Sprite Jam: 'Inventory Enchanted' **Winner: Pixelcat**

Started by Ali, Mon 01/08/2005 20:12:30

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This weeks topic: Inventory Enchanted

Magical oddities that you might discover in the dusty corners of a Magic Shop.
I mean a real Magic Shop, so not just incense sticks and books on crystal healing.

Max Size: 100x80
Colours: Unlimited, but try to keep it within the visible spectrum.

Thank you!

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens


and an animated version



[ joke ] If it was animated, I guess it would glow or something, but I didn't touch it. I wouldn't experiment with strange thingies in dark shops now, would I ?Ã,  Ã, :PÃ,  [ / joke ]

What a loser.

ProgZmax> That seriously is a great pieace of art!  ;)

Ali> Personally I hope this competition is judged on creativity as well as talent.

My Entry is a 'Dream Catcher' its a Indian Magical object, it is ment to catch all your bad dreams at night and when you wake up the bad dream will be distroyed. I hope this is creative enough certainly something unsually and un common that youd find in your average adventure game magic shop.

I hope this is worthy enough to prove competition.


Monkey Paw!


Dragon Egg


Rui 'Trovatore' Pires

I move that the monkey paw is renamed to "Paw of Glory"!

...what? I couldn't resist.
Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.

Kneel. Now.

Never throw chicken at a Leprechaun.


Quote from: =The=Brat= on Tue 02/08/2005 06:05:13
Dragon Egg

That's a very nicely intricate piece of work you've got there.  Unfortunately, I felt the need to call you on a technicality.  The drawing is over twice too large to be entered, doing the reverse and down-sizing means that it should be judged only on the 100x80 thumnail which isn't nearly as crisp as the larger original.


How about a voodoo doll? :P

Size: 100 x 80
Colors: 28+transparency

PS. This is my first ever Sprite Jam entry.


Here's my contribution to developing common welfare... A jar of lizard eyes! And not those original ones you find in the supermarkets, these float in some kind of jelly, which makes them one of the most wanted magical ingredients!!! Ah, MS Paint, what would I be without you?

As well, this was my first entry... Hmmm, somehow I've managed to blur my pick with grey colour on the side. Hopefully no-one notices


I like meat.


Quote from: kec on Thu 04/08/2005 18:57:18
a stone with a carved pictogram

That, my friend, is called a pentagram, as far as I know...
I used to make games but then I took an IRC in the knee.

<Calin> Ishmael looks awesome all the time
\( Ö)/ ¬(Ö ) | Ja minähän en keskellä kirkasta päivää lähden minnekään juoksentelemaan ilman housuja.

big brother

Here's my contribution. An actual witch doctor's severed head. It can be ground to a powder and used in the creation of potions. Do not ask me how I know this.

60x80, 5 colors (2x zoom)

I'm still waiting for someone to enter a bubbler or some other "functional" (albeit magical) glassware.
Mom's Robot Oil. Made with 10% more love than the next leading brand.
("Mom" and "love" are registered trademarks of Mom-Corp.)




The candle and a magic cube. Grayscale: 25 colors palette.

a.k.a. johnnyspade


When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child... eventually.



As much as I enjoyed this thread looking popular, the Satanism discussion was beginning to overshadow the drawing of tiny pictures, which is what this is all about. I hope the newly pruned thread will yeild even more lovely lovely entries.


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