theme in mind, I'll post it up soon.  I guess the typical time frame is about 3-4 weeks?

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