Background Blitz - Corner Shop (Winner announced!)

Started by Ilyich, Thu 28/04/2011 18:44:49

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This time, you should draw a Corner Shop (or a convenience store/general store)

Interior or exterior, specialized or general, modern day or not - as long as it's some kind of small, simple, low-key store - it's fine. Also, it must be AGS-compatible. Mock-ups with characters are more than welcome.

The voting starts May 12th, good luck and have fun!


Ooh, nice topic Ilyich! I'd love do some kind of Neo-Voodoo shop or something...Or an Atomic Age Milk Bar... 


Only 4 days left and still no entries in sight. Do you feel the burning shame? No? Well, you should! It's your fault, after all. ;) If you do now - just paint a background and it should go away (unless it's some unrelated secret shame you're feeling). If you still don't - well, you still should. :D

Pinback, really looking forward to your entry! Hope you're still planning to do it!


Haven't participated in ages...

This started out as experimenting with evening sky. I'm not very happy with it, but since I don't have much time for finishing touches at the moment, this is my entry.


gameboy, that's great! Love the retro pseudo-3d vibe! And i think the sky looks cool here.
This background has a very strong and interesting ambience for some reason, I really like it. Well done!


Nice one, gameboy. I like the "Stuff" building. :)
Here's mine, a drugstore interior. Trying out lighting & limited palette.


Wow I love the details, and the colors are great.

Monsieur OUXX

oraxon's drawing is very skilled, but for some reason there is something VERY powerful in gameboy's scene/composition. I prefer his, so far.


oraxon, awesome! That golden palette is splendid and works beautifully. The amount of detail is quite impressive too, great job!

Also, only one day left, if anyone needs a small extension - just ask.


Dammit, between being away, being sick, and losing the pen for my wacom tablet (found it yesterday thankfully), there's no way I'm going to be able to enter into this one either... I had a good idea too...

Oh well, one for the critics lounge at some point I guess...


I would have liked gameboy's better, but he used Pepsi and not Coke. ;D


For what it's worth, this is the idea of what I was going with. I ended up going faster than I thought I would, so managed to get a basic line-art of what I was going for, but isn't really a compete entry. Thought I would add my 2 cents though.

Basically, it is a store which specialises in the selling of corners and corner accessories. If I get a chance to finish it, I will try adding some more detail to the items in stock. Maybe add some text to them even.


Dudes, whoa, awesome entries! Gameboy, rad! And Oraxon, man, that's some juicy eye candy!

I, er, never got past the lineart for mine either:D


Snath3000, Pinback - it's a pity you guys were unable to finish your entries, I like where you were going with this. Well, better luck next time!

And now, it's voting time, people! Even though there are only two complete entries, let's go with the usual categories. And you are still allowed to vote for Pinback and Snath3000.

Idea: Was it an original/creative interpretation of the theme?
Atmosphere:  Was an interesting world created? - Did the scene evoke a feeling?
Design:  How well the individual elements are designed, from clouds to doorknobs.
Composition:  How well the elements are combined to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to the points of interest.
Functionality:  How well it would work as a background, with clearly defined entries and walkable areas, as well as a good viewing angle (this also includes introductionary shots of an area as long as a player character can be present in the scene).
Technique: How well it's rendered (within the chosen style!), in no way meaning the more elaborate the better.

Code: ags

[b]Idea[/b] -
[b]Atmosphere[/b] -
[b]Design[/b] -
[b]Composition[/b] -
[b]Functionality[/b] -
[b]Technique[/b] - 

The voting closes in 2 days, so vote now!


Idea -                 pinback
Atmosphere -    oraxon
Design -             oraxon
Composition -    gameboy
Functionality -   oraxon
Technique -        oraxon


Idea: Pinback
Atmosphere:  Gameboy
Design:  Oraxon
Composition:  Gameboy
Functionality:  Gameboy
Technique: Oraxon


Idea - oraxon
Atmosphere - oraxon
Design - oraxon
Composition - gameboy
Functionality - oraxon
Technique -  oraxon

oraxon, The colors... The lights... It's just so... Augh, so good...

Gameboy, that is one of the best examples I've seen of a low res clouded sunset. And this is coming from someone who spends large amounts of his time just looking through screenshots on abandonware sites.


I guess it's time to wrap it up! But first, my votes:
Idea - Snath3000 - it has a funny twist to it
Atmosphere - gameboy - there is some je ne sais quoi about it
Design - oraxon - it's a very beautifully done entry, with great attention to colours, details, textures, lighting... well, everything, really. Well done!
Composition - oraxon
Functionality - oraxon
Technique - oraxon

And the winner is oraxon! Congratulations on your second win in a row! Take it away!


It's an honor! Tabata, Armageddon, Snath3000, Ilyich, thanks for your votes!
Thanks Armageddon, Ilyich, Pinback, Snath3000, for the kind words!

gameboy, Snath3000, Pinback, I would've voted for all of yours.

Ouxxey_games: I totally agree.

I'll look at past Blitzes and see what everyone likes to paint. Will post the next exciting competition soon!


Just wanted to pop in and give my congrats to oraxon - such a beautiful entry! Really love your style. Well done! And gameboy, I love the whole Flashback/Another World style going on there. Would be great to see more of this too!

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