Tune Contest 7 Oct - 15 Oct - Monster Lullaby - WINNER ANNOUNCED

Started by Nikolas, Fri 07/10/2005 10:56:33

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No worries Guy . You god a couple of days (and it is a weekend). I hope this is enough.

If anybody has something and needs more time, tell me...

Paper Carnival

Here it is... Not sure if that's what you would call as a monster lullaby:


Small update:


I guess I'm out of schedule, but here's a silly lullaby I did. I'm no musician, so it's more of a experiment I did using only my voice. It has 15 secs.
It's here!
Trying to make my first AGS game.


Just to make things clear.

You have another day and a half. Now, here in London, it is 11:00 in the monring of Saturday. That gives you another 37 hours... Plenty of time.


Guy: Loved the sound of your guitar

Stefano: Although not a musician, you do have a very weird taste (and I'm saying this as good, not bad). Very cool!

All three of you. You're weird... (hehe)


I won't be able to enter this time either...

But just for the record: composing porn music is fine art. ;)
Diversity is divine!


Quote from: Nikolas on Sat 15/10/2005 10:52:48
Stefano: Although not a musician, you do have a very weird taste (and I'm saying this as good, not bad). Very cool!

Thanks! I think...  ;D
Trying to make my first AGS game.


Ok. I want to be fair. If anyone wants to take part you still have 4 hours, otherwise in 4 hours I'll announce the winner!


Here we are:

The most lullaby like track of the three was Stefanos' work.
But I won't judge on that, since I let dkhs' entry I also let Guybrush.


All three were completly original and completly weird.

dkh: Great piece of work. Not a lullaby but deifnately a worthy piece of music. There's nothing bad I can comment on here.

Guybrush Peepwood: Great guitar playing! And the bass gives a creapy air to the piece. Very well thought. The only thing I would change would be in the mix. I would lower the guitar volume, just a little bit.

Stefano: Amazing. The idea of using only your voice? Great! Of the three this one has the most lullabyish (?!) qualities. I'm not sure if you were controlling the rhythm and the tone, or you "lost" it a little, but it doesn't make any difference how you did it. It was weird and exactly what this competition was about.

I never thought it would be so difficult to judge but here goes:

The winner is dkh!

Paper Carnival

Ahhhh you suck! :P

Btw, what did you think of the drums?

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